Sort Upcoming Transactions in Mobile App

RSKadish Member ✭✭✭✭
edited December 2021 in Feature Requests

In the IOS mobile app, the full upcoming / recurring transactions are sorted alphanumerically, rather than by date. This isn't useful if you want to see what's coming up. If both sort options were available, it would be a big improvement.

11 votes

Completed · Last Updated


  • Coach Paco
    Coach Paco Moderator admin

    @RSKadish I have submitted this suggestion. I agree that we should have it sorted by dates due or give you the option to change how it's sorted!

  • TommyMac
    TommyMac Member ✭✭✭✭

    I agree, please.. "Upcoming" bills should mean "whats next" otherwise it's not very helpful.

  • Coach Tappan
    Coach Tappan Retired Coach ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2020

    We're pleased to report that the default display for the upcoming/recurring transactions shown above the transaction lists is now in date order, left to right.

This discussion has been closed.