Something is up with Wells Fargo pending transactions

ajbopp Member ✭✭✭✭
edited May 2024 in Report a Bug

in my Wells Fargo accounts, I've started getting Pending transactions in Q-Simplifi since transitioning to the new OAuth service, but something doesn't seem quite right. I keep getting multiple entries for the same transaction (a new one appears every day that the transaction is in Pending status).

This happens for both income and expenses. In this case, one of the entries followed my renaming rule, but the other did not, and I don't know why. But both of these lines represent the same transaction that occured on Wednesday the 12th (I had a third transaction yesterday for that date, but I deleted it).

I have been deleting one of the pending transactions so that my Spending Plan totals aren't out of whack. This is such a small number, though, that I'm going to leave it until the transaction is marked as cleared to see what happens to the multiple entries. I expect that will happen tomorrow.

I have also been told that WF actually doesn't intend to communicate Pending transactions to third party apps, but WF doesn't seem to be in any hurry to change current behavor, so I'm wondering if they have changed their stance.

In any case, I'm not sure what can be done to filter out these duplicate entries in the transaction list, but it would be nice if something could be done. It's especially problematic when two or three Social Security deposits start showing up and really throws off what the Spending Plan says my month looks like.

Anthony Bopp
Simplifi User Since July 2022
Money talks. But all my paycheck ever says is goodbye



  • DannyB
    DannyB Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Yep, seen the same behavior. SSA stopped duplicating once it cleared. but before that I had a new entry for SSA each day before it remained pending. Also like you the renaming rule was oddly applied.

    The balance Simplifi is showing is the bank balance including pending transactions at the bank and pending transactions are downloading to Simplifi.

    This morning, however, the SSA transaction is gone all together from my Simplifi WF transactions register and is showing past due in the Spending Plan. Yesterday when it had cleared at the bank I went ahead and deleted what I thought were the duplicates, but must have guessed wrong and deleted the one that counted… or something like that.

    @ajbopp I’m curious to see how your situation turns out with your pending duplicate deletions.

    I have a new pending this morning, going to watch what happens.

    Simplifi user since 01/22
    Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer
  • ajbopp
    ajbopp Member ✭✭✭✭

    @DannyB I wonder if it can be determined which one is the "right guess" by looking at the transaction details. I noticed this morning that both of my coffee shop transactions have the "Mark as Bill or Recurring" link active, but when a transaction is already linked to a recurring bill that link does not appear. In my case, I'm wondering if the third coffee shop transaction (that I deleted) was the "official" one. That would suggest that the first one to be downloaded is the one to keep.

    Anthony Bopp
    Simplifi User Since July 2022
    Money talks. But all my paycheck ever says is goodbye

  • DannyB
    DannyB Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    @ajbopp I'm just going to let everything ride for a few days without making any deletions, like you are doing with the coffee shop to see how it all sorts out.

    Simplifi user since 01/22
    Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer
  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    Hey @ajbopp & @RobWilk, thanks for reporting this!

    Typically with duplicate transactions, we'd recommend just deleting one of the duplicates. But it sounds like something may be going on with the API connection, so I think they'd want to take a closer look. Let's go ahead and keep an eye on those examples you're both watching to see what ends up happening. Please also take a screenshot of the Transaction Detail window for each transaction as it downloads so we can provide documentation. The screenshots would need to show the Date, Payee, Amount, and "Appears on your statement as…" info.

    Since I'm unaware of any additional reports of this issue after migrating to Wells Fargo's API, I'd also suggest obtaining a fresh connection with the bank to see if doing so clears things up at all. These steps will allow you to completely start over with the connection:

    1. Make the account(s) manual by following the steps here.
    2. Go back through the Add Account flow to connect to Wells Fargo and authorize your accounts.
    3. Carefully link the accounts found to your existing Quicken Simplifi accounts by following the steps here.

    As for pending transactions downloading from Wells Fargo, we are waiting for an official answer on this. It may be that pending transactions aren't supposed to download and that's why you're both seeing issues with them. Once we have an official answer, we'll update our support articles and whatnot accordingly. 🙂

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

  • ajbopp
    ajbopp Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2023

    @Coach Natalie That would be @DannyB ;)

    I'll keep an eye on this. I'm guessing I'll have a fresh pending transaction in the morning to contribute the start of the info you requested.

