Convert Reminders to a Transaction on the day they occur [edited] (1 Merged Vote)

Move recurring transactions to their appropriate accounts in order to track accurate balances. I'd rather not be surprised at a balance once a transaction has match vs one than I know is anticipated, but not accounted for in the actual account.
Specifically, move them to their appropriate accounts on their due dates.
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@cwebbs60 Thanks for your comments. If I understand your concern, you'd like any recurring transaction listed as recurring to be removed from the calendar list on or immediately after its due date, whether or not Simplifi correctly matches it to a downloaded transaction, rather than staying in "Waiting" status. Would that address the issue you're raising here?
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Well, for accounts that were manually added, Simplifi won't be able to match any downloaded transaction, so those recurring or pending transactions just get stuck there showing as "waiting". So my suggestion is that once the due date hits, it should move that transaction to the appropriate account, but still show as pending until it is manually cleared or Simplifi can match it.
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That makes sense. Another way to handle that would be to move that kind of transaction into the account once the due date passes, but put a different flag on it than "pending" or "waiting," to alert the user that it is still "unreconciled." Thanks for the suggestion!
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The only way I've found to do that is to delete the instance under the "Upcoming" transactions list, then manually enter them into the appropriate account, which defeats the whole purpose of the recurring bill feature. Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see other way to do it. When I enter a future transaction into an account I added manually, it automatically goes into the upcoming transaction list, so unless I enter it the day of, it gets stuck there. Another option, which would help me and potentially other users out, is to add Varo Money and Discover Loans to the list of connected accounts, and it would make this suggestion moot.
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You are correct @cwebbs60 -- the only way to enter the recurring transaction into the register on a manual account is by deleting the instance from the Upcoming list and manual creating the transaction in the register. Simplifi is intended to be used with connected accounts, not manual accounts. So, by design, it is meant to match the recurring transactions to a downloaded transaction. At which point the transaction is moved into the register. If you intend to use manual accounts, Simplifi might not be the best option, unfortunately. However, we do appreciate your feedback! Thanks!
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Well that's a bummer. I really love the interface and navigation. I was hoping this would be my alternative to using Quicken, which is very clunky software. Thanks for listening to my suggestion though. Maybe you could include it in the future....
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I have just begun using this application (in Canada) it seems to be working just fine . . . with a couple of notable irritating items. In this category "Recurring Transactions" I cannot seem to find a way to save the necessary "Splits" that I want to record each month. i.e. Mortgage pmt includes: Credit - Bank Account (Asset), Debit - Mortgage Payable (liability), Debit - Mortgage Interest (expense), Debit - Mortgage Insurance (expense). So fare I need to edit this "auto entry" each month . . . not exactly automatic.
In a tangentially related category, once I have the entries tagged and edited appropriately how does one extract a specific P&L between specific dates for a specific tag?0 -
Hi @mikeL -- Welcome to Simplifi! Currently, we don't offer the ability to add a split to a Recurring transaction. Once the transaction is downloaded and matched, you can update it as needed. However, we've had other users request a similar ability. I recommend checking out our discussion Using Splits (Multiple Categories) in Recurring Transactions and cast your vote to see this added.
Regarding a P&L, we don't currently offer this as an available report. However, if you've tagged each transaction, you can run a report based on those tags or categories through Insights > Income by Tag or Insights > Spending by Tag. I hope this information helps. Please let us know if you have any further questions.
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@mikeL said:
I have just begun using this application (in Canada) it seems to be working just fine . . .Are you able to connect to Canadian banks?
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I have a manual cash account, and want to set up a recurring transaction for my kids' allowance, which I pay them in cash every week. I can set up a reminder, but there doesn't seem to be a way to convert this reminder into a transaction without linking it to another transaction that I have to enter by hand. I don't want to have to create a new transaction and enter the payee, category, and amount by hand every week. Since it is always the same there should be a way to automate this. I think the ideal way to do this would be to set up a reminder and have an option to convert the reminder into a manual transaction without linking it to an existing transaction. If that's too hard, I would settle for just setting up a recurring manual transaction that's not linked to a reminder, or even being able to duplicate an existing manual transaction so I don't have to enter all the details every time.
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I have the same need. I pay my landscaper in cash every week. So I have to manually enter the exact same cash transaction, and then delete the reminder. This is silly.
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@gsherman I think a while back I recommended having a type of account for 'cash' (a manual account) which would help with this, but it does require you to track all the cash you would spend.. I don't know how that would handle reoccurring cash transactions. Consider voting for it.
Rob Wilkens0 -
Hi - so I know Simplifi is not really intended for lots of manual entries, but I have one credit card where I have a lot of manual entries (Apple Card) because you don’t allow downloads yet. I have a number of Apple subscriptions as well as monthly Apple Care, plus every MTA swipe in NYC is Apple Pay. All of these get 3% cashback because of Apple Pay so I am not going to switch cards.
I set up all of my subscriptions and known payments as recurring as it helps planning, but this makes for an extremely painful experience in Simplifi. After setting up the recurrence, I have to manually enter every transaction manually still, and even worse have to then manually match it to the expected recurrence. This is really inefficient and counter to how most other apps work or have worked. Can they just auto-post once and be done with it?
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I prefer even manual linking (which i do often), because I don't want a scheduled credit card payment to look like i paid it before i paid it for real. If you could do this in a way where you can flag transactions to auto-enter (such as recurring automatic charges) I'd be okay with that.
Rob Wilkens0 -
I can't believe another no-brainer suggestion is nearly 3 years old.
