Mobile Releases 5.4.0 & 5.4.1

Coach Natalie
Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

Hey everyone!

Here are the issues and features we were able to tackle with the 5.4.0 & 5.4.1 Mobile Releases, released April 25th and May 2nd:

  • FIXED: The Spending Plan is not updated to reflect newly created Savings Goals in certain conditions.
  • FIXED: When only one Reminder card is present in a Watchlist, the page jumps when clicking on it.
  • FIXED: User is redirected to the Dashboard after creating a Savings Goal from the Spending Plan.
  • FIXED: Custom Categories that have a space before or after the name are not visible in the Other Spending bubbles.
  • FIXED: Duplicate Recurring Series created in certain conditions.
  • FIXED: The search function is not working when linking to a Refund.
  • FIXED: MFA codes sent via SMS are no longer auto-filling on the keyboard.
  • FIXED: Push Notifications are not deep linking unless the app is open in the background.
  • FIXED: Incorrect totals are being displayed in the Spending Plan.
  • FIXED: Minor fixes for Planned Spending Rollover.
  • FIXED: Various errors and crashes.
  • UPDATED: The Custom Frequency design for Recurring Transactions.
  • UPDATED: Institution Credentials Form - Auto Suggest Username/Password when available in keychain.

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Thank you!

-Coach Natalie

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