Why have outdated valuations on account summary page for investments
Is there an accounting reason that Simplifi reports investment balances on the accounts summary as of the last day close? Especially when the investments page shows the most current balance for the account - with current changes in valuations. Under what circumstances would you want to have yesterday's value included in your current review of your total net worth? When I look at my accounts summary, I'd like to know what my net worth is right then, not some arbitrary number at a close of business the previous day. Wouldn't it make more sense to see a net worth that agrees with where the market is at any particular time of the day?
Best Answer
Hello @lwyman,
Thanks for the reply. Per the article I shared, the balance displayed for your connected Investment Accounts in the Accounts List is provided by your Financial Institution(s). In contrast, the balance displayed in the Investments tab is based on the market value of your holdings with the latest pricing information.
This information may differ depending on when the connected accounts were last refreshed, as well as when your financial institution(s) receive their updated share prices.
The balances are different because they are being gathered from two different places. We do have an idea post that you may be interested in if you prefer them to be consistent across the application.
-Coach Jon
But @Coach Jon - that's not my question. I know how investment balances are updated, I just don't understand why the most current investment updates aren't carried over to the account balances on the home page dashboard. If the balances are constantly updating in investments, why have old balances shown on the dashboard?