Ability to See and Edit Savings Goal Contributions and Withdraws [edited] (1 Merged Vote)

Since contributions and withdrawals are not "transactions" we are not able to edit if we would like to make an adjustment. It would be great if in the goal (or transactions screen) we can see historical moves (contributions and withdrawals) and edit them if necessary.
I would really appreciate a register of when and how much was contributed to my goals. Would help me track if I've contributed this month for goals that don't have a set amount per month/the amount I give is above that.0
Absolutely agree with @JTerbeek
I understand - and really appreciate - that individual transactions don't show as individual transactions in the register like they do in Quicken Desktop. In Quicken Desktop having to deal with all of those fake register lines was TEDIOUS and TIME-CONSUMING!!!!
With that said, it would be helpful from the standpoint of troubleshooting to be able to see a log of contributions/withdrawals when viewing/editing the Savings Goal...not the account register...the actual Savings Goal. For a use case, I'm going back and catching up over 6 months of past transactions (contributions & withdrawals) in Simplifi and I'm getting seriously lost knowing how much money should actually be in each Savings Goal.
I see this and hope Simplifi goes one step further to add withdrawals. Maybe simply a toggle selector ("Withdrawals (Spending)" / "Contributions") that lets you switch between two lists.
Spreadsheet user since forever.
Quicken Desktop user since 2014.
Quicken Simplifi user since 2021.1 -
I agree, and would love to see the ability to link spending to a savings goal. Perhaps I'm looking to use the savings goal incorrectly (in which case, someone please redirect me), but I was hoping to set up annual savings goals (aka, house repairs, car repairs, etc) so that the money is set aside in case it's needed. Then, when it is needed, the ability to link a transaction to the goal to show where the money went would be fantastic.0
Hello @Kara,
Thanks for the feedback!
It looks like you may be looking for something more along the lines of this: https://community.simplifimoney.com/discussion/1357/link-from-transaction-to-take-from-savings-goal#latest
If so, please be sure to add your vote and feedback!
-Coach Natalie-Coach Natalie
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@Coach Natalie, you are correct, thanks for drawing my attention to that! However, I do also think the ability to see the history of contributions and withdrawals is necessary, so I'll leave my vote.1
We are able to see what the current balance is on our goals. I would like to see when and how much I contributed and withdrew from my goals.
I understand that there is way to set aside the money from the spending plan but that does not work for me. I consider my goal as my savings and hence would not like it counted into my monthly budget.[Merged Post]
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A transaction register of contributions and withdrawals from Savings Goals has been mentioned several times before, but I am up voting for this one also because it is something that is severely lacking with the whole goals functionality. You need to be able to go back and see the history of goals. Please and thank you!
[Merged Post]
Quicken since 1995. Simplifi since 2023.
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Hello. The request already exists and it has about 20 votes. Check it out. With more votes, the chances of consideration rise.
[Merged Post]
Simplifi User Since Nov 2023
Minter 2014-2023
Questionable Excel before 2014 to present
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Hi, I ran into this issue the other day. I normally contribute to all our savings goals for the month at the very beginning of the month. However, we over spent this month, and I wanted to undo one of our savings goal contributions in the spending plan so we weren't so negative. However, once you contribute to a savings goal in the spending plan there is no way to undo that action, or modify the contribution.
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Hello @onlyme,
Thank you for coming to the Community to share your feedback! Since there is already an existing request for the functionality you're asking for, I merged your request with the existing request. To track the status of this request, I recommend bookmarking this discussion, since any updates, once available, will be posted to this discussion.
Thank you!
-Coach Kristina
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hey, would love to see if we could add a feature that shows all withdrawals and additions to a savings goal. This would be helpful when reconciling transactions at the end of the month to make sure goals reflect the true amount.