Add deleted reminders (edited)

Robinthemike Member ✭✭
edited March 2024 in Feature Requests

I mark my credit card payments as recurring transfers in Bill & Payments. I hide these transactions from my spending plans and reports. It's not a perfect system, but it allows me to project my future cash flow when viewing my checking account since this is where all money is deposited and transfers occur. However, I have to manually update each reminder from the checking account view with an estimate of how much money I plan to spend on each credit card transfer. These reminders are listed in a "scroll" left-to-right (horizontal) view which isn't ideal, at least in my opinion. I'm requesting a vertical list view instead of a horizontal scroll view, not necessarily in each account view but in the Bill & Payments section with a filter by account option.

Also, the ability to add deleted reminders would be helpful too.



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