Coinbase FDP-103 No API Keys Work



  • anold
    anold Member ✭✭
    edited February 10

    [Removed - Speculation]

  • Friedie
    Friedie Member
    edited February 10

    I mean, I know software engineers and QA engineers are busy and all, but I would have thought that at some point in the past year, they would have had time to address this. It's not like Coinbase made a sudden change and surprised anyone or the community here didn't make them aware of it in several other threads.

    I guess my short term play is to make the accounts manual and re-link again if/when Simplifi gets off their hands and fixes this. I just checked. I have 9 months left on this year's subscription. Going to have to wait to make a move.

  • anold
    anold Member ✭✭

    They removed another one of my posts for simply saying they aren’t prioritizing this issue. That’s crazy!

  • NickM
    NickM Member

    Thankfully my connection using the legacy keys has continued to update daily. I'm not sure if I'm lucky and Coinbase's discontinuation process hasn't reached my key yet or they're waiting a couple weeks to actually stop them from working.

  • dChro
    dChro Member

    This. As a SE I can’t understand this either. If It’s literally just the auth it shouldn’t take much, as you demonstrated by your exercise

    My sub lapsed today. Good luck. If this comes back I may try to resub but they also upped the price after getting us mint people too so there’s that as well.

  • New subscriber here to Simplifi, and I too have run into this same issue with Coinbase. After navigating several similar posts in this community, all seeming to have the same lack-luster approach to customer service, I am now having a sense of dread and regret for subscribing.

    It is also pretty frustrating that the coaches seem to keep directing people to an alert thread that hasn’t been updated in over six months. Is there any reason that Quicken seems to not be providing the level of attention and support that this issue seems to warrant?

  • Rupe
    Rupe Member

    @Coach Natalie any update on this? Is this being actively worked on? Is there a timeline? Per the Coinbase email below legacy API keys will expire on February 24th in 12 days. So even those of us fortunate enough to have created legacy API keys will be out of luck.


    "Coinbase is frequently assessing security risk and as a result, will be expiring legacy Coinbase App API keys. Starting February 24, 2025, your Coinbase App API keys will expire and you will need to create a new Coinbase Developer Platform (CDP) API key for any API connections to your Coinbase retail account."

  • truckmann
    truckmann Member

    It's pretty unbelievable this hasn't been fixed yet. There has be more than enough advanced notice that this was happening from Coinbase and member input.

  • FinTechMan
    FinTechMan Member ✭✭✭

    @Coach Natalie I am throwing my hat in the ring. Very disappointing that my coinbase account has lost connectivity and Simplify has not updated their connections capabilities to meet our needs. Remember we are paying for this service every year and if we are not impressed we will look else where.

  • sami
    sami Member ✭✭✭

    Still no real update on this issue or ETA on resolution for over a year. At this point even "if" it does get fixed, hopefully everyone can see the dismal level of support the Quicken Simplifi team provides it's paying customers.

    As others here have stated, we have been beyond patient at this point, I too have turned off the autorenewal on my Simplifi account and have no plan on using it ever again whether Coinbase is fixed or not.

  • DJayFresh
    DJayFresh Member

    Looks like we got an update on the alert. Seems their "service provider" is looking into it. As a dev it sounds like this means their offshore team or company. Nothing wrong with that, just shocked this isn't being done internally as priority.

    Glad to at least hear something.

  • NickM
    NickM Member

    For those that didn't bookmark the other thread, Natalie posted an update on the 13th.

    UPDATED 2/13/25

    We are working closely with our service provider while Coinbase develops an API connection. Once the new connection is implemented in Quicken Simplifi, users will be able to connect once again. We don't have an exact ETA to provide as of yet, but we are hoping to have more news for everyone, and potentially a resolution, within the next few weeks.

    Thank you all for your continued patience!

    -Coach Natalie

  • Rupe
    Rupe Member

    This update from @Coach Natalie does not make sense. "while Coinbase develops an API connection" → Coinbase have had a new API connection in place for a while. This is all on Quicken.

  • strngr12
    strngr12 Member ✭✭
    edited February 16

    yeah, the update is [Removed - Language]. Coinbase has had a longstanding API interface. [Removed-Speculation/Disruptive]. Do a search for cdp-sdk and you’ll find all kinds of references their existing sdk’s .

  • anold
    anold Member ✭✭

    @sami is my hero!

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    Hello everyone,

    This thread has become non-productive in nature and has been closed to further comments. We are aware of and working on this issue, and will post updates to the Alert as they become available:

    Please also take note of the most recent update posted:

    UPDATED 2/13/25

    We are working closely with our service provider while Coinbase develops a new API connection for Quicken. Once the new connection is implemented in Quicken Simplifi, users will be able to connect once again. We don't have an exact ETA to provide as of yet, but we are hoping to have more news for everyone, and potentially a resolution, within the next few weeks.

    We appreciate everyone's continued patience as we work to resolve this matter!

    -Coach Natalie

This discussion has been closed.