Get rid of "Everything Else" and show all Categories on the Spending Report graph (edited)

Use case: I want to show my wife a breakdown of our spending for a given time period. Right now, the report is limited to the top 9 categories plus an "everything else" line item. I can click on it to drill down, but that makes the report not very useful for getting a true snapshot of our spending across all categories all at once, especially when "everything else" amount is much larger than any of the top categories.
The lack of the capability to easily create a report showing all categories and total amount spent in each -- which is a very basic capability available in every other financial or budgeting software -- makes Simplifi decidedly unattractive, unfortunately.6
I totally agree, I need to be able to see all categories. I get you can't do it in the pie graph, which I don't love anyway, but you should be able to do it for the line graph and as a table below the graph. When I look at a whole year I don't care about the individual transactions but a table of all categories is critical. Other things that would be great:
- Compare to previous periods
- Add goals by month or year per category and show % above or below the goal
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Totally agreed. Very difficult to get an accurate understanding of spending pattern changes when you can't see all the categories. I understand the need to group the smaller stuff, but I'd like to be able to decide what gets grouped together and what doesn't. Thanks in advance.0
While I love this app for tracking my finances when you really want to peel back the onion on reporting this application falls really short. Exactly 8 categories tall. There is absolutely no way to see over a period of time on a single report where did my money go! Common guys this should be very easy to do!!3
PLEASE consider adding this.
The top few categories is so limiting!
I understand the top few in the pie chart view, but in the bar view we need to be able to see more than a few lines at once please.
I'm actually starting to download these and make a graph in excel to get the full picture as the website ne is too limited.
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Reports are not helpful! I need a true category report. One that is a summary of transactions by category, with a list of all categories. Not just "top" spending categories and a graph. I need to be able to compare to PY, quarter to quarter, and month to month. Not sure why you didn't develop reports a little more in depth than you've done.
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Agreed! This would be much more helpful and seems it would be easy to implement. Hopefully something they add very soon!!
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For anyone viewing this post, quick note that you can click on the Everything Else line…
And see what is in Everything Else…
Sure, it would be nice to see it all on one screen, but you can get at the data from the exising Spending by Category report with a button click.
If this were implemented, I'd only want to see it implemeted on the Bar Chart, NOT the Pie Chart.
Spreadsheet user since forever.
Quicken Desktop user since 2014.
Quicken Simplifi user since 2021.2 -
Dear God yes, one more in the long LONG list of voices that hates the "Everything Else" category when using the Bar Chart.
The Bar Chart doesn't even take up the whole browser window. There's literally no reason to not display all categories down to the smallest one. People have 100 or more categories? Fine. Let 'em scroll in their browser. At the very least, give us a checkbox for "do not display Everything Else" or let us set a threshold below which things are grouped into the "Everything Else" bar.1 -
There would probably need to be a scrollable area to show all the categories in (because the app otherwise limits itself to screen size) to support showing all the categories, but i voted for this one a while back already…
Rob Wilkens0 -
Yes, I agree with this. Please get rid of everything else and show all category.
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Reports —> Spending. Show all the categories; not just the highest spending categories.
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I agree Spending Report by Cateogy needs to list spending for each and every category (like Mint does) and not roll everything after the six or so largest categories into Everything Else. Ideally just eliminate Everything Else. I understand on the web app you can click into Everything Else and get more detail on the spending for the Categories there but it is too many keystrokes and spreadsheet work off the app to get a total by category for each month.
Given the length of this thread and the comments going back I am not alone. I am on a trial with Simplifi, Monarch and Copilot, and would stay with Simplifi if this were fixed but will be using [removed] from now on if Simplifi doesn’t fix this. What are your plans?
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I agree with this comment: only the bar chart should have the full category display if this is implemented.
Simplifi User Since Nov 2023
Minter 2014-2023
Questionable Excel before 2014 to present
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Being able to do this, as well as COMPARE to previous periods (Last month, 3 months prior, prior year, etc.) is critical.
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I'm not very familiar with the mobile app (android) but it seems to me that "everything else" in the app is not very useful in that it doesn't seem to break down into further categories as it does on the web app. It just shows all transactions that don't fit into the top categories.
