Splitting Transactions

jordan2819 Member

I am following the steps exactly posted here: https://help.simplifimoney.com/en/articles/3348103-managing-transactions-in-quicken-simplifi#split-a-transaction

But it is not working for me and is actually preventing me from properly splitting a transaction. I have a transaction (reimbursement) of $163.25. I click split transaction, Add 3 rows for a total of 4 transaction rows. I then change category of row 1, enter amount for row 1, and repeat for each row (54, 38, and 16.95) but once I get to the last row, what I would expect to be adjusting based on the previous to output the remaining amount from the total (163.25-54-38-16.95 = 54.30) instead says "+164.20" and if I try to manually change it, it auto adds a 5th row for "+217.60"

As I'm going through trying different things, the total listed in the main transaction info sometimes changes to having a "+" in front of it. If I start over at creating the 4 rows, and intentionally enter +54, the 2nd row updates to +109.25, but entering +38 in the 2nd row, automatically changes the first row to +125.25 instead of updating the 3rd row. The 3rd and 4th rows remain at zero and are not included in the auto updates.

Essentially I simply cannot complete the split transaction with the correct information.


Best Answer

  • ajbopp
    ajbopp Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2023 Answer ✓

    @jordan2819 This is a quirk I've mentioned in the past.

    In my experience, when the extraneous row with the +$$$ shows up, I can just delete that row by clicking on the trash can and everything appears to work out correctly.

    It's an annoyance I wish they would fix, but I have a few other things I'd rather see them put a priority on.

    Here's another post that talks about this.

    Anthony Bopp
    Simplifi User Since July 2022
    Money talks. But all my paycheck ever says is goodbye


  • DeloskyGA

    From my limited experience, this is because you are mixing "Expense" and "Income" categories to your splits. From what I've seen so far, if you are splitting an Income, you have to keep all the categories Income categories. If you are splitting an Expense, you have to keep all the categories Expenses. It's a pain and doesn't work the way you would expect (like just putting a negative sign before the dollar amount for an Expense categorized line item in an otherwise Income transaction).

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