Undo incorrect withdrawal?

Emacken Member ✭✭
edited September 2 in Using Savings Goals

Is there any way to undo a 'withdraw to spend for goal' without just deleting the entire goal and recreating it? (I use 'withdraw for another purpose' to move money around between goals, because there isn't a native way to do that, and accidentally clicked the wrong one.)


Best Answer


  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @Emacken, thanks for posting your inquiry to the Community!

    All you have to do to "undo" a Savings Goal contribution is withdraw from the Goal 'for another purpose' and select the account the funds were contributed from. This will place those funds back into that account and out of the Goal.


    Let us know how this works for you!

    -Coach Natalie

  • Emacken
    Emacken Member ✭✭

    I think you misread: I was attempting to undo an incorrect contribution as you describe, accidentally clicked 'withdraw to spend for goal' instead of 'withdraw for another purpose' and now my goal looks like I spent a big chunk of money that I haven't.

  • Emacken
    Emacken Member ✭✭

    Already voted for the first one, although given that it's been open since 2021 I'm not getting my hopes up, and the second seems to be referring to rules, not goal contributions. Thank you anyway!

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