Running Balance Column [edited] (3 Merged Votes)

- I appreciate the feedback your are providing about having a balance column. I can send your feedback up and that could possibly be a feature going forward!
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I agree about the balance column. Like the full Quicken program, I like seeing the balance column in my check register because it also takes scheduled transactions into account. Makes it easier to see how future balance is affected by each transaction and if I need to adjust dates/amounts that are coming up.
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Coach Paco Regarding "Balance Display" showing the balance at the top right , can you display both Available and Current Balance without having to toggle one or the other?
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When you enter a transaction you have Amount but it would be helpful to also have a running balance field next to it. This is different than the Current or Available balance. This is really helpful if your troubleshooting your account for a balance error.
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When you enter a transaction you have Amount but it would be helpful to also have a running balance field next to it. This is different than the Current or Available balance. This is really helpful if your troubleshooting your account for a balance error.
1 - Currently, that is not an option but I recommend creating an Idea regarding that suggestion so we can get some votes on it and if there is enough support for it we can have it implemented!
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@chazzeone We have an Idea posted about the running balance. There are some votes on it as well!
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@chazzeone I moved your comment to this post so you can vote on it as well!
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I totally agree. Having a running total is a must have feature. Without scheduled transactions and a running ledger balance I cannot plan ahead like I need to. It makes this app not usable for me. Hopefully they add that feature, because without it this app does not work for me.
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A running total ledger balance is a must:
I am excited to be part of the Simplifi testing. As a long time quicken user, I love Quicken itself but the inability to use it on mobile devices basically makes it useless to me in many ways. I use reminders/scheduled transactions to plan my finances out for the coming months. I can easily look at the running ledger and see if there is a particular week or day that I may run short for a little bit and need to adjust when I purchase items or schedule payments.
Even though I love Quicken, I find myself almost never using it because I am always on the go and it is extremely limited online.
When I found out about Simplifi I was very excited because it seemed that it may be a solution to my problem.
Unfortunately, I need the ability to look out several months with scheduled transactions and also a running total for it to be effective. All of the other features are great but those two items are necessities. Without them I can’t make it work.
If Simplifi adds this feature I could see myself using it as a real viable option, but without it then I’m afraid it just won’t work for me. :-(
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Welcome -- We appreciate this feedback. There are other users who've also requested a similar function with a balance column. We've submitted this feedback to our product team, but in the meantime, I recommend using our Projected Balance chart at the top of your account registers. The Projected Balance will provide a running total based on current cleared/pending transactions in the register and any recurring transaction reminders you've added. The Projected Balance chart allows you to change the range from 7 days up to 60 days so you'll know exactly what your balance will be based on the transactions you've entered.
We’re glad to have you on board as a Simplifi Beta member! We really appreciate your interest in the product.
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For example, Bank Mortgage -$1200 ________Bal $507.88
My bank does this and it is a helpful way to see what each debit or deposit did to the balance and visualize how much each transaction impacted your bottom line. It is also really nice when setting seeing the pending transactions at the top to see what they are going to drop bal too and what the bal currently is with the ones that are already cleared
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If you put this in, I would plead for it being an option? Not everyone wants it and is one of the reasons I like simplifi... its simple!
macOS: 10.15.1
iOS: 13.1.2
AppVersion: 4.02 -
Hi @reverik – Thank you for the feedback. We’ve had other users request a similar feature, which we’ve submitted to our product team. However, in the meantime, I recommend using our Projected Balance chart at the top of your account register. The Projected Balance will provide a running total based on current cleared/pending transactions in the register and any recurring transaction reminders you’ve added. You can even change the Projected Balance date range from 7 days up to 60 days, so you’ll know what your balance will be based on the transactions you’ve entered.
I’ll be moving this post into another thread we have open with this current suggestion. Again, thank you so much for your feedback!
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Agree with @hikerspath, it would just be a column that could be hid/unhid.
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I am loving Simplifi so far, but one big thing missing for how I'll use it is the ability to see an account's running balance after each debit/credit. I hope you will add this soon. Thank you!
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Welcome to Simplifi, @sabrinablue! Thank you so much for the feedback. We've had other users such as your self requesting a similar feature. I recommend casting your vote on our post Balance Column to increase demand for this feature! Thanks again!
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Running balance needs to be added
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Agreed. I am a long time Quicken (and before that, MS Money) user just checking out Simplifi. My main use of Quicken is downloading transactions (I wont bank anywhere that cannot automatically download into Quicken) and using future/recurring transactions to forecast cash flow in my accounts (for example, an escrow account used to pay property taxes). Simplifi is very close to what I need in a financial tool - and adding a running balance on the right hand side of the register would be super helpful.
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Just noticed there is no running balance. I would like to see this added as a viewable option. I understand that Simplifi is just that and appreciate many of the forward thinking changes like the exclusion of being able to reconcile, spending plan, and watch lists. Still new to Simplifi but giving it a chance.
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Agreed. This is pretty much the only main item missing that would make this a perfect financial tool.
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@stephensilha Thanks for adding your vote to this suggestion! As you can see from the talley, this is one of the most popular recommendations we've received from our users. If you'd like to get immediate notifications of any updates on this issue, you can "follow" this topic by clicking on the "gold star" at the upper right above the first post. Thanks for giving Simplifi a try!
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Running balance in Quicken has helped me several times. I do not reconcile my Quicken accounts right away so sometimes a transaction will not import for some reason and needs to be added manually. The running balances makes it easy to compare the online bank or credit cards running balance to Quicken by looking in 30 or 60 day increments until there is a discrepancy and work backwards from there. I agree with it being an option but it has proven to save me a lot of time over the years.
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I would like to see this as well--it seems like a no-brainer!
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I would like to see it as well
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I see people have been commenting for quite some time so its disappointing to think no changes have been made, a running balance column keeps you from making errors in your banking costing you money in fees, wish they would add this feature sad they haven't yet, I current use Quicken on my desktop but the app is way worse than this so although this app doesn't give you the graph on one account like this does online which is also disappointing when you are trying to see how something will affect your account days, weeks or even months later, I think this has great potential but is still very hard to rely on 100% as this morning it showed a negative balance while my destop version showed a positive one and I really had to work to find the problem, turned out it was a doubled transaction but my search would had been a lot shorter if I could have seen exactly where my account differed from my banks accounting
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Just curious why this very popular feature was declined?
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Hello @chanceryder25,
Thanks for the inquiry!
Simplifi is designed to always stay in sync with your bank's balance, allowing Users the flexibility to enter missing transactions, delete transactions, add transactions further back than the original download provided, etc. Therefore, having a running balance column would take away from that flexibility, and may also provide an inaccurate representation of the balance caused by any of the above-mentioned scenarios.
This was the general consensus when discussed amongst our Product Team; I do apologize for any inconvenience or frustration this decision may cause.
Please let me know if there is anything further that I or the Community may assist with!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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that makes total sense to me. thanks for letting us know!
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It would be great to see the running balance like you would on a ledger.