Ability to download or print Reports [edited] (1 Merged Vote)

Need the report functionality like Net Worth with detailed break up Bank and Credit card wise so that it can be downloaded to Laptop or printed in the local printer
Need passcode for authentication
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Great suggestion! I've added my vote to see this functionality! Hopefully, others will cast their vote to see this added. Thanks for the feedback!
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Having a spending plan report that can be printed would also be very helpful.17
Hello @Justin1,
Thanks for posting your suggestion to the Community!
I found an existing Idea post requesting a Report for Spending Plan Trends, however, I did not find one requesting just a regular Spending Plan Report. With that being said, you may consider creating one so that other Users are able to vote on it!
-Coach Natalie-Coach Natalie
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You can download a CSV file for a report, but it is not very obvious.
In the report tab click on the checkbox that selects all transactions. New options magically appear. Download is one of them.
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Really would like to be able to print reports!13
Need to be able to print reports to pdf. Using a browser to print results in only the first page of the report being printed.12
Would it be possible to add the ability to save & name custom reports?6
Seems so logical to be able to print a report and not have to do screenshots and tape them together. I am stunned that you don't have that simple feature.13
Printing reports is a basic needed function. I certainly cannot send screen shots to my tax accountant.
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No print function is a deal breaker for me. Rest of app is so good and so inuitive.9
please, please, please add ability to print pdf reports. App is useless to me without it.2
Downloading in order to print is not ideal, especially if it's not our personal computer that we are using. It's best if we can print to local printer without having to download.4
Downloading in order to print a report is not ideal since the computer we are using are not our own. It's best if we could print to a local printer without having to download for privacy.2
I need to export to excel so I can merge things and move them for taxes and reports to the bank1
mbaroudi said:You can download a CSV file for a report, but it is not very obvious.
In the report tab click on the checkbox that selects all transactions. New options magically appear. Download is one of them.
[removed duplicate quote]
thank you SOOOO much. The help bot and chat didn't tell me that this was an option.1 -
Yes, we need printed reports - how about duplicating the spending screen?
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Yes, please produce a printed spending report so we can check all income and expenses details on paper. Between this and the transactions download, that should be all that is needed. thanks, kent
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Cincinnati-Boy said:
Need the report functionality like Net Worth with detailed break up Bank and Credit card wise so that it can be downloaded to Laptop or printed in the local printer
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The program is great,, but not having the ability to print reports is a HUGE disadvantage for me,, one of the reasons I purchased a program was the ability to print reports!!!6
If I could save a report, that would be great. For example, I'm doing my taxes. I configure the filters how I want them and get my report for a specific category. But if I come back a few days or weeks later, I have to re-configure the report. If I could name the report and have my filters stored with it, that would solve the issue. Also, adding a button to export a report as a PDF would be great. I understand Simplifi is growing, but reports are very essential, in my opinion.
Microsoft Money user in the 90's to Quicken in the 2000's to Simplifi in 2023
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Being able to print a report is a requirement for me. Finding information on the features of Quicken was impossible so I opted to buy the Simplifi version... if I have to abandon it my cost is minimal. No reports is a deal breaker. Quicken please take notice.5
I would like to be able to print reports to a PDF instead of an excel sheet. Before a report is printed I would also like for it to ask what columns and information I would like to have included.
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I like this idea, voted for it, but I'll note that many computers can print any print job to a PDF (For example, when I print from Chrome on my Mac there is a printer named ‘Save to PDF’ i can print to). Still, I like the idea of an on-screen PDF popping up (that is printable) similar to when i view some bank statements online.
Rob Wilkens3 -
It would be great to have a PDF/Print a clean report on your net worth page that could be saved/downloaded for which ever month you want (both current day MTD and previous months). This would be extremely useful and handy for private records, being able to send to lenders, etc. This feature isn't aviable to my knowedge on any other similar program and would be a huge bonus to an already great program.
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Yes! Would love to be able to print from app, or at least download pdf reports. Than you!
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Please consider adding the ability to download Summary Reports. For example, I would like to download a report for the past year of my total monthly expense for each month. I don’t want to have to download a report of every transaction for the past year. I just want the total expenses for each month. A report with the total of each category would be nice too.
I really like Simplifi, but it would be a lot better with more options for downloading reports. Since the information is already presented in a report, the option of downloading it would be a wonderful addition.
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Thank you very much for considering my idea.
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Would be nice to be able to export a report into a common format (to email it, etc).
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Need to be able to print and download to excel please. Basic functions needed!