Spending Plan not matching between mobile and web (mobile is wrong) [edited]

ArnieG Member
edited June 3 in Troubleshooting

anyone else having an issue where their available income is calculating wrong? For the past few days all of a sudden the Income minus bills/subs/savings goals shows an available income $676 higher than it should be for every month beginning in January (which is when I began using this)

That is oddly the exact amount of my mortgage. But i have looked through every transaction and they all look correct and why would that keep rolling forward thru every month anyway? Plus, it didn’t use to be wrong till recently. Did something change or did i somehow click some hidden setting?



  • ArnieG
    ArnieG Member
    edited April 29

    I have a transaction that is showing up all of a sudden as other expense last month

    It is in a planned spending category and successfully linked and yet it also shows up as other expense

    I have unlinked, relinked. Changed categories and changed back multiple times. But no dice. No matter what i do it shows in BOTH the spending category and as other expense.

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @ArnieG,

    Thank you for reaching out. Have you tried checking if the amounts located in the 'Income after bills & saving' section of the Spending Plan are correct? If they are not, you can open that drop-down menu, and see specifically what may be contributing to the additional income. Let us know!


    Coach Jon

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @ArnieG,

    Thanks for reaching out! Could you help us clarify your situation and let us know what specific category you are using that is showing up in Other Spending?


    Coach Jon

  • ArnieG
    ArnieG Member

    Yes. It was Registration under auto. but it seems to have fixed itself since yesterday. Odd

  • ArnieG
    ArnieG Member

    Yes. I meticulously checked and rechecked all of the items in that section. It wasn't that there were missing items, it was that the calculation that Quicken was doing was simply off by $676. But like my other problem, it seems to have mysterious fixed itself since yesterday. Very weird and frustrating.

  • ArnieG
    ArnieG Member
    edited April 29

    I have to amend my statement above. Nothing has changed in mobile. It is still showing wrong amounts for available income based on a wrong + Income subtracting from a Fixed expenses & savings goals, to produce an errant total in Income available.

    For example, here is my January

    6,243.22 income. 3,320.01 fixed expenses = $3,599.45 available income.

    Huh? that fails third grade math.

    Again, it shows up totally different on my laptop in Google browser.

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @ArnieG,

    Thanks for the reply. I am glad the issue resolved itself!


    Coach Jon

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @ArnieG,

    Thanks for the response. This may be a syncing issue for mobile. I would try uninstalling and reinstalling the mobile application and see if that works!

    -Coach Jon

  • ArnieG
    ArnieG Member

    Nice thought. Tried that. Same results. I generally understand what synching issues are. Something doesn't update or show up.

    But this is wrong calculations spread across multiple months going back four months (when nothing has changed in the previous months)

    But I get it. You don't know. Ok. thanks. I just thought someone might be experiencing the same thing and have a reasonable suggestion.

    I guess I'll continue using your software till the end of the year and have to think long and hard about continuing or finding a less glitchy program. Can't believe I'm finding myself wishing Mint were still around.

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin
    edited April 30

    Hello @ArnieG,

    This is definitely a strange issue. Is the web application still showing as correct? Is it just the mobile application right now that is incorrect?

    -Coach Jon

  • RoRo
    RoRo Member ✭✭

    Hi there, since a few days ago I also see that my available spending (the final left over number) on the mobile app is different to that in the web UI.

    It seems the mobile app says I have an additional $618.16 to spend! Sadly I'm 99% sure the lower figure in the web app is correct.

    I have a car payment of $618.16, so somewhere this transaction is getting lost in limbo between the Web UI and Mobile. FYI it shows up in my bills in both versions of the app.



  • System
    System Administrator admin
    edited April 30

    This discussion was created from comments split from:

    Available income wrong.

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @RoRo, thanks for posting to the Community regarding this issue!

    Since it sounds like the incorrect amount is on the Mobile App specifically, I'd suggest performing an uninstall/reinstall to see if that clears things up for you. If the issue persists, please provide some additional screenshots of the entire Spending Plan so we can do some math and try to identify the discrepancy.

    We look forward to your reply!

    -Coach Natalie

  • RoRo
    RoRo Member ✭✭

    Hi Coach Natalie, I can confirm that just now uninstalling/reinstalling didn't clear the discrepancy.

    I'll message you some screenshots quickly.

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @RoRo, thank you for providing the requested information!

    It looks like your 'Income after bills' total is being calculated wrong on the Mobile App. When I add all of the numbers for that section together, the total for that section should be $3,883.29 like the Web App shows, instead of $4,501.45. Since the difference is $618.16, and you stated you have a loan payment in that amount, can you expand the Bills section on both Mobile and Web, locate that transaction, and make sure it's properly linked to the Reminder? Please fully compare the Bills section between both Apps to see if there are any differences.

    Let me know what you find!

    -Coach Natalie

  • RoRo
    RoRo Member ✭✭
    edited May 1

    Hi Coach Natalie… on doing as you suggest, both the Web app and the Mobile app seem in order and match each other. The car payment is fully linked to the transaction in both apps too. And the numbers for totals also match in both apps (and are correct).

    That said, I do remember that transaction behaving mysteriously around the time payment was made when I was using the mobile app. It disappeared momentarily and, if i remember correctly, showed up as a transfer which i had to reset to a car payment.