    Anthony Bopp
    Simplifi User Since July 2022
    Money talks. But all my paycheck ever says is goodbye

  • ajbopp
    ajbopp Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2023

    @Coach Natalie

    This morning the coffee shop transaction that did not have the renaming rule applied to it was marked as cleared.

    The cleared transaction details look like this

    The transaction details of the one that did get renamed and categorized correctly and is still pending look like this. Interestingly, this transaction appears to have resulted in some other match than linking to the Spending Plan recurring bill, as the "Mark as bill or recurring" is still there.

    As expected, I have a new Pending transaction for a different purchase this morning that I will keep an eye on over the weekend.

    Anthony Bopp
    Simplifi User Since July 2022
    Money talks. But all my paycheck ever says is goodbye

  • ajbopp
    ajbopp Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2023

    @Coach Natalie The pending transaction I've been watching over the weekend cleared this morning, and here are the results.

    Every day a new, duplicate transaction to Fareway appeared in the transactions list, and all but the first one were not renamed according to my rules. The pending duplicate transactions did affect my Spending Plan Available amount.

    When the transaction finally cleared, the first transaction that had been renamed correctly was marked cleared. All but one of the duplicates went away, but one duplicate is still pending in my transactions list.

    Here are the details for the cleared and pending transactions

    It looks to me like WF is changing the string as it appears on my statement after the transaction has cleared, which may be contributing to Simplifi not being completely aware of what's going on with it.

    Anthony Bopp
    Simplifi User Since July 2022
    Money talks. But all my paycheck ever says is goodbye

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @ajbopp, thanks!

    I can go ahead and get this reported, but our engineering team would like some additional details:

    1. Do you have Early Access enabled?
    2. Are these Recurring Transactions?
    3. Are any of the transactions manually entered or are they all downloaded?
    4. Are any manual changes made to the transactions after they download?
    5. Does the issue occur with every transaction that downloads into the account, or are there specific trends, such as transactions that have a Transaction Rule applied, or are linked to a Recurring Series, etc?
    6. Do you see the issue on the Quicken Simplifi Mobile App as well (if you use it)?
    7. Can you provide more insight as to the issue with the Transaction Rule — is it a Category or a Payee Rule, what is the specific Rule, etc? I'm having a hard time seeing where this isn't being applied.

    Please also submit your logs by using the 'Send Feedback' option:

    1. Log into the Quicken Simplifi Web App.
    2. Select Profile from the left-hand navigation bar.
    3. With the Profile menu open, hold down the Option key for Mac or the Alt key for Windows, and then click Send Feedback
    4. Leave all boxes checked, add a brief description of the issue, and then click Send.

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

  • ajbopp
    ajbopp Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2023

    @Coach Natalie

    1. Yes
    2. Yes
    3. Downloaded
    4. No
    5. Every transaction that downloads to the account is affected
    6. Yes
    7. Itis worth both, though it seems to be inconsistent. For instance, in the post above the Fareway transaction was incorrect with the category, but not the payee. A few posts earlier, a transaction with Brickside showed a problem with the Payee but not the category

    I will upload my logs as soon as I have another pending transaction

    Anthony Bopp
    Simplifi User Since July 2022
    Money talks. But all my paycheck ever says is goodbye

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @ajbopp, thanks!

    When you get that additional pending transaction before submitting your logs, please provide the screenshots and details as you did for Fareway so we can provide a couple of examples. 🙂

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

  • DannyB
    DannyB Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited December 2023

    Hi all, ( @ajbopp @Coach Natalie )


    I continue to see pending transactions downloading from WF.

    I haven't been seeing the duplication problem for this past week.

    Also, I am now seeing the correct matching dates in Simplifi for all my WF transactions.

    Simplifi user since 01/22
    Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer
  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @ajbopp, have you tried resetting the connection or making the accounts manual and then relinking them? Since the behavior has cleared up for Danny and we haven't received any additional reports of this, I'm wondering if we just need a fresh connection for you.

    Reset connection:

    Make accounts manual:

    Reconnect to the bank:

    Carefully link to your existing Quicken Simplifi accounts:

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

  • ajbopp
    ajbopp Member ✭✭✭✭

    Yes, I have done all of those things.

    Anthony Bopp
    Simplifi User Since July 2022
    Money talks. But all my paycheck ever says is goodbye

  • ajbopp
    ajbopp Member ✭✭✭✭

    Got a new instance this morning and sent logs as requested.

    I now have duplicates of Vinton Liquor. The differences in Categories is not a rule thing, as I manually changed the category when the transaction first appeared on the 21st. I've updated this now so that the category will change if it goes another day (or maybe I'll just have to make another purchase there!)

    Heres the details of the first one that appeared on the 21st

    And here's the second one that appeared this morning, the 22nd

    Anthony Bopp
    Simplifi User Since July 2022
    Money talks. But all my paycheck ever says is goodbye

  • Sandee
    Sandee Member ✭✭✭

    I have the same issue, first time. I am going to wait until the transaction has cleared the bank, and see what happens.

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @ajbopp, I got this escalated and will let you know when I hear back. 🙂

    -Coach Natalie


    -Coach Natalie

  • budgetj75
    budgetj75 Member ✭✭✭

    I'm seeing this as well. Getting transactions showing in both pending and cleared state.

    I also have a second problem (maybe split this off somewhere?), which is that some pending transactions remain in Simplifi even though they're no longer pending in Wells Fargo. I've tried resetting, but it did not fix the issue.

  • Max1223
    Max1223 Member ✭✭✭✭

    I’m seeing duplicated transactions as well, at the moment, only Pending deposits. I’ll wait to see what happens when they clear and report back.

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @budgetj75 & @Max1223, thanks for posting on this topic!

    If you're seeing the same issue that's outlined in this thread (duplicate pending transactions from Wells Fargo), we can certainly add you to the ticket, but need the above-requested info to do so:

    1. Do you have Early Access enabled?
    2. Are these Recurring Transactions?
    3. Are any of the transactions manually entered or are they all downloaded?
    4. Are any manual changes made to the transactions after they download?
    5. Does the issue occur with every transaction that downloads into the account, or are there specific trends, such as transactions that have a Transaction Rule applied, or are linked to a Recurring Series, etc?
    6. Do you see the issue on the Quicken Simplifi Mobile App as well (if you use it)?
    7. We also need the name of the account the issue is occurring with, as it appears in Quicken Simplifi.
    8. And we also need a screenshot of the Transaction Detail window for a couple of example transactions the issue is occurring that include the Date, Payee, Amount, and "Appears on your statement as…" info.

    Please also submit your logs by using the 'Send Feedback' option:

    1. Log into the Quicken Simplifi Web App.
    2. Select Profile from the left-hand navigation bar.
    3. With the Profile menu open, hold down the Option key for Mac or the Alt key for Windows, and then click Send Feedback
    4. Leave all boxes checked, add a brief description of the issue, and then click Send.

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

  • budgetj75
    budgetj75 Member ✭✭✭

    Just reporting back that they seem to have resolved themselves. In general, I see duplicated transaction (both pending and cleared), but after a few days the pending resolved itself (it was shows as pending in Simplifi for 5+ days, even though Wells Fargo did not show it as pending).

  • Max1223
    Max1223 Member ✭✭✭✭

    @Coach Natalie My transactions in Wells F are clearing up and dupes are resolving. Like Budgetj75, it's taking 4-5+ days for this to happen. Thanks for your reply and request for more info. I appreciate your willingness to help.

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @ajbopp, is this issue still occurring for you?


    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

  • ajbopp
    ajbopp Member ✭✭✭✭

    @Coach Natalie come to think of it, I haven't seen this in a couple of weeks. I have a transaction right now that would have showed this problem a few weeks ago, but it is fine today.