I voted for this suggestion, but I'm not very optimistic…what is the likelihood Simplifi is even listening to this community?
The once mighty and dominant Quicken Desktop has been around for nearly 40 years, they too have a list of bill reminders. However, unlike Simplifi…you have an option to enter the reminder to obtain a future balance in the affected account.
Simplifi should implement the ability to record reminders as a pending transaction, and mark it cleared when a matching transaction arrives.
Former Quicken Desktop user 1984 -2023. Currently Testing Simplifi as its replacement.
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This is still not implemented?
Having auto entered recuring transactions on manual accounts is a must me.
I do not connect my banks and do everything manually, I am currently running Quicken Simplifi in parallel with YNAB, hoping to drop YNAB, but this lack of functionality requested 4 years ago is a deal breaker.
Is there a date for this?
Is there a way to do this currently without having to re-enter the transaction.1 -
i spoke with a coach, currently this functionality is not available in Simplifi, which is a huge shortcoming for this product for anyone who has manual accounts only. I opened a ticket → T11239448
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I'm hope you have better success than I did. The product has its shortcomings, and this is indeed a huge one for me well. I hope to see this get resolved, as I generally like the product. I recently have seen progress with Zillow integration, so I do see hope is on the horizon.
Former Quicken Desktop user 1984 -2023. Currently Testing Simplifi as its replacement.
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@smitp111 I've found the projected cashflow useful. Almost so to the point of predicting future balance is nearly as good as seeing a running balance in an account register. Adding manual transactions before they have cleared the bank has proved problematic in the past, where they were added to the pending group, but when it finally cleared the bank, it wouldn't match with the pending transaction entered and require deleting a duplicate transaction. The projected cashflow graph has proven useful enough, but the ditching the old concepts of nearly 40 years using Quicken desktop, and having a running account balance on the right side has taken this old dog to learn the new tricks deployed with Simplify. I still don't understand why it has to be a graph at the top of the screen rather than a ledger balance on the right. But it is a welcome improvement none the less.
I am very automated and struggling to understand why you choose to enter everything manually, rather than pull data from the banks.
I think maybe our complaints are different. Whereas I'd like to have the ability to see reoccurring transactions or even nonreoccurring ones listed as pending, but if the date is in the future it would get moved to the ribbon with future transactions rather than remain in the register as pending waiting to get matched when they finally clear the bank. I prefer seeing my transactions listed in vertical order, rather than horizontally. Vertically in the form of a spreadsheet is the way I've view account registers for most of my life, from the days of paper checkbook register, Quicken Desktop and Excel Spreadsheets….I'm used to round wheels so don't understand why the wheel needed to be reinvented.
Former Quicken Desktop user 1984 -2023. Currently Testing Simplifi as its replacement.
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Thanks @Philk for your round up. I am currently a ynab user and do not have anything linked, scheduled transactions in there automatically get posted on the scheduled date. This was my expectation when I setup Simplifi yesterday. Unfortunately it is an issue for me. Ynab is 3 x the cost of simplifi and in these short period of time I actually think it is a better option for me.
I don't link any bank accounts cause I have a trust issue with the 3rd party having access to my bank.
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Add an option to
Settings > All Recurring > Recurring > Frequency and Occurrence
to check whether this recurring transaction should be added to the account on the recurring due date.If an account is set to manual and not linked, I have to either download the transactions from my bank and edit to the Quicken format and the upload, hoping they match correctly or add the transaction manually.
Having this would be very beneficial and time saving:0 -
id like to understand why my feature request was merged with the one from 2020?
It is clear that the 2020 request was never implemented and more disappointingly it is hard to understand if it ever will be, there is no feedback loop from the product owner for this specific module of Simplifi. Coaches I am looking to you to fill in the blanks for me.Thanks.
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Because it's the SAME idea.. Automatically entering transactions on date of recurrence.. Your idea is actually an improvement on the original idea in that your idea allows you to enable this feature on a per-transaction basis… So you could automatically enter charges, but manually enter, for example, credit card payments to make sure you actually make them.
Rob Wilkens2 -
I wouldn't want this to be automatic, since those would only be helpful for bills etc. that are paid automatically. The ideal solution in my opinion would be to add a "Create Transaction" option to the menu when clicking the 3 vertical dots on a Reminder tile. It could prefill the date, amount, account, category, and possibly even tags, and allow me to view and edit them (if needed) before clicking Save.
This would reduce very many clicks for recurring cash transactions and check payments.
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@EL1234 I am 'more' for that idea than I am for automatically entering. However, if automatically entering transacgtions can be turned on for SOME transactions I would be "okay" with it. I think your idea already exists.
If you haven't voted, I think this one matches your idea:
That one already had my vote.
This one, with the updated how it might happen, now has my vote.
Rob Wilkens1 -
Thanks for the follow up @RobWilk I understand that it is the same idea, my concern is that pairing a 2024 idea with one from 2020, which has no feedback from development as to whether they looked at it, reject or implement, that is concerning. Without a feedback loop, users are unaware of what will become of any submissions. A simple, Yes, No, would be very valuable. Perhaps I am missing some context here?
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Number of votes matter, and rather than you starting with 1 vote (your own) you are now joining an existing idea with 16 votes. It had 13 votes earlier tonight, so I'd say your post helped bring attention to this. The more votes the better for getting things implemented, so you're better off starting with some votes up front.
Rob Wilkens2 -
Thanks Rob. For me, this feature is crucial to me being able to leave YNAB behind.