Robinhood Gold Credit Card

When I connect my Robinhood account, all expected accounts show (IRA, brokerage), however the Robinhood Gold credit card is not shown. Requesting support for this.

[added URL]

14 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Trevor88
    Trevor88 Member

    i second this

  • i third

  • i fourth

  • And the Robinhood credit card used to show up and syncing data for a few month, until mid/late June 2024, it stopped working

  • Tekton09
    Tekton09 Member

    Yep, really want this added as well!

  • Harshj
    Harshj Member

    +1 for the request

  • Another +1 for this request

  • 24x38mt
    24x38mt Member

    +1 here

  • jgjjr4
    jgjjr4 Member

    Please get this added asap. It is crucial for my continued usage of Simplifi. As others have stated, I can see all other Robinhood accounts but not the Gold Card which is what I need to add to Simplifi. Thank you so much!

  • JamieK
    JamieK Member

    Another vote for RH Gold CC - ASAP!!

  • vchan
    vchan Member

    +1 for the request. This is likely to be the daily use card and that would make this the one card that I would want to monitor and analyze the most.

  • jgjjr4
    jgjjr4 Member

    Please inform us if this is not going to be implemented in a timely way so that we can make the decision to go with one of the budgeting apps that has integration. I have been loving Simplifi but this functionality matters enough to switch to Copilot or another good one that works with the Robinhood Gold Card.

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm obviously not a Quicken Simplifi Employee, but I would use whatever software does what you need best now based on the features it has now. As of right now, there are 11 votes for this FI, Simplifi is $3-4/month, let's say $4 x 11 users = $44/month. Yes, that's incentive, but where i live that's barely enough to pay one developer minimum wage for 2 hours/month. I think this is why Simplifi used to (and may still) give the banks a service fee (not cheap) to be supported, so they pay for development of the interface to that FI. Not All FI's agree to this.


    Rob Wilkens

  • jdeslip
    jdeslip Member

    +1 from me!

  • I also need this to continue using Simplifi. Please get this added!

  • vchan
    vchan Member

    @Coach Natalie Is the support request for Robinhood Credit card being considered for near-term?

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    Hey everyone, thanks for showing your interest in this request! We don't have any news to provide at this time, but will post back here with updates when they occur, so please be sure to continue following along.


    -Coach Natalie

  • +1 on this being necessary for me to resubscribe.

  • jgjjr4
    jgjjr4 Member

    @Coach Natalie You cannot tell us if this is in development? I have been told multiple things from Simplifi support, so would like to know if it's at least planned or not, and if at all possible a very approximate timeline.

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    With financial institutions, QS usually passes the request off to a third party (ex. *intuit or plaid) and may not know much until it is available. They don't tend to do these connections in house. It's a separate kind of expertise/focus from the main app.

    Rob Wilkens