Ability to download or print Reports [edited] (1 Merged Vote)



  • Need printed reports. Please Simplifi.

  • mddt2023
    mddt2023 Member
    edited January 2024

    As a Simplifi user I need the ability to download reports of my assets or liabilities in CSV format so that I can use them in MS Excel to perform various planning and forecasting functions.

    [Merged Post]

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2024

    This feature request already exists. Vote for it here.

    [Merged Post]

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

    Minter 2014-2023

    Questionable Excel before 2014 to present

  • I vote for Reports prining and down load.

  • toscana2023
    toscana2023 Member
    edited January 2024

    Coming from Mint where I could easily print. I need to be able to print monthly transaction reports

    [Merged Post]

  • Flopbot
    Flopbot Superuser, Beta Tester ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 2024


    Here’s another Idea Post for the same idea thatyou’ll want to vote for. It already has some 120+ votes.

    [Merged Post]

    Spreadsheet user since forever.
    Quicken Desktop user since 2014.
    Quicken Simplifi user since 2021.

  • Need to be able to print reports.

  • Need to be able to save report format with custom filters

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    -Coach Natalie

  • please add ability to print spending report —need this to budget

  • I am voting for reports available in Simplified.

  • Yes please. I was under the impression that this was like Quicken where I would be able to print reports.

  • the_scottster
    the_scottster Member ✭✭✭

    @Coach Natalie Where are we on this request? Last Update shown on page 1 is Sept. 2022.

    Long time Mint user jumping into Simplifi-world!

  • blist
    blist Member

    Would like to take snapshot of all accounts and their current value and print. This would be done periodically and placed in out lockbox. That would make it easy for executor of will to have all info in one place.

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2024

    Good news! Your request already has over 100 votes. Vote for it below.

    [removed link to merged thread]

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

    Minter 2014-2023

    Questionable Excel before 2014 to present

  • I need to be able to easily print reports filtering for date range and account, and including all categories and subcategories.

    I see this feature request was submitted for review in 2022. What’s the status on when it will be available?

  • Coach Kristina
    Coach Kristina Moderator admin

    Hello @KWallin,

    Currently, the idea is in review. For updates, I recommend following this thread since any status updates, when available, will be posted to this thread.

    Thank you!

    -Coach Kristina

  • I agree on the above comments about having the ability to print an Income/Expense report for my tax preparer. I like to look at this same report on a monthly basis. The Simplifimmoney app is so clean and easy to use and I really like it. But, if I can’t get the reports, I’ll be continuing to look at other applications. Surely something out there has that capability. Can anyone give me a clue where to look?

  • CGoos
    CGoos Member

    We need to be able to download and print a Net Worth report

  • babs
    babs Member

    I vote FOR being able to print and download reports.


  • vaslit
    vaslit Member
    edited March 2024

    Problem: getting a complete and clear picture of my total spendings in each category and s/c.

    Requested solution: a button to download my total spending for each category and sub-category as CSV. This way GUI concerns are up to my spreadsheet software, which I am very comfortable with.

    This offers another way of doing:

    Important: include categories and s/c that have no spendings. This way the rows in CSV will be consistent month to month, so I can merge multiple CSVs into one and plot my progress throughout the year.

    For example (spreadsheet view):

    Date Range: 2/1-2/29
    category                category total
    sub-category sub-category total wellness 250
    doctors 0
    classes 200
    gym 50 outdoors 350 100 (the $100 is not in any sub-category)
    equipment 200
    gas, parking 50 (and so on)

    Extra credit: provide the above for all months of the current (or prior) year in one CSV. For example:

    category  sub-category  Jan  Feb  Mar
    wellness                250  280  225
    doctors 0 50 0
    classes 200 180 175
    gym 50 50 50
    <no sub-c.> 0 0 0 outdoors 350 40 110
    equipment 200 10 50
    gas, parking 50 40 60
    <no sub-c.> 100 0 0 (and so on)


  • Really need the capability to print and export reports. I can't believe you don't have that capability.

  • This feature to print reports was first requested in July 2021. And, by report, I mean the reports you can generate on the "reports" tab—not just the raw transactions. I'd like some sort of response by an administrator. Seems like basic functionality.

  • Mattchue
    Mattchue Member

    I am new here, and I hope this is the right place to upvote a feature request by commenting.

    I, too, would like the ability to download reports (as PDFs). However, I'd also like to send them to specified email addresses on a set schedule.

    I handle all our finances, and I need a way to provide my wife with monthly updates on our spending. She finds it overwhelming to look at all the details, as I do. The Monthly Summary Report offers a clean and easy-to-read format that effectively shows our spending vs income. It is undoubtedly better than any format I have come up with when attempting to do this via Excel. However, asking her to log in and navigate the app isn't a practical solution.

    I would like to see two options:

    1. I would like to be able to download the report as a PDF (which I could then manually send or deliver as an email as the download mechanism).
    2. Preferably, an option to have the report automatically emailed to her on a monthly basis.

    I often need to adjust the categorization of transactions, so until there are more dynamic ways of setting up transaction rules, I'll be in there massaging that data either way. Therefore, it won't be too big of a lift for me to download and send the report or preferably trigger a manual email delivery. The report itself is designed to look like a piece of paper, so it seems logical to provide a way to transfer it to an actual piece of paper, electronically speaking.

    Thank you for considering this feature request.

  • buttersh
    buttersh Member
    edited June 2024

    For the time being, just use Excel. For instance, to look at spending by category by month, export a CSV of all your transactions, open in Excel, put date, category and amount in a pivot table with category in the filters box, date in the axis box and amount in the values box. And there you have it, you can select a category to see spending by that category by month, add multiple categories together, etc. I think this is why most financial applications don't put a lot of effort into being able to format and print reports other than some really rudimentary ones on the screen. If you really want to slice and dice, most people will do it in Excel any way.

  • the_scottster
    the_scottster Member ✭✭✭

    Wow cool suggestion. If only you could download your net worth statement as a CSV. But guess what - you can't!

    Long time Mint user jumping into Simplifi-world!

  • FredH
    FredH Member

    I would like to print & download complete reports without having to check individual transactions to to download, which is a huge pain in the butt. Thank you!

  • jochs
    jochs Member
    edited August 2024

    A feature to add additional functionality to exporting a report.

    The Export would include the following:

    A Summary at the top like this:

    Followed by the transaction activity and included would be any Notes or Attachments affiliated to an individual transaction. Attachments would be a clickable link that takes you directly to the given attachment. Multiple attachments would each have a separate links.

    This is an important feature for submitting transactions to a CPA for taxes and general accounting.

  • An alternative way might be to have a share this report button. This button would create a static share link of the exact report that could then be easily passed to my CPA or accountant.