Net Worth Statement
The ability to produce a net worth statement. It would be helpful if I could produce a statement for a specific date (today for example) that I could print that had all of my accounts (assets and liabilities).
Hello @ssandefur,
Thanks for posting your suggestion to the Community!
To clarify, have you taken a look at the Net Worth Report? This Report should provide you with a full list of your accounts and balances in Simplifi, with a total net worth amount. If you're looking to print this Report specifically, you'd actually want to add your vote and feedback here:
Please let us know if what you're looking for differs from what Simplifi currently offers and/or what's already been requested, as well as a description of how it differs, and we can certainly keep this Idea alive. Otherwise, I am looking to mark this request as "Already Offered" via the Net Worth Report. 🙂
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie