Empower balances not updating

I noticed at the end of December but thought days of markets not being open was a factor. However I now see that my Empower balance has not moved at all since late December. It appears that updates are not being imported, but there are no errors showing or connection issue alerts in the UI. I just have both a flat balance and rate of return for the past 2 weeks and a different balance showing in Simplifi than when I log into Empower directly. A flat balance is impossible since there was a payroll deposit at the end of the month, so something has to be wrong.
@Wedo778, thanks for reaching out to the Community regarding this issue!
To clarify, is the account in question being tracked as an investment account or a checking or other banking account type in Quicken Simplifi? Have you tried resetting the connection for the bank to see if doing so clears things up for you?
Please let us know how it goes!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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This is an investment account
I hadn't reset it. Just tried that now. It seems to have updated to the current balance, missing the history for the last 2 weeks so its just a flat line between then and today. Fingers crossed that this has corrected it and it continues to update from here out, but with the weekend won't know for sure for a few days.
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I am having the same issue. I have reset the account a few times over the past few weeks. The account does connect without issue and updates to the latest balance, but does not update again. I have waited a week or so each time and I do not see any balance update. Running a manual account reset is the only way I have found to update the account balance. Please advise.
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@Coach Natalie After keeping an eye on it for the last few days, I'm having the same experience as @mglam2304 . Resetting it will get it to pull in the current balance, but then it doesn't continue to update the way all my other accounts do. There has to be some sort of defect here in the updating, but one that doesn't actually throw an error.
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Hey everyone, let's try establishing a fresh connection with the bank by following these steps:
- Make the account(s) manual by following the steps here.
- Once you see the account(s) in the Manual Accounts section under Settings > Accounts, go back through the Add Account flow to reconnect to the bank.
- Carefully link the account(s) found to your existing Quicken Simplifi account(s) by following the steps here.
Let us know if this works!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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@Coach Natalie I've followed the above. As expected, this caused my balance to update to the current balance just like the previous suggestion to reset the account did. I'll have to keep an eye on it for the next few days and see if it continues to update or not and will follow up at the end of the week.
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Following up. 2 days later and my balance has not moved again since I performed your suggested steps. Just like resetting the account, making it manual and then reconnecting to the bank performed a one time balance update and then it went back to not updating anymore. And still no errors or any indication in the app that there are any problems connecting to the bank or anything, even though it isnt performing updates.
and for clarity this is the "Empower Retd. - 401K" option of the half dozen or so Empower bank connection URLs
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I am a Personal Capital customer that Empower bought out in the last year or so making me an Empower customer. Though I am an Empower customer, my actual investment accounts are held at BNY Mellon Pershing (Pershing was purchased by BNY Mellon!) I’m wondering if you have the same set up or if your actual accounts are held by Empower. For me, I actually would connect with Pershing for account activity downloads.
Simplifi user since 01/22
”Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer0 -
Somewhat similar but I dont think it played out the same for me. My employer originally used Mass Mutual, but a couple years ago Empower acquired them. As far as I know and can tell, the investment accounts are held by Empower not elsewhere. I don't have any other kinds of logins to access account activity.
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Got it. I invested through Scottrade for years which was bought out by TD Ameritrade and then TD was bought by Schwab! I thought we had anti-trust laws to prevent this kind of consolidation and the burgeoning monopolies we see more and more of since the 80’s.
Simplifi user since 01/22
”Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer0 -
@Wedo778, thanks for giving that a try and posting back!
Please provide the name of the account(s) the issue is occurring with as it/they appear in Quicken Simplifi so we can take a closer look from our end.
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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The one I have is
Empower Retd. - 401K
I don't have any of the other empower accounts that Simplifi lists to be able to test with
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@Wedo778, thank you!
Did you reset the connection for the account or anything today to get it to update? I'm seeing an update time from today when viewing your connections from our end. Trying to get a handle on what's going on. 🙂
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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I reset it last night to get it to pull in the current balance. But I haven't touched it today (17th).
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@Wedo778, thanks!
I see successful connections for that account and with Empower as of today — have you done anything further to force an update or anything along those lines?
I think what we'll need to do is let the connection lag for a couple of days and then gather the info that's not updated and escalate it. With that, once things become nice and outdated in Quicken Simplifi, please provide the following data:
If the issue pertains to a balance discrepancy:
- The balance for the account in the Accounts List in Quicken Simplifi (this is the list of all accounts and balances on the left side of the Dashboard on the Quicken Simplifi Web App, or the list of all of your accounts when you select "Accounts" from the Quicken Simplifi Mobile App).
- The balance for the account in the Investments Portfolio in Quicken Simplifi (if you have multiple investment accounts, you'll want to filter the page to just this account).
- The balance for the account as displayed on the bank's website.
If the issue also consists of missing Investment Transactions:
- The Date, Payee/Security, and Amount of a few example transactions that are currently missing in Quicken Simplifi.
- A screenshot of the example transactions from the bank's website.
- A screenshot of the corresponding register in Quicken Simplifi showing that the transactions are missing.
