PayPal - Missing credit card account

Good afternoon,
I have a PayPal account with an attached PayPal Extras Mastercard Credit Card (Issued by Synchrony Bank).
I have tried to connect this account via Simplifi with both PayPal connection options available in Simplifi and they both only give me the option to select the Checking account (PayPal Balance).
@Monizrr, thanks for posting to the Community regarding this issue!
Let's go ahead and look at getting this escalated. To do so, please provide the following additional information:
- Has there been any activity in the account in the last 90 days?
- Has the bank made any recent changes to its website or sign-in process?
- The name of the missing account, as it appears on the bank's website.
- A screenshot of the Accounts Summary page from the bank's website (the page that lists all accounts and balances - feel free to redact any private info) and has a wide enough scope to show the page URL (this must be taken from a web browser and not a mobile browser).
Thanks in advance!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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I am having the same issue, I add the account via "Paypal Credit, Mastercard, Crypto" and Simplifi will connect but fails to add the credit account with no error codes displayed.
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@waydave, I'm sorry to hear that you're also unable to add your PayPal credit card account in Quicken Simplifi!
If you'd like to have your case reviewed, please provide the above-requested information (see here), as well a screenshot of the Add Account screen from Quicken Simplifi showing that the account is not presented as available to add when using the "PayPal Credit, MasterCard and Crypto" option.
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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Hi Natalie,
Thanks for getting back to me.
- Has there been any activity in the account in the last 90 days?
- I use this card almost every day. - Has the bank made any recent changes to its website or sign-in process?
- Not that I am aware of.. I sign in through PayPal, then I click on the Paypal Credit card link on the PayPal main page. It then logs in through the PayPal Extras Mastercard credit card back end as it always has. - The name of the missing account, as it appears on the bank's website.
- On the PayPal main page the name of the account shows PayPal Mastercard… when Clicking to go to the credit card page the name shows as "My PayPal Card - PayPal Extras World Mastercard" Screenshot attached. - A screenshot of the Accounts Summary page from the bank's website (the page that lists all accounts and balances - feel free to redact any private info) and has a wide enough scope to show the page URL (this must be taken from a web browser and not a mobile browser).
1. Paypal Credit card summary page
2. PayPal Main page - could it be possible that my main PayPal account is a PayPal business account in the name of Zip Gear Technology? My Paypal Credit card attached is not a business card but a personal card in my name.
- PayPal homepage whole page grab- PayPal Homepage website screenshot.
Hope that helps a bit.
1 - Has there been any activity in the account in the last 90 days?
Thanks for providing the requested information, @Monizrr!
I have gotten this issue escalated and will be sure to post back as soon as an update is received. 🙂
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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I am also having this issue. It was working fine for several months before, but for the past week I can only download transactions from the Paypal account, not the Paypal mastercard. I have reset the connection, and each time I do, it gives me the option to add the checking account but not the credit card, so the credit card account remains disconnected as shown here:
Here is my info:
- Has there been any activity in the account in the last 90 days?
Yes, lots!
2. Has the bank made any recent changes to its website or sign-in process?
Not that I know of.
3. The name of the missing account, as it appears on the bank's website.
Paypal Cashback World Mastercard
4. A screenshot of the Accounts Summary page from the bank's website (the
page that lists all accounts and balances - feel free to redact any
private info) and has a wide enough scope to show the page URL (this
must be taken from a web browser and not a mobile browser).[removed screenshot for privacy]
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Same issue here, upvoting
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The connection to PayPal Cashback Credit Card is absolutely broken. Please fix the issue.
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@Coach Natalie was there any update regarding this issue? This is extremely frustrating, every time the PayPal sync gets broken (2-3 times a year) this is a huge problem for all of us who uses PayPal Mastercard…
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@Coach Natalie This issue is still persisting for multiple users, perhaps this should be pinned as a "known issue" for the community, since it seems to happen multiple times per year.
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It’s a huge pain…the issue is with Synchrony. YNAB is reporting outages with synchrony branded Mastercard accounts. Wish Quicken would provide status updates. @Coach Natalie
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@Monizrr, thank you for your patience as the escalation was being researched! We heard back from our service provider stating that this is a known issue with PayPal credit card accounts and that they're working on a solution. We may end up getting an Alert up for this, however, I'd like to escalate another case or two just to be sure. In the meantime, all I can suggest is to keep trying to add the account periodically while they work on the known issue.
