Colored coded tracking bar added to Watchlists [edited] (1 Merged Vote)

Those watch lists should have color coding tracking bar man starts green, and yellow in the middle maybe and red when you reach or exceed the goal.
@TGP Great suggestion!
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Thanks, I hope that can be done/implemented
Good luck guys, amazing product!
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My suggestion is to use a color with a non-negative connotation, such as blue to begin and then it transitions to green around the target. It should be noted that being over a watchlist target isn't a bad thing, if the target is "Charitable Donations" for instance. Also, everyone's threshold would be relative, which is why I like a "target zone" where the color only symbolizes that you're near the target.
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New to the app and it's amazing so far. It had a little bit of a learning curve though.
When exploring what the Watchlist could do for me, I was hoping that I would see how close I am to my targets more visually. The dollar amounts require me to read and do math. In addition to the dollar amounts, it would be great if the border and/or the blue shade of each watchlist would turn yellow as I pass a certain percentantage of my target spending, and then turn red if I exceed it. If I do a bad job managing my money I want it to let me know!
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@johnsexton Great idea!
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Watch list is useless as it is! SHOCKING that it was poorly done. App is worse than online. The way it is you have to slow down and look at the numbers and see for yourself if you are over or under. It should have some color system where you can easily spot which ones are over budget or close to. Should also have a +/-. Really poorly done and it is a deal breaker for me. Wanted something our young adult children could use to easily watch their spending by category.
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For watchlists, where you set a target limit for spending that month, it would be nice if you could just visually look at the page showing all watchlists and see the status by their color — for example, GREEN = Under budget YELLOW = "X" % of budget target (signaling that your'e getting close to going over budget) and RED = Over your target. The notifications are nice, but when I look at one, I'd like to look at them all w/o having to look at the details of each. Much easier to just get a visual color representation.
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The THIS MONTH amount or field should be of a different color (let's say: red) when exceeding the MONTHLY AVERAGE amount.
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The Watchlists are great, but require a lot of processing. If I have (let's say) six Watchlists I'd like to see them sorted like this: First two where my projected spending is over the monthly average/target, are listed first and in red. Two which are say over 80% of monthly target are next in yellow, and the ones below 80% come last and are normal or green. You could do this by just having a prominent button next to the name or in the middle that has the red-yellow-green color and a simple percentage on it. 88% would be, projected spending is 88% of the rolling 12 month average or my defined target for the watchlist.