T. Rowe Price Retirement - FDP-176 error

System Administrator admin

This discussion was created from comments split from: T Rowe Price Retirement FDP-105 error.



  • TexAgDMZ257
    TexAgDMZ257 Member
    edited January 9

    It appears this issue started 3 days ago for me. This is now an FDP-176 error.

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @TexAgDMZ257,

    Thanks for reaching out! I can see that you are receiving an FDP-176 error and a FDP-185 error as well. To help clarify the situation, is Quicken Simplifi asking you to complete MFA? and if so can you provide the following information:

    • Are you receiving the code?
    • What method are you using (SMS, call, etc.)?
    • Have you tried changing how you receive your MFA code?
    • Are you adding or updating an account in Quicken Simplifi?

    Let us know!

    @mconjura, As for the problem you stated has returned, I was unable to see any recent activity for you on our side in Quicken Simplifi. What error are you receiving? The FDP-105 error for T. Rowe Price is still ongoing per the alert.

    -Coach Jon

  • TexAgDMZ257
    TexAgDMZ257 Member

    @Coach Jon

    When I log-on/open up Simplifi, I get the MFA request to connect and have the code sent to my phone (SMS). I receive the code and enter it and then it "appears" to authenticate but then ends with the FDP-176 code.

    I have not changed how I receive my MFA, because I use the same method to access the TROWE App and website.

    I also have had this account linked for over a year and am not adding any new accounts.

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @TexAgDMZ257,

    Thanks for the reply! I would try with a fresh connection to see if this works for you. You can make the accounts manual and then use the Add Account flow to get a completely fresh connection. If the connection is successful, you'll then want to link the accounts to your existing Quicken Simplifi accounts. 

    Let us know if that works for you!

    -Coach Jon

  • MarioCT
    MarioCT Member
    edited January 10

    @ Coach Jon - thank you for replying. The message that I received this evening. I was able to connect for a few days, then nothing _ mconjura

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @MarioCT,

    Thanks for the reply! I would try the same steps I gave above to see if they work for you as well. Please let us know!

    -Coach Jon

  • TexAgDMZ257
    TexAgDMZ257 Member

    @Coach Jon

    I followed the instructions you provided and it did not work. Starting fresh with T Rowe still provided the FDP-176 error. Now that account is just stuck being manual…

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @TexAgDMZ257,

    Thanks for confirming! In order to escalate this issue, could you please provide the following information to assist us?

    • The name of the account, as it appears in Quicken Simplifi.
    • The name of the account, as it appears on the bank's website.
    • What type of account are you attempting to connect?
    • Has there been any changes made to the bank's website or the sign-in process recently?
    • Has there been any activity in the account in the last 90 days?
    • What is the exact URL you see after signing into the bank’s website?
    • A screenshot of the Accounts Summary page from the bank's website that lists all accounts and balances (feel free to redact any personal info) and has a wide enough scope to show the page URL (this must be taken from a web browser and not a mobile browser).

    -Coach Jon

  • kamone33
    kamone33 Member

    @Coach Jon

    My account is getting the same FDP-176 error. Here is a recap of the issues over the past few months.

    • My T. Rowe Price account stopped updating around November 4, 2024 and was reporting a FDP-105 error.
    • The error cleared and the account started updating again around December 22, 2024.
    • It stopped updating again around January 6, 2025 and it is now reporting a FDP-176 error.

    Here are the answers to your questions above regarding MFA:

    • To help clarify the situation, is Quicken Simplifi asking you to complete MFA? and if so can you provide the following information:
      Are you receiving the code?
      • Yes, I am receiving the MFA code.
    • What method are you using (SMS, call, etc.)?
      • I have tried the SMS and Authenticator App methods (see picture below).
    • Have you tried changing how you receive your MFA code?
      • I have enabled SMS only at T. Rowe Price's website. When updating the account, I receive the SMS and enter the code but it still results in the FDP-176 error.
      • I have enabled Authenticator App only. When updating the account, I am able to enter the authenticator code but it still results in the FDP-176 error.
      • I have disabled MFA completely. When updating the account, Simplify doesn't prompt for MFA but it still results in the FDP-176 error.
    • Are you adding or updating an account in Quicken Simplifi?
      • I am updating my existing account.

    Here are the answers to your other questions.

    • The name of the account, as it appears in Quicken Simplifi.
      • I will include this in a support request if you need further details. If this is not a system wide problem and you need me to submit a support request, let me know.
    • The name of the account, as it appears on the bank's website.
      • I will include this in a support request if you need further details.
    • What type of account are you attempting to connect?
      • 401K (Workplace Retirement)
    • Has there been any changes made to the bank's website or the sign-in process recently?
      • I have not noticed any changes to the T. Rowe Price website or my sign-in process.
    • Has there been any activity in the account in the last 90 days?
      • Yes. There is activity on the account weekly.
    • What is the exact URL you see after signing into the bank’s website?
      • https://www.troweprice.com/usis/login/?pdurl=/clx-tk/token-exchange/redirect/default%3fsdurl=https://www.troweprice.com/rps/rws/account/participant/home/overview.otc
    • A screenshot of the Accounts Summary page from the bank's website that lists all accounts and balances (feel free to redact any personal info) and has a wide enough scope to show the page URL (this must be taken from a web browser and not a mobile browser).
      • I will include this in a support request if you need further details.

