Bank Balance (default) Setting Not Functioning

I have several checking accounts with different banks. One of them with Chase Bank will not stick to Bank Balance (default) in the settings menu and stays stuck in Bank Balance with Pending although the app says the setting has been updated and will take effect on the next session refresh. Not refreshing after 3-4 days.
Hello @Charles Collins,
Thanks for reaching out! That is definitely strange behavior. I would check to see if it allows you to change the setting in another browser/incognito mode to narrow down if this is a browser or extension issue.
Let us know!
-Coach Jon
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This is one of those just checking off the troubleshooting list of things to check.
Are you using the universal Balance setting found in the 3 dot menu at the top of the Accounts list or are you using the Balance setting for individual account listing under Settings > Accounts > [desired bank account] > 3 dot menu > Edit Account > Balance type to set the balance type.
Simplifi user since 01/22
”Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer0 -
I was told over a year or two ago that they hard coded the Chase setting because they "know" the right setting for that bank. These settings are really for banks where they don't know the right setting.
If they address the Chase Alert so balance no longer includes pending,they may have to update the hard coding.
Rob Wilkens0 -
Here - See this topic:
Pay attention to "With this change, it won't matter what's selected for the 'balance with pending' option, as we will now always use the bank balance."
Rob Wilkens0 -
I also spent hours if not days fighting with this setting to see if it would help with the balance issue.
I think that this needs to be communicated clearly on the screen where you change that setting for a Chase account. Have the dropdown grayed out and a sentence that explains that you cannot change this setting for Chase accounts. (Optionally say why or give a link to the help doc.)
Don't rely on people coming to read an obscure help doc for something like this, it just frustrates them.
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Sounds like not even @Coach Jon knew about this, but i think he wasn't in the forum back when that was posted.
It was done as part of troubleshooting issues with Chase which, as you can see, date back to at least 2022. I am hopeful that Chase may have (or might in the near future) correct(ed) this problem.
Rob Wilkens0 -
Right! This is not the kind of thing that Simplifi should rely on someone finding out in the forum about.
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Well, this is maybe how the checking account works, but my Chase Amazon Visa works as expected. It uses the balance without the pending and deducts the pending. Maybe I am confused, but the only issue I've had with Chase was double counting recently cleared transactions for a few hours. I can use the bank balance or the balance with pending with no trouble.
But I get confused with these accounts. I don't know why Chase would do banking accounts differently from credit cards.
Quicken Simplifi (Safari & iOS) Since 2021
Quicken Classic (MacOS) Since 20090 -
The checking account (this weekend) seems to be working as expected too, I think. I've had two refreshes since my last transaction that affected the 'balance with pending', and Simplifi seemed to keep the right balance across both refreshes. This has been a problem with my Chase Checking account since at least 2022, but might possibly be fixed now. I'm waiting on official word to confirm that.
I also have a Chase Amazon Visa but I have had it for less than a month now, so my experience is limited to when the double counting pending bug existed. I don't think it exists anymore.
Rob Wilkens0 -
I'll know this week about Chase Amazon Visa as I used it this weekend to buy some presents. I use it rarely. I am cautiously optimistic that we are going to get this fixed for Christmas.
Quicken Simplifi (Safari & iOS) Since 2021
Quicken Classic (MacOS) Since 20091 -
To Simplifi Support - Sticking to the Chase checking account . . . this does not work correctly but this is a recent problem. It has worked before. I reset the Chase checking account. Now in the Account settings it shows bank balance (default) is sticking. But . . . the actual bank balance is not correct. I'll have to see what tomorrow brings :( What a pain . . .
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Hello @Charles Collins,
Thanks for following up and letting us know. I am glad that the setting is now working correctly for you. If the balance issue is still affecting you when you check tomorrow, be sure to let us know! You might try with a fresh connection. You can make the accounts manual and then use the Add Account flow to get a completely fresh connection. If the connection is successful, you'll then want to link the accounts to your existing Quicken Simplifi accounts.
Thank you,
-Coach Jon
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No . . . the setting sticks but the bank balance is upside down. What is a positive bank balance displays as a negative in Simplifi. If I switch to balance with pending Simplfi ignores the pending transactions in the ledger and reports the previous balance whereas the Chase bank balance includes pending as funds available. I have RESET the account multiple times.
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Hello @Charles Collins,
Thanks for the update. It sounds like you are being affected by this known issue with Chase:
We are working to resolve it as soon as possible, and in the meantime, I suggest following the alert for further updates going forward.
Thank you for your patience,
Coach Jon
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it’s really taking a long time for this issue to be resolved.
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This morning there was an app update which I did before I signed in. On this session the Chase checking account balance started out as $0 (that was weird) then updated to the correct balance. Of course I don't know if this was the result of the code fix you're working on. Will have to see what tomorrow brings.
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This morning the Chase Checking bank balance (default) in Simplifi displayed a balance $1,000 more or less higher than the actual balance on the Chase website.
When selecting Balance with Pending in Simplifi, it displayed the Chase ACTUAL balance which Chase displays as the balance BEFORE deducting PENDING charges. When deducting PENDING charges, Chase presents that amount as the Available balance.
This is the balance Simplifi should also display when one selects Balance with Pending.
Sorry to say this is still upside and unreliable.
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Dec 30th - Problem unresolved