Has anyone gotten Laurel Road, Etrade or Public to work?

CericRushmore Member

I've tried these over the past few weeks, can't get any of them to work. They are available as options, but here is what I get:

https://www.laurelroad.com Care Code: FDP-108

https://us.etrade.com/home Care Code: FDP-107

https://public.com Care Code: FDP-105



  • Coach Kristina
    Coach Kristina Moderator admin

    Hello @CericRushmore,

    The FDP-108 error typically means that some form of user action is required on the financial institution website. To troubleshoot this, please login to the financial institution website to see if there are any prompts. If you aren't seeing anything, please try using an alternate browser or incognito mode when you login to the financial institution website. Are you typically prompted for multi-factor authentication through the financial institution website? If so, are you seeing those prompts in Quicken Simplifi also when you try to connect?

    The FDP-107 error typically means that you're selecting an incorrect connection option. What kind of E*Trade account are you trying to connect? If it's an investment account, you may want to try using the E*Trade Investments option.

    FDP-105 errors are typically caused by a temporary issue, such as the financial institution blocking connections during maintenance. I can see that you attempted to connect today and on the 30th of June, and got the error both times. Please try waiting about 48 hours from your most recent attempt, then try connecting again.

    Please let me know how it goes!

    -Coach Kristina

  • CericRushmore
    CericRushmore Member
    edited July 8

    Etrade, was able to get it to connect by selectin the Etrade Investments choice. Thanks!

    Public, did try again, same error. Will try again tomorrow.

    Laural Road, when I login, I am asked for MFA and a code is sent. However, when I try with Quicken Simplifi, there is no box to enter the code and I just get the FDP-108 error.

    Did everything in an incognito browser.

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @CericRushmore,

    Thanks for the reply! I'm glad that you were able to get Etrade connected! For Laurel Road, can you provide a screenshot showing the lack of an input field for the MFA code in Quicken Simplifi?


    Coach Jon

  • CericRushmore
    CericRushmore Member

    Here it is for Laurel Road:

    For Public, same error as before.

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @CericRushmore,

    Thank you for the information! I would suggest creating new posts for both Public and Laurel Road. This would allow us to look at each issue individually without the issues getting jumbled.


    Coach Jon

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