Thrift Savings Plan will not connect (long time issue) - FDP-102 (edited)

I am unable to connect my account, the error that continues to occur is:
We are unable to connect to Thrift Savings Plan at this time. Please try again later.
Care Code: FDP-102
Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated.
Hello @User123484u,
Thanks for reaching out! Generally, an FDP-102 error indicates our connection with the bank is being throttled by the bank, limiting the amount of successful connection attempts. Users will still be able to access their bank’s website directly and, typically, this error resolves itself after 24-48 hours.
To clarify your situation, can you let us know if you are updating an existing account in Quicken Simplifi or, trying to add a new account? If you are updating your account I would try with a fresh connection. You can make the accounts manual and then use the Add Account flow to get a completely fresh connection. If the connection is successful, you'll then want to link the accounts to your existing Quicken Simplifi accounts. Let us know how that goes!
-Coach Jon
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Thank you, I have tried to do both with the same result. I will continue to try it.
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Hello @User123484u,
Thanks for the reply! To clarify, were you updating an existing account or adding a new account? And did you try the steps I gave above in regard to a fresh connection if you are trying to update an account? Be sure to let us know!
-Coach Jon
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I have tried to update an existing account, deleted it and tried to add a new account, and then tried to refresh the connection. This has been over the last 3 months or so. All the same result.
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Hello @User123484u,
Thanks for the clarification. Did you make the accounts manual and then use the Add Account flow to get a completely fresh connection?
-Coach Jon
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Whenever I use the add account flow I receive the error, even after setting it to manual.
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Hello @User123484u,
Thanks for the reply. I have escalated this issue and will be sure to post back here when we receive further information on this issue.
Thanks for your patience!
-Coach Jon
EWC - 11501893
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Hello @User123484u,
I am back with an update from our service provider. They would like you to try updating the account once again to see if the issue has been resolved. If the issue persists please try updating your password on the bank's website. It should not begin or end with a special character and should not consist of any of the following characters: "<>~`^&()-=-[]{}|\/;:'
Afterward, you can try refreshing the account in Quicken Simplifi again. Let us know how that goes!
-Coach Jon
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Thank you, but the problem still remains and my password does not contain these characters. The website does not allow me to update my password without going through a paperwork form so it will be sometime before I can update it. I'll report back.
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Hello @User123484u,
Thanks for the response. When you update your password, be sure to let us know if this resolves the issue for you!
-Coach Jon
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Hello @User123484u,
I am following up to see if you were ever able to change your password on the bank's website, and if so, did that allow you to update your account correctly? Let us know!
-Coach Jon
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Yes, I was able to change the password and try but still no luck. Same error.
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Hello @User123484u,
Thanks for letting us know. I have re-submitted this escalation to our service provider. I will follow up here when I have a status update!
-Coach Jon
EWC - 11501893
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Hello @User123484u,
I am back with an update from our service provider. They have stated that the issue should now be resolved and would like you to try connecting again in Quicken Simplifi. Let us know!
-Coach Jon
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Hello @User123484u,
I am following up to see if you have seen my last message regarding this issue.
Please let us know!
-Coach Jon
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The issue has now changed. I am now prompted for the SMS challenge but when I enter it I get stuck in a loop where it gives me the following error once I enter the SMS code. This goes on and on. My credentials work fine on the actual website. Any ideas?
To connect to Thrift Savings Plan, you must re-enter your credentials. If that does not work, try entering them on the website at Thrift Savings Plan to ensure they are correct.
Care Code: FDP-103
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Thank you for your reply,
When I check on our end, I can see that you tried multiple times and got the FDP-103 error after the multi-factor authentication every time. After those attempts, did you verify that you can login to the financial institution website (just to confirm that the failed connection attempts did not lock the account)?
If you haven't already done so, I recommend that you enable the "Show Password" option when putting your password into Quicken Simplifi. Doing so will allow you to confirm that there are no typographical errors causing the problem.
If you are using a password manager, you may want to type the password manually, just in case the saved password is outdated.
If your password uses any of the characters listed below, please try changing your password to one that does not use those characters, and test to see if that resolves the issue.
& < > / \
Please let me know how it goes!
-Coach Kristina
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Thank you for your reply, I have checked again and my account is not locked, the password is correct (typed or pasted), and my password does not have any of those characters.
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Thank you for your reply,
So that we can look into this further, our team will need additional information. Please answer the questions below.
- Have there been recent changes in their website? If there are changes, what are those?
- What is the exact URL you use to log in to your account (login URL)?
- What type of accounts are you adding (banking, investment, debt, etc.)?
- Please get a screenshot of your account summary page that includes the URL. Please redact or obscure any personal information.
- Provide the FORMAT of the your password. Warning, do not provide your actual password. For example, the password of "Quicken123$" would be "Xxxxxxx###$." Please provide the specific special character(s) in the your password (please do not show your actual password!).
If you are not comfortable answering some or all of these questions in this discussion, please send the information via DM.
Thank you!
-Coach Kristina
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Thank you for your reply; here are the answers.
- No
- Investment
- Not sure what account summary are you talking about, is it from the site?
- XX#xxX$$$xX$$X - Note these are not $, these are characters that are approved for use on the site and not /\<> or &
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Thank you for your reply,
Yes, it is from the site. For example, here's a screenshot from my TSP account summary page, with personal information redacted:
I hope this helps!
-Coach Kristina