Ability to sync Amazon/Major Retailer/Big Box order details [edited] (1 Merged Vote)



  • sasav
    sasav Member

    Having tested that app and many others upon the Mint shutdown, I can confidently say it does a large number of things well, and its interface was the best among all of the competitors I tried. That doesn't excuse that they're only available on one platform, which is ridiculous for 2024. It also doesn't change that censoring their name in this forum is very anti-consumer. I stuck with Simplifi for the price point, but there are features from two of the other big ones I would switch for if the price was right, and it's silly that we can't discuss the features that those competitors have.

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    You can ask for specific features. Even if you suggested "app x has this feature", it might be against copyright law for simplifi to go look at that other app and copy that feature exactly as they had it. Best to just ask for the feature and not mention where you saw it.

    Rob Wilkens

  • All transactions from Amazon, Walmart, and eBay are categorized as "Shopping." in Quicken and Simplify.
    Since these large online retailers are accumulating shopping activity across many different categories, correcting this activity requires a lot of manual effort. There are numerous problems in the process:
    1) Subscription Fees are not easily discerned from shopping transactions
    2) To correct the categorization, two separate screens need to be opened to identify the expenses against the purchased items
    3) Transaction costs do not match the list on the online retailer since
    3a) Taxes are not listed in the order history
    3b) Multiple items may be purchased within a single order
    4) When multiple Items are purchased, the transaction may require a cost-split

    I am sure your users have experienced several other hassles, and the security/legal agreements to patch this problem are not minuscule. However, please add the appropriate API links to synchronize purchases from the large online retail shopping aggregators with spend categorization.

  • I would also love this feature. I understand that sometimes the way Amazon splits things up doesn't make sense, and splitting things up automatically could be tricky.

    What I think would be easy and already incredibly useful would be if Simplify added to the Note a listing of all the items that are part of the relevant order or part of the order, without trying to do any automatic splitting or merging.

    Thanks for considering!