Categories Rules Apply to Past Transactions is broken (edited)

staz Member
edited July 26 in Report a Bug

Steps to reproduce:

  1. I find an uncategorized transaction
  2. add a rule
  3. there is a checkbox that says "found 3 more transactions with this title etc…" I keep it selected
  4. Create Rule
  5. Apply

The other transactions that I said I wanted this rule to apply to are still Uncategorized

  • I refreshed The page
  • tried again
  • every time I end up doing them all manually one by one

I also saw a pop-up saying rule created and I see the rule and still I find the same things uncategorized, I even checked if the Titles are slightly different and they are not.

It also says there is chat support I can't find it. thanks tell your UX team


  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin
    edited June 5

    Hello @staz,

    Thanks for reaching out! This is currently a known issue we are seeing. You can follow the alert here for updates going forward!


    Coach Jon

  • StefanoG
    StefanoG Member

    This has been ongoing since March - I can't imagine a team of developers not being able to solve such a simple issue like this. This makes using Simplifi terrible for new users that need to categorize all the past transactions correctly. Any updates on this? Is there a Senior or more experienced person looking into this?

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @StefanoG,

    Thanks for the reply. We will post any updates we receive from our team as we receive them to that alert I posted prior. I can definitely understand your frustration, and we do appreciate your patience!

    -Coach Jon

This discussion has been closed.