Previous Month Spending Plan Not Updating

onlyme Member
edited May 2024 in Troubleshooting

It's May 2, and I tried to go back and balance the budget for April. However, it looks like April data just… stopped updating? It says I have significantly more money left over than I should (I actually over spent).

I traced the issue to the savings goals in my spend plan. I was tinkering last night and hid one of my savings goals, which then updated my "available to spend" number. But, when I went back to unhide that savings goal it just hasn't updated the total Savings Goal value. It's like it isn't registering that I unhid that goal again.


  • bvanzile1
    bvanzile1 Member

    Not sure if this helps or not but I had trouble with my spending plan not updating and used the refresh button on the sidebar and that worked for me. My issue was with marked expenses though, not savings goals

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