If the issue also consists of incorrect holdings data in the Investments Portfolio:
- A screenshot of the holdings for the account in Quicken Simplifi (if you have multiple investment accounts, you'll want to filter the page to just this account).
- A screenshot of the holdings on the bank's website for a comparison.
We look forward to your reply!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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Yes that is the correct account, though I would appreciate it if you could edit your post and remove the name as I would rather not have my employer's name publicly broadcasted. Thanks.
I have not forced any updates since our last message. The balance I see in Simplifi remains the same as that date even though the actual balance when I log into Empower updates daily. There is currently about a $6,000 difference between the two.
"If the issue pertains to a balance discrepancy:
- The balance for the account in the Accounts List in Quicken Simplifi (this is the list of all accounts and balances on the left side of the Dashboard on the Quicken Simplifi Web App, or the list of all of your accounts when you select "Accounts" from the Quicken Simplifi Mobile App).
- The balance for the account in the Investments Portfolio in Quicken Simplifi (if you have multiple investment accounts, you'll want to filter the page to just this account).
- The balance for the account as displayed on the bank's website."
This is where the issue lies. I can take some screenshots over the next few days of both Simplifi (where I expect to continue to see the same balance every day) and Empower where there will be an update each business day and then send them.
What is the best way to privately send this over in a few days, as I would rather not publicly post my account balances?
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I'm having the same issue where my Empower balance is not updating either. Mine was manual to start, since I just imported from Mint, and I connected the accounts successfully a few days ago with no updates to the balances since - does that negate the need for repeating the first step of troubleshooting?
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@Wedo778, great! You can send info via a DM to me here in the Community to keep it private. Otherwise, if you prefer a private support experience in general, you can report this issue and provide the info to Chat Support instead:
@toystoriegirl, thanks for posting on this topic! Yes, I'd suggest following the steps above and then keeping an eye on things to see what happens:
- Make the account(s) manual by following the steps here.
- Once you see the account(s) in the Manual Accounts section under Settings > Accounts, go back through the Add Account flow to reconnect to the bank.
- Carefully link the account(s) found to your existing Quicken Simplifi account(s) by following the steps here.
If the account again stops updating, you'll want to provide the data that was requested above:
If the issue pertains to a balance discrepancy:
- The balance for the account in the Accounts List in Quicken Simplifi (this is the list of all accounts and balances on the left side of the Dashboard on the Quicken Simplifi Web App, or the list of all of your accounts when you select "Accounts" from the Quicken Simplifi Mobile App).
- The balance for the account in the Investments Portfolio in Quicken Simplifi (if you have multiple investment accounts, you'll want to filter the page to just this account).
- The balance for the account as displayed on the bank's website.
If the issue also consists of missing Investment Transactions:
- The Date, Payee/Security, and Amount of a few example transactions that are currently missing in Quicken Simplifi.
- A screenshot of the example transactions from the bank's website.
- A screenshot of the corresponding register in Quicken Simplifi showing that the transactions are missing.
If the issue also consists of incorrect holdings data in the Investments Portfolio:
- A screenshot of the holdings for the account in Quicken Simplifi (if you have multiple investment accounts, you'll want to filter the page to just this account).
- A screenshot of the holdings on the bank's website for a comparison.
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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@Wedo778, thanks for sending over the requested info!
I have gotten this issue escalated for you and will be sure to post back as soon as an update is received.
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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Thanks Natalie. I have not touched the account in Simplifi in the last couple weeks but in case they need to know, I will be refreshing the connection at the end of the month so that my net worth numbers are accurate. It seems like this gets set in stone and doesn't retroactively update after EOM if we get the account refreshing later. After that, if it helps them troubleshoot, I can leave it alone until the end of February.
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Was there any resolution to this thread? I am also having the same issue.
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Nope, still an issue. It does randomly update once or twice a month but other than that its flat unless I reset the connection (which i tend to do after every payday).
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was this ever resolved?
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For me, Simplifi shows no error with Empower, but it is not syncing the March transactions even though it synced the February transactions. It appears inconsistent. I just signed up for Simplifi and I am also testing Monarch, which synced the March transactions just fine. I have not reset the account, but since there are no errors or red exclamation showing that there was a sync error, I can only assume that something else is wrong. Also, I do not want to have to regularly reset the account log in or wonder if all the transactions are being synced.
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I’m having same issue so seems ticket still open. I’ll be keeping tabs here then.
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@Coach Jon I'm not sure if this is "resolved" but I seem to be getting the investment performance updates for about the last week now.
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@Wedo778, thanks for letting us know — that's great!
Since you're the only user we've been able to add to the ticket, and since it sounds like other users are experiencing the same issue recently, go ahead and keep an eye on things to make sure you are in fact good to go before I close out the ticket.
For anyone else actively experiencing this issue with Empower, it would be great to get you added to the ticket. To do so, we need the information that was requested above:
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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Updating again, this feels relatively resolved for me specifically, not sure about the other users who have commented. I still get a random day here and there where it does not update (April 9 for example) but it is generally updating every night now. Which is all I would expect, not hourly or up to the second due to the nature of the account.
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