Creating Reports / Using Tags

htc630 Member ✭✭
edited September 9 in Using Reports

Hi all - curious if there's any way to look at certain reports (e.g. Net Income) excluding certain tags. My family just moved and I want to look at a report that excludes these moving expenses (which includes one-time things like buying furniture, etc.). I have them tagged as Moving Expenses but can't create a report that excludes them. The closest I can get is using all tags except Moving Expenses, but that requires me to code every other line item with a tag, which doesn't make sense.

Any better ideas? I welcome them!


Best Answer

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 9 Answer ✓

    I will flag the transactions with the Moving Expenses using one of the flag colors. Then, you can run a report filtered with flag = none. In that way, you will get a report excluding transactions with Moving Expenses tag.

    Flags can be applied with transaction multi edit. Filter the transactions with tag = Moving Expenses and apply the flag color of your choice.

    It is a workaround as there is currently no filter option to include untagged transactions.

    There is a feature request requesting a filter with the untagged option in reports. Check it out.

    Add a Filter for "Untagged" (edited) — Simplifi (

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

    Minter 2014-2023

    Questionable Excel before 2014 to present


  • htc630
    htc630 Member ✭✭

    Thanks, I'm trying to do the multi-edit but flags aren't an option.

  • htc630
    htc630 Member ✭✭

    Sorry - disregard, I had to show flags in the columns before using the multi-edit function to flag them!