How can I select multiple transactions and apply the same category / tag to all of them?

Zen Brodie
Zen Brodie Member
edited August 14 in Categories and Tags

How can I select multiple transactions and apply the same tag to all of them?

For example, all of the transactions on a particular credit card account between some certain dates are all from a "Vacation" how can I quickly and easily tag them as such?

Example #2: Say I have one credit card with the majority of its transactions being in the same category. I can filter on this account to get just those transactions, but how do I select groups of those transactions to easily set them to the same category.


Best Answer

  • DannyB
    DannyB Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    @Zen Brodie

    Try this for example 1

    • Go to Reports
    • Select "Spending" tab
    • "Breakdown" select "None"
    • "Date Range" select the date range you want
    • "Filter" select "Account" and then select the account you want and click "Apply"
    • In the list of "Transaction Activity" click on the empty box at the top of the transaction list to the left of "Account"
    • Click on the "Pencil" (edit) icon located above "Amount" upper right side of transaction window.
    • Select what you want to edit, i.e. Category or Tags and then select the appropriate item.

    For example #2 try the same steps but after clicking the select all box you will need to go through the list and deselect the te no-conforming transactions.

    You can work through the above steps pretty quickly once you get the rhythm.

    Simplifi user since 01/22
    Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer


  • N4KHQ
    N4KHQ Member ✭✭✭✭

    You can also edit multiple transactions at once (bulk edit):

    1. Hover over and place a checkmark in the box to the left of each of the transactions you'd like to edit.
    2. Click the pencil icon at the top right of the Transaction Activity.
    3. Select which changes you'd like to apply to the transactions.

    Account at top will select all found but the filter

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