  • TexAgDMZ257
    TexAgDMZ257 Member

    @Coach Jon

    • <firm name> Retirement Plan - 401k
    • <firm name> Retirement Plan
    • 401(k) Retirement Plan
    • No
    • There are semi-monthly payroll contributions, capital gains on the investments (misc. receipt) and expense allocations, but it shows as a gross contribution/expense (i.e., not broken out by individual investments within the account)
    • https://www.troweprice.com/workplace/en/participant/home.html

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @TexAgDMZ257 and @kamone33,

    Thank you for the requested information! We will still need the screenshot of the Accounts Summary page from the bank's website that lists all accounts and balances. Remember that it does need to include and show the page URL in the screenshot. (this must be taken from a web browser and not a mobile browser).

    -Coach Jon

  • srings
    srings Member

    Ditto all these problems with T. Rowe Price error FDP-176. It started earlier this week around 1/6/2025. I've had other errors with this account and Quicken Simplifi. Very frustrating. We are paying too much money to have consistent error and connection issues.

  • TexAgDMZ257
    TexAgDMZ257 Member

    @Coach Jon Is there any update on this matter?

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @TexAgDMZ257,

    I replied previously, requesting a screenshot of the Account Summary page that shows the page URL. We will need this in order to escalate the issue. Are you able to provide this?

    Thank you,

    Coach Jon

  • Hi Jon, I'm jumping in here as I am having similar issues. I'm on a Mac so it's difficult to share the URL at the same time. But here is the URL: 'https://www.troweprice.com/workplace/en/participant/home.html#Savings.Accounts

    Any help here would be greatly appreciated, this issue has been going on for months.

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @kwpask,

    Thanks for reaching out! We will need the screenshot to include the URL. With Mac, you should be able to include the URL within your screenshot. Since you are also reporting this issue for the first time, we will need to gather more information from you specifically in order to escalate as well.

    First I would see if a fresh connection would help here for you. You can make the accounts manual and then use the Add Account flow to get a completely fresh connection. If the connection is successful, you'll then want to link the accounts to your existing Quicken Simplifi accounts.

    If that does not work, please supply the following information I requested above:


    Coach Jon

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello everyone!

    We are aware of this known issue and it has been escalated internally. We have an alert set up in the community for you to follow for status updates. We will be sure to post there going forward for this issue!

    Thank you for your patience!

    -Coach Jon

  • kwpask
    kwpask Member
    edited January 17

    What you provided did not solve my issue. I tried the steps outline by you several times in this thread, thus why I am trying to jump in a respond here as it's been a persistent issue for months. I even completely deleted the account to try and reconnect and that still didn't work and now I don't even have my balances as of a few months ago when the issue started.

    As a side note, I'm sure most people are not thrilled to be asked to share their confidential data by taking screenshots of their financial institution's account page to get your service, which we pay for, to work. But here I am googling how to change advanced settings in safari to try and show my URL for you on a screen shot and redacting data.

  • Coach Jon
    Coach Jon Moderator admin

    Hello @kwpask,

    Thanks for the reply. Per my previous post above, we no longer need more information as it has been escalated internally. We will be sure to post further status updates here as we work on a resolution.

    -Coach Jon

  • honestly , for months I am having multiple errors to connect with my t Rowe retirement account. Not only me but multiple people having multiple issues in reg to the same t Rowe retirement connections. It has been like an error bingo… 176, 105, 106…. Quicken is quickly becoming unreliable as my financial tracker. Will allow until the end of month otherwise I will ask for my money back for technical issues that makes the whole system useless. Do better please. Trusting on you… thank you.

  • CamasD90
    CamasD90 Member

    agree, it's a code error playground and the errors are winning. Have been getting the code 176 last several weeks after finally getting it working again.

  • lwyman
    lwyman Member ✭✭

    What's particularly frustrating about this, is that the connection didn't work for months - and it was a known issue and supposedly being worked to correct. All of a sudden, the link worked! A miracle! And about three days later the new 176 error code cropped up and the link went dark again. But how good can I feel that Simplifi is going to find a solution to this? Not very, given the track record.

    This has happened to so many of my investment accounds - Amex, Merrill Lynch, Vanguard, TRowe (I'll concede that they are all pretty small investment houses) - that I've stopped submitting requests for fixes.