Edit ticker symbol and holdings

bobluck Member ✭✭✭
edited May 2022 in Feature Requests
Wrong ticker symbol is being applied to a non publicly traded holding, but can't remove or edit it. Allow removal/override of errant data.
20 votes

Planned · Last Updated

The ability to manually edit ticker symbols is coming to Quicken Simplifi!


  • brian.marturana
    brian.marturana Member ✭✭
    edited December 2021

    I have 3 funds in my Fidelity account that do not pull ticker symbols, and therefore do not pull any data into Simplifi. They are basic index funds, and I know the ticker symbols. There should be some way to manually enter the symbols if the system doesn't automatically detect them, so that data starts populating.

  • Coach Nicole
    Coach Nicole Administrator, Moderator admin
    edited September 18

    Hi @brian.marturana, this is a great suggestion. Thank you for your feedback!

  • Lytol
    Lytol Member ✭✭

    I'm surprised this hasn't received more upvotes. I have a few accounts where the holdings are not being appropriately assigned symbols. For example:

    • My HSA shows as all-cash even though it's a mixture of ETFs (all recognized by Simplifi if I manually manage the account)
    • My 401k does not reflect the correct ticker for a holding (again, a recognized symbol by Simplifi if I manually manage the account and holdings)

    Either the data is being incorrectly sent/parsed from the financial institution, or there's just not enough flexibility to handle all the various ways the investment data is communicated. IMO, if the underlying issues cannot be fixed, it would be nice to be able to edit the ticker/symbol for an investment holding that is not in a manual account.

  • brian.marturana
    brian.marturana Member ✭✭
    edited September 18

    I'd love to see this implemented. Currently Simplifi pulls in my Fidelity accounts but does not correctly pull in the ticker symbols for the funds I am invested in. They are basic Fidelity funds, and it would be very beneficial if I could enter the ticker myself so that Simplifi can start pulling in the daily market values for those funds. As of now it pulls no market values in.

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    edited September 18

    @brian.marturana, have you tried reporting the issue you're seeing with your Fidelity holdings to see if it can be escalated and potentially fixed?

    -Coach Natalie

  • johnnyjoesifer
    johnnyjoesifer Member
    edited September 18

    I am having this same problem. My accounts show the name of the fund but do not actually link to the ticker symbol correctly, which removes all benefits that come with directly linking to funds. Further, these can't be manually edited so I can't even fix the problem!

  • WinstonTeracina
    WinstonTeracina Member ✭✭
    edited September 18

    Unless I'm not understanding the issue you are all having, does this functionality not already exist? Below is a screenshot of a manual account I've created (a Fidelity Roth IRA) that is unable to connect to Simplifi. I've added my three ETFs as manual holdings by searching for the ticker symcol and Simplifi correctly updates the Price, Value and 1-day changes without issue. Are those that are having this issue adding mutual funds as opposed to ETFs? Curious what ticker symbols you are all using.

  • Mojo D. Monkey
    Mojo D. Monkey Member ✭✭

    I know I am late to the party, but this would be a really nice fix.

    Currently the only suggestion from simplifi help is to make the account manual, which obviously then disconnects the account from the financial institution and I don't want to do that.

    Having the ability to properly set the correct symbol of a holding (especially ones that don't have any symbols imported by simplifi) could be very helpful.

    I have about 3 of these accounts that simply don't have a symbol associated with them and therefore you really can't see any of the useful information under Investments in Simplifi for these 3 accounts.

  • pjhorst
    pjhorst Member

    Another example are institutions like John Hancock, where they (apparently) use their own symbol schema and Simplifi interprets it as a different investment entirely, that then gets valued incorrectly. PEI, MID, LGI are three that get turned into something completely different. If these could be manually updated and then no longer track false values under holdings, that would be very nice.

  • Mojo D. Monkey
    Mojo D. Monkey Member ✭✭

    too many retirement accounts simply can't be interpreted to find the correct ticker by simplifi. Anything on the empower platform is potentially in this camp. Even though the ticker isn't listed on a page inside the account, usually the prospectus documents list the ticker. And this would provide a very simple solution.

  • X. Tao
    X. Tao Member
    edited May 4

    I wanna Quicken can support editable investment symbol even for auto-pulled account


    I hold some `KWEB` under my fidelity broker account and other broker accounts. The symbol shown on fidelity is 500767306 while the ones under other brokers are accurate as `KWEB`. Ideally it should be KWEB so that it can be aggregated with other `KWEB `among all my accounts.I know it could be fidelity side issue but can you make it editable?