Support Stock Options (edited)

robinsta Member
edited September 3 in Feature Requests

Stock options are a distinct asset from actual shares of stock. Simplifi does not currently support options and instead (for at least some integrations) pulls in options as actual shares.

At a minimum, SImplifi should be able to track stock options in accounts. These options must have 1) A strike price 2) an expiration date. These should be displayed separately from shares of stocks.

For tracking potential value of unvested but granted options, vesting date would be a nice to have but isn't required for a first pass.

This was also mentioned in this thread.

3 votes

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  • SimpliJSHL
    SimpliJSHL Member ✭✭✭

    I agree that this should be a straightforward add. I currently have a liability for the exercise cost of the options, then have that stock, but this is a mediocre workaround that would break in the case that the options are out of the money (i.e., they're worth 0 instead of a net negative). Would love to see this feature added and think it should be relatively straightforward to implement.