With that, @BK18, I did go ahead and get your case escalated (thanks for providing the required info!) and will let everyone know when I hear back. If one other person would like to provide the info for an escalation (see here), that would be great!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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@Coach Natalie Thank you!
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also having this issue but will not be posting my details publicly
it's the whole reason i even got a subscription to this app (to manage my paypal card and budget since '4 letter m' went to crap) and apparently that does not work
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I'm also having issues with my PayPal Credit and PayPal Mastercard not showing up as available accounts (even when connecting through the Credit/Crypto version of Paypal)
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@BK18, your escalation also came back as a known issue that they're working on. We have been receiving quite a few reports of this issue, though, so we went ahead and escalated it a different way. I added yours and @Monizrr's info to the new escalation, however, they will also need logs from both of you. Please submit them to us by following these steps and then let me know once done:
- Log into the Quicken Simplifi Web App.
- Select Profile from the left-hand navigation bar.
- With the Profile menu open, hold down the Option key for Mac or the Alt key for Windows, and then click Send Feedback.
- Leave all boxes checked, add a brief description of the issue, and then click Send.
For anyone else seeing this issue (@shuruev, @Pchamb1998, @waydave, @Harwick), please provide the following information so we can add you to the ticket:
- The name of the account as it appears on the bank's website.
- If applicable, the name of the account as it appears in Quicken Simplifi.
Don't forget to submit your logs as well! Thanks, everyone!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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- The name of the account as it appears on the bank's website.
Paypal cashback world mastercard..[removed - privacy]
- If applicable, the name of the account as it appears in Quicken Simplifi.
Paypal Account Checking Acct: •••XXXX0 (not even sure what this is)
Sending logs now. @Coach Natalie
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@Pchamb1998, thanks!
To clarify, have you ever added the PayPal Credit Card account in Quicken Simplifi? If so, you should see it as a separate account from the Checking account that you listed above for item #2. The Credit Card account would show as "disconnected" under Settings > Accounts. Otherwise, if you've never had the account in Quicken Simplifi, or if you deleted it due to this issue, we wouldn't need that info since it doesn't apply.
Also, have you attempted to, or are you currently using the option listed as "Paypal Credit, Mastercard, Crypto" to connect the Credit Card account in Quicken Simplifi?
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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- The name of the account as it appears on the bank's website.
- PayPal Credit
- PayPal Cashback World Mastercard [removed]
- If applicable, the name of the account as it appears in Quicken Simplifi.
- Both accounts were previously in my Simplifi; I deleted them in an attempt to solve the connection issue. Now when I try to re-add them via "PayPal Credit, MasterCard and Crypto" they do not show as available.
- The only account available to add is my PayPal balance, which already has been added to Simplifi via the "PayPal" connection.
[removed screenshot for privacy]
1 - The name of the account as it appears on the bank's website.
@Coach Natalie Logs sent!
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@Coach Natalie It would be a new connection. I am using the PayPal crypto connection
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1. The name of the account as it appears on the bank's website.
PayPal Cashback World Mastercard ••6313
2. If applicable, the name of the account as it appears in Quicken Simplifi.
PayPal Credit, MasterCard and Crypto – "PayPal Mastercard" Credit Card ••••6313
@Coach Natalie also sent logs as requested.
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@shuruev, thanks!
Before I add you to the ticket, I'm unable to locate an account called "PayPal Mastercard" Credit Card ••••6313 from our end. I see one called "PayPal Mastercard" — is this the account? If so, it looks like it's in an 'account not found' state, which is different from the issue we've reported. Have you tried resetting the connection for the account, by chance?
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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@Coach Natalie sorry I am not following. The account name is "PayPal Mastercard". The account type is "PayPal Credit, MasterCard and Crypto".
Attaching a screenshot for clarification:
Btw, I am no longer receiving sync error messages – was the issue finally resolved? 🤞
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It worked for me today. I reset the connection, it gave me the option to add both Paypal account and Paypal mastercard, and missing transactions were downloaded.
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Hey everyone! Is anyone still experiencing an issue adding PayPal accounts in Quicken Simplifi?
@Monizrr @waydave @Pchamb1998 @Harwick
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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This has not been fixed for me yet.
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@Coach Natalie the issue appears to be resolved. I have had a healthy connection for the past 2-3 days. Thanks for helping with this issue.
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Still working for me as well