I may be missing something.
Anthony Bopp
Simplifi User Since July 2022Money talks. But all my paycheck ever says is goodbye
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I agree completely, the bar chart needs an option to display ALL categories.
What's more, I'd like to be able to export out the values to a CSV or XLSX file from the report.
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The request you are looking for to export report values is below.
Simplifi User Since Nov 2023
Minter 2014-2023
Questionable Excel before 2014 to present
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@UrsulaA I wasn't clear about what I was asking for. I was referring to the ability to export the summary level data to CSV. In orther words, that bar chart of all categories and subcategories that we are asking for, I want to export those values to CSV.
Why do I want this? Becuase at the end of the year, we go through our spend by categoary/subcategory and use it to ask if we're spending too much anywhere. We want to put those summary numbers into a spreaddhsheet that we can modify to create a new budget.
Currently, the onlyl way I see that we can do this is to manually type the numbers into a spreadsheet, a painful process, espeically since we can't get the full list of categories and subcategories in one go.
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Another voice in support. Show all categories at once.
Would also like to default to bar chart over the pie chart
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The need to get rid of"everything else" and display all categories is so obviously required, so universally requested, and so easy to implement that I can't imagine why they haven't already done it.
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Please allow the categories in the "Spending By Category" to show all major categories. I know I can customize which ones I want to see but it takes a long time and just buckets categories into the "Everything Else" section.
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I think "everything else" is just inadequate for a budget tracking software like Simplifi. I want all categories shown on the screen and I should be able to make that the entire view. Let the user decide whether to include everything else as a category because I know that would be my last choice.
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I need a report that gives me the total breakdown of categories. You can forget the colorful pie chart. Just give me all the categories in a chart and I'll be happy. I need this for my accountant. Having to report to .csv and then open and create a new spreadsheet totally eliminates the need for Quicken Simplifi. Unfortunately I spend the last 2 days importing 2023 and 2024 bank data to categorize all my transactions only to find that my end result in category summary is no value to me or my accountant. "Everything Else" is BS.
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"Forget the chart, just give me a chart" - I think you meant to specify the type of chart you're talking about, @David Foote .. If you don't want a pie chart, what kind of chart would you like? Bar Chart?
Rob Wilkens0 -
To add to this question - are you looking in the web app or mobile app? In the web app, you can click on everything else and the categories will drill down on a pie or bar chart. You can save the first screen as a screenshot and then the second screen with everything else drilled down as a second screen shot. Repeat as needed. Not as efficient as not having everything else to begin with but workable. I agree with this feature request.
Simplifi User Since Nov 2023
Minter 2014-2023
Questionable Excel before 2014 to present
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I really like this suggestion. I've had the same issue as some other folks where the "Everything Else" category is like 40% of the overall spending for the period, so I spend a lot of time drilling up and down to see the whole picture. I few times I had to drill down into the "Everything Else" inside of "Everything Else". I think this is happening to customers who have 10+ categories that are each about 4% of their total spend.
I honestly don't even need a "chart" for this report, so it would be fantastic to have an additional mode with a simple text only table view with category name and $dollar amount, that I can scroll from largest to smallest.
I also don't need the dynamic, updating list of transactions below the categories, where the list of transactions changes every time I click on a category. I'd like the full list of categories MORE than a dynamic transaction list. Maybe have a simple text / table report like I suggested, do not include the list of transactions below, but provide the ability to click on a category name, which will link off to the All Transactions page with the selected category filter applied.
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As a Mint user, I certainly expected more from Simplifi. After hours of entering categories and wanting to report on them, to find transactions grouped into an Everything Else category is insane and makes Simplifi unusable. Same with lack of Zillow for real estate assets. These are simple programming tasks (as a software engineer with 30 years experience), so it must be intentional. Does quicken classic provide these features? I bet they do.
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Yeah, the mobile app's use of "Everything else" is a problem, more like a bug, because it's different than the web app which let's you tap it to see a further breakdown.
Rob Wilkens1