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @RoRo, thanks for taking a look!

    By "totals also match in both apps", do you mean the transaction itself, or did the Spending Plan issue clear up? If the former, is the transaction pending in Quicken Simplifi or anything along those lines? Also, is the issue only presented in the month of April on the Mobile App, or do you also see an issue with May?

    -Coach Natalie

  • RoRo
    RoRo Member ✭✭

    After turning to May 1, April still has a final 'available' number in the Spending Plan landing page on Mobile that doesn't match the Web app final number - the issue remains. The difference is still $618.16 despite values changing with some new transactions / closing out the month.

    For 'totals also match in both apps' I was only referring to the transactions themselves within the 'bills' section of 'income after bills and savings' tab, as well as the total of these bill transactions that is displayed in that section.

    But in fact, all the numbers inside the 'Income after bills & spending' tab (on web) / on 'Income after Bills' page (on mobile) match - ie. inside transfers, income - they all match between the app… —- Except —- somehow the mobile app adds an extra $618.16 to the number shown for 'Income Available' in the 'Income after Bills' page for no apparent reason.

    I have 1 pending transaction left from April 30, but its a grocery bill of $2.59, doesn't seem to be part of the issue. Searched for the car payment and all seems in order too now.

    Good news is that for May there is parity! Both are in sync.

  • Matt Y
    Matt Y Member ✭✭
    edited May 1

    The spending plan in iOS mobile app has gone awry. Everything looks good in the web app. Before you blame user (me) - they should just match!

    1. Many transactions duplicated between one-time planned spending items and other spending. They belong in one-time.
    2. Few transactions missing from other spending. They might have been associated with a deleted one-time planned spending item.

    This is the first month that I’ve used one-time planned spending items and it’s not good! I’ve already logged out and reinstalled the mobile app. No change.


    At least it’s better than a spreadsheet.

  • ArnieG
    ArnieG Member

    yes i have this problem too. They told me it was w syncing issue but its over several months and keeps changing

    So far May is fine but April now has issues

  • ArnieG
    ArnieG Member
    edited May 1

    yes. it is just on mobile. see the more recent thread posted today by Matt Y. labeled mobile and web app spending plan out of sync. so it's not just me apparently

    May so far is fine, but now I see the April has thrown some of my tansactions into both spending plan area and other expense, which is another problem I note on another thread. something is up with the mobile app spending plan mechanics.

  • ArnieG
    ArnieG Member

    A postnote. i thought the issue had fixed, but I realize it is fine on web app, not on the mobile app. In fact, since i posted this, more weirdness has happened in april with the same thing. transactions being listed in both a spending category and as other expense.

    There is a more recent thread by a Matt Y. noting the same thing. So at least for some of us, their is glitches happening with the spending plan in the mobile app.

  • RoRo
    RoRo Member ✭✭
    edited May 1

    I recall when the car payment went missing I did add a 'one time bill' item to replace it. And i see someone else seems to have a similar issue to this that also did a 'one time spending plan item'.

    [removed link to merged thread]

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello everyone!

    We have located a ticket for this ongoing issue. A fix is expected with the 5.4.1 Mobile Release. After you update to that version, please let us know if the issue persists at that time.

    Thank You,

    Coach Jon

    Ticket: SIMPL-20798

  • ArnieG
    ArnieG Member

    Thanks Coach Jon. Glad you guys are taking this seriously. We aren't making it up. RoRo's situation is identical to mine, except for instead of the car payment on RoRo's, it is a mortgage payment in mine. I will wait for the fix release.

  • Matt Y
    Matt Y Member ✭✭

    Y’all are lucky compared to me. I meticulously counted and totaled 19 April (so far) transactions in the two states that I described.

    Coach Jon - does that ticket relate to one-time spending plan issues?

    When is the release expected?

    I probably can’t use the mobile app until it’s fixed. 😵


    At least it’s better than a spreadsheet.

  • Missy
    Missy Member

    You're not alone! I I have this same problem: A large discrepancy between "available" Spending Plan on desktop/web vs. mobile app for every month going back to the beginning of my time using Simplifi (January 2022). It's not off by a consistent amount – sometimes it's several hundred dollars, and in one month's case there's a ~$7,000 difference. Sometimes the income figures are different on desktop/web vs. mobile, sometimes other spending is different; only planned spending seems to match on both platforms. Very bizarre. It started a week or two ago, I believe.

    I chatted with someone over the weekend and they opened a case for this. Glad to see above that it's a known issue and will be fixed. Hopefully soon. Meanwhile the mobile app isn't usable.

  • RoRo
    RoRo Member ✭✭

    Hi Coaches,

    Thanks for making a ticket for this.

    And I know i said yesterday that my issue was only effecting April, but now its May 2nd and some transaction have are come in the issue returned. So Web - correct - gives a left over number of $25.41 but mobile - incorrect - now says $725.41 is available to spend. Weirdly this in no longer a $618.16 difference like April, its now $700 even.

    Not to sound dramatic, but yeah looking forward to this fixed! It does make the mobile app difficult to interpret.

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello everyone!

    Our 5.4.1 Mobile release is out now. Please update to that version and let us know if the hot fix works for you!


    Coach Jon

  • RoRo
    RoRo Member ✭✭

    Looks like it fixed mine! Thank you!

This discussion has been closed.