Add a progress bar to Watchlist cards (edited)

It's hard to quickly see how my watch lists are doing versus the target. I know some of this I could get from Planned Spending, but the Planned Spending doesn't add up the Bills and Subscriptions. Also, I'm not sure if the "projected number" is helpful.
The spending plan tiles show a visual bar of current spend relative to planned spend. The watchlist tiles should have the same visual when a target is set. :-)
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The watch list does not have the same progress bar visual.
Planned Spending
I see the value of using a watchlist target for expenses that occur under the bills and subscriptions area for some.
Simplifi User Since Nov 2023
Minter 2014-2023
Questionable Excel before 2014 to present
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Also, given that the projected calculation, stated below, is not helpful to me, I will be in favor of replacing the this month modal with the same display as planned spending.
Projected calculation explanation from help
The Projected amount displayed for Watchlists is calculated by taking the average amount that's been spent per day during the month (including upcoming Reminders), and then Quicken Simplifi uses that average to project forward for the number of days remaining in the month.
Simplifi User Since Nov 2023
Minter 2014-2023
Questionable Excel before 2014 to present
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I would love to see how far off from my target I am in each watchlist tiles in the "this month" section. It would just be "spent so far" minus "target", and ideally it would be red if that number was positive and green if that number was negative. This way I can see how much I have left to spend this month or how much over I am this month in each watchlist.
I don't find the "projected" very useful. You can get rid of that to make way for this if you want.
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There is an idea for a progress bar for a watchlist. The progress bar will let you know if you exceeded the target if implemented.
[removed link to merged thread]
Simplifi User Since Nov 2023
Minter 2014-2023
Questionable Excel before 2014 to present
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I set the watchlist and see the number increase but it's hard at a quick glance to see which watchlist to keep an eye one. It be great to have a gauge or progress bar. I personally like a Car Dial Gauge like visual and having an option for Monthly vs Annual gauge. Example. My Auto Repair watchlist is Annual while my city water bill is monthly. So having an Annual gauge for water doesn't do me much good in February but month-to-month is valuable.
Thank you
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Your request sounds similar to the one below, which has 9 votes. With more votes, the chances for consideration rise.
[removed link to merged thread]
Simplifi User Since Nov 2023
Minter 2014-2023
Questionable Excel before 2014 to present
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It be great to have a progress bar per month by some wishlist items and by year by others items.
I personally like a Car Dial Type gauge/graph
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Thread bump - love this idea, I also find the watchlist tile “busy”, just a simple progress bar would be great. Also an overall watchlist tile would be key, having that same progress bar that encompasses all your watchlist tiles. This would be very similar to how mint was setup for their budgeting total visual, which I was a big fan of.
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OK, I found this an interesting idea. So I voted for it. Thanks.
Quicken Simplifi (Safari & iOS) Since 2021
Quicken Classic (MacOS) Since 20090