    Anthony Bopp
    Simplifi User Since July 2022
    Money talks. But all my paycheck ever says is goodbye

  • Sandee
    Sandee Member ✭✭✭

    @Coach Natalie this is still happening to me. But the transactions resolve themselves into one after 3-4 days.

  • DannyB
    DannyB Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    This has been resolved for me.

    Simplifi user since 01/22
    Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer
  • ajbopp
    ajbopp Member ✭✭✭✭

    Well I guess I spoke too soon. This issue just appeared again for me.

    Anthony Bopp
    Simplifi User Since July 2022
    Money talks. But all my paycheck ever says is goodbye

  • ajbopp
    ajbopp Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2024

    Another interesting thing I just noticed. On the dashboard, the Spending Categories card totals the duplicates

    But the Spending Report does not

    The watchlist also totals the duplicates

    Anthony Bopp
    Simplifi User Since July 2022
    Money talks. But all my paycheck ever says is goodbye

  • ajbopp
    ajbopp Member ✭✭✭✭

    This morning I still have those duplicates, but this morning I did not get a third one, at least.

    Anthony Bopp
    Simplifi User Since July 2022
    Money talks. But all my paycheck ever says is goodbye

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @ajbopp, darn it! I went ahead and reopened the ticket and provided your new example; I'll let you know if they request any further info from you or when I receive an update.

    @Sandee, thanks for reaching out! Since it doesn't appear that you were involved in the escalation prior, we can certainly add you to the ticket now after confirming the issue and gathering some data. To clarify, are you seeing the exact same issue that's been outlined in this thread where duplicate pending transactions are downloading from Wells Fargo? If so, here's what we'll need from you:

    1. Do you have Early Access enabled?
    2. Are these Recurring Transactions?
    3. Are any of the transactions manually entered or are they all downloaded?
    4. Are any manual changes made to the transactions after they download?
    5. Does the issue occur with every transaction that downloads into the account, or are there specific trends, such as transactions that have a Transaction Rule applied, or are linked to a Recurring Series, etc?
    6. Do you see the issue on the Quicken Simplifi Mobile App as well (if you use it)?
    7. We also need the name of the account the issue is occurring with, as it appears in Quicken Simplifi.
    8. And we also need a screenshot of the Transaction Detail window for a couple of example transactions the issue is occurring that include the Date, Payee, Amount, and "Appears on your statement as…" info.

    Please also submit your logs by using the 'Send Feedback' option:

    1. Please also submit your logs by using the 'Send Feedback' option:
    2. Log into the Quicken Simplifi Web App.
    3. Select Profile from the left-hand navigation bar.
    4. With the Profile menu open, hold down the Option key for Mac or the Alt key for Windows, and then click Send Feedback
    5. Leave all boxes checked, add a brief description of the issue, and then click Send.

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

  • Sandee
    Sandee Member ✭✭✭
    edited February 2024

    @Coach Natalie here are the answers to your questions:

    Yes, I am still seeing this exact same issue. Sometimes there are 3 or 4 transactions for one pending deposit. I am NOT deleting these. They resolve themselves after 5 or 6 days.

    1. Do you have Early Access enabled? NO
    2. Are these Recurring Transactions? NO
    3. Are any of the transactions manually entered or are they all downloaded? Downloaded from Wells Fargo
    4. Are any manual changes made to the transactions after they download? I have tried both, making changes and not making changes. Seems to not make a difference
    5. Does
      the issue occur with every transaction that downloads into the account,
      or are there specific trends, such as transactions that have a
      Transaction Rule applied, or are linked to a Recurring Series, etc? Not with every transaction. Mostly scheduled deposits, like paycheck and pension deposits. The two that I have the most problems with have transaction rules.
    6. Do you see the issue on the Quicken Simplifi Mobile App as well (if you use it)? I'm not sure, but will check.
    7. We also need the name of the account the issue is occurring with, as it appears in Quicken Simplifi. Wells Fargo Checking
    8. And
      we also need a screenshot of the Transaction Detail window for a couple
      of example transactions the issue is occurring that include the Date,
      Payee, Amount, and "Appears on your statement as…" info. I won't have any examples until later in February, when these deposits are made.

This discussion has been closed.