Spending Plan - show totals for paid/spent vs upcoming/left with a progress bar (edited)
Is there any update on this potential feature?
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Would add the current spending view (right had side of screen with bars) of: Income, Bills, Subscriptions and Savings is lacking the key area of Planned Spending. It is on the left of screen showing the total amount budgeted for the month - and then once clicked on can see the detail for each category, but this is the critical budgeting data that should be aggregated and also included on the right as it's own bar with ability to click on the bar to expand below with each category - make sense?
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I like having the spend plan category, but it would be nice if I could have a summary of the actual spend vs the planned spend. I use the envelop method, but I would like to see how much money is remaining across my planned spend categories.
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This feature looks partially complete. In the web app, for planned spending, one can see.
It will be nice to have the same breakdown for the bills and subscriptions.
Simplifi User Since Nov 2023
Minter 2014-2023
Questionable Excel before 2014 to present
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Hi! Thank you so much for recently adding the % spent indicator to the spending plan charts, that's a great help. Something I really miss from Mint is being able to see how far through the month I am over the top of the charts. This better helps me understand if my spending is on track at a glance.
I've added a screenshot of how Mint treated it
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What would be helpful for me is to see my remaining total budgeted balance of the Planned Spending. Overspending in one category of Planned Spending can create an Over Spent condition. But if all other categories are under budget, then in actuality, I have not currently Over Spent. Yes, I will over spend if I spend what was budgeted in every category.
Just wondering, in these situations, do folks go back and lower and/or raise budgets in other categories to correct Over Spent conditions? I typically don't as I just look at all the buckets and see where I can save in a given category. Hence the request to see the overall remaining budget somewhere.
For example
- The $500 is the total of all the budgeted amounts in the cards/categories
- $123.45 is what has actually been spent
- $376.55 is what is Available per the budgeted amount
- While I have overspent in one category, Fitness (which creates the Overspent pie graph), in total, I still have budget remaining so this gives me a big picture view of what's left.
- Then I can choose to make budget (expense) adjustments in a given card(s) or leave everything as is and monitor spending as I go.
I believe the $500 total budget would match the Spending Plan number at the start of the month. As you spend, the Spending Plan number changes, but your budgets don't, unless you edit them.
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One of my favorite features in Mint was being able to see how much of a monthly budget I'd spent compared to how far through the month we are. They had just a simple vertical bar on the budget tracker. So for example, if we're 1/3 through the month, but I've already spent half my budget in a category, I know I should be more careful about that category
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The bars are helpful in each individual category. I was hoping for an overall Planned Spending status to get a big picture view of remaining budget. An example is shown in the prior comment.
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Can we get different options to viewing the spending plan totals. I'm more of a loose budgeter and the bold "X amount left at the end of the month" is less helpful to me as I'd rather get a "Spent X amount out of X amount" as the overview category total
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So far I have enjoyed using the app. I think you guys are doing a great job.
I wanted to give a suggestion that I think would benefit many and make the user experience better.
Would it be possible to add a simplified/minimal list view to Spending Plan and/or Watchlist? This way a user can get a good overview of the different items in a small area that flows top to bottom.
I think Mint and Copilot do this well:0 -
I'd love to see a better recap of my past spending plan Planned Spending section that includes what was released and the original budget, not the updated budget that matches the spend after releasing funds. That doesnt really provide me any real info.
Here is an example of what could be viewed AFTER releasing money. The red text is suggested new information. The $200 is the original budget that I'll use each month.
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I went searching for a thread most similar to a feature I'd like to see and I think this is it.
I want to be able to see what's left to still come out of my Spending Plan in any month. I want a bar or figure showing me how much of my monthly spending plan is still out there to be allocated/used up. I use the Projected Cash Flow religiously. Plainly, I want to be able to look at the end of the month and subtract off what's still yet to be used up from my Spending Plan.
My monthly Spending Plan (categorized monthly expenses, not bills (i.e. gas, groceries, entertainment)) is $2,000 a month. As I use money in categories (e.g. I get gas for $50 and mark down that I've done it), obviously the money left to spend in that category decreases.
Currently, if I want to take my remaining Spending Plan into account when I check my end of month Projected balance I have to manually tally up what is still left in each category. It would be much easier to get a quick snapshot of remaining Spending Plan to spend so that I can deduct it from my Projected end of month balance.
Perhaps there could even be a feature to be able to show remaining spending plan for any month on the Projected Cash flow. I think it could be valuable to get that quick visual. (See what my end-of-month looks like after my bills AND my spending plan money has all been used at the end of the month.)
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It would also be nice to have progress bars for total bills and total subscriptions, too. Basically, if there is a total somewhere, having some way of seeing your progress towards that total would be great.
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I'm surprised there is no total amount spent vs. income in the Spending Plan section. Like others, I may overspend in one catagory and save in another but want to know if I'm staying in my total budget for that month (or more likely how much I've overspent that month). Thank you for the consideration.
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For many many years I have kept a spreadsheet to track monthly bills. This tracking included "total amount", "total amount paid", and "total amount remaining" for each month. I continue to do this tracking, mainly to be able to instantly see the total amount remaining I have to pay each month.
Currently, Simplifi shows the bill total for each month in the spending plan, but does not show a total amount remaining. In other words, a running total of how much is left to pay as bills get paid throughout each month.
If this feature could be added, I would be able to stop duplicating work by using a separate spreadsheet to keep track of these amounts.
Simplifi has become so stable I have essentially quit using Quicken as a backup, and would like to quit using my spreadsheet as well.
Thanks in advance for the consideration.