Saved Filters in Reports and Registers [edited] (2 Merged Vote)

EL1234 Member ✭✭✭✭
edited November 2021 in Feature Requests
There are a few filters that I find myself using pretty often. I'm thinking it could be a nice feature if we had "saved filters", to make it easier to access them.

It would go nicely after Advanced in the Filters list:
159 votes

Active · Last Updated



  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    Hello @EL1234,

    We appreciate you posting your suggestion here! Don't forget to add your vote! :smile:

    -Coach Natalie

  • mazar1977
    mazar1977 Member ✭✭✭✭
    It would be wonderful if we had the ability to memorize reports so that we don't have to re-customize it from scratch every time.

    Example: II have food spending setup like this 

    Dining & Drinks




         Coffee Shops

         Fast Food


    I like to run a report filtered like this to see if Im spending more in takeout etc. vs. groceries.  It would be great if I could save this report and then just run whenever I needed without having to re-create it each time.

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    Hello @mazar1977,

    Thanks for taking the time to post your enhancement request to the Community!

    I have gone ahead and merged your Idea post with an existing Idea post requesting that the same ability be added in Simplifi. I didn't see a vote added to your original Idea post, so please be sure to add your vote here! :smiley:

    -Coach Natalie
  • dagnabit2000
    dagnabit2000 Member ✭✭✭
    I would like to easily look at credit card spending.  I have a handful of different accounts.  Every time I have to select the accounts.  The issue is the accounts are in an order that makes it difficult.  The side bar actually arranges the accounts in a logical order that has all the credit card accounts together.   Please either add filter categories to the accounts list or order the list by account type.    Another way to do this would be to allow for saved reports so I could just open that report instead of recreating the filters 
  • The default filter under Spending, for example, is all accounts. It would be helpful to be able to define the default filter that is most applicable for regular use. For example, I would like to define credit card accounts as the accounts shown by default under spending account. It currently shows checking and savings accounts for me, along with credit card. So, I find myself changing the filters every time I open my spending report to focus on credit cards.
  • Tarang
    Tarang Member

    I would like to save frequently used filters, specifically in the Net Worth report. I like to see my liquid (checkings/savings/brokerage/etc), semi-liquid (retirement accounts that could be drawn from, but have specific requirements/penalties), and illiquid net worths (real estate, car, etc).

  • I was about to make this suggestion as well, but thought I should see if it had already been suggested. And so it has!

    Great minds…

    So, to be clear (if redundant), it would be useful to save and name a report page with associated view, date range and filters. Then be able subsequently to pull it up by name.

    For example, I'm tracking expenses for my daughter's wedding. The expenses are tagged, so that's easy. But the expenses run over from last year through today. I have to manually type in the custom date range every time. Oh, so hard! :-)

    So that's another suggestion, I guess: give a preset in the report date range selector for "all time", similar to "last year" and "this year".

    also it would be handy to have an option for "today" in the custom date range dialog end date field, if that makes sense. or maybe just make that the default, if that would be easier. seems like a pretty likely choice. combined with an option or default value of "the beginning of time" for the start date field might have a similar effect to an "all time" date range.


  • habrams99
    habrams99 Member

    I would also like to be able to save reports with specific filters that I find useful

  • Dan-in-Virginia
    Dan-in-Virginia Member ✭✭✭

    The filtering capability is powerful, but it must be manually configured every time a user selects "transactions".

    If I choose "filter" and "accounts" and then manually select all the accounts I manage, and specify the last two weeks (or whatever time frame), I would want to name this as a short name or phrase that I can select as the second step after selecting transactions.

    Make this powerful feature easier to routinely use.

  • Please add my vote!

  • weefo
    weefo Member

    It would be nice to save filter criteria on mobile so you can easily view related transactions. for example. I would like to quickly see any transactions that are…


    This is my action list to review. It would be very helpful to have this saved as a report or saved filter so the list was just a click away!

  • pst
    pst Member ✭✭✭

    With two clicks, I should be able, from the Transactions view, to get to my favorite filter set, e.g.:

    • Show all transactions that haven't been reviewed
    • Show all transactions with this set of tags

    Two clicks because first click would be to drop down the list of saved filters, second click to select the one I want to use now.

  • RockLee
    RockLee Member ✭✭✭✭

    It's unfortunate that the transaction page does not honor the URL parameters…. all the filter settings for the page are specified in the URL. Theoretically it should work that I could just bookmark the transaction page with a given filter, and use that to recall a transaction listing with the filter. But, when using the URL it goes to the transaction page, but does not apply the parameters, seems like an easy solution!

  • As a daily simplifi user I would like to save the filters I use daily for organizing my transactions, and be able to apply them with one click so that I can painlessly and regularly review my transactions.

    When a user has added several filters, give them the ability to save the filter set.

    When saving, the user should be able to name the saved filter set.

    Saved filter sets should be shown next to the transaction search window.

    When a user clicks on a saved filter set, it should apply those filters, and the saved filter button should change to its selected state.

    A user should be able to delete and rename their saved filters.

  • We should be able to create default report settings so that the report will automatically start with our default settings (i.e. if we want to default to a spending report which shows spending by category which compares spending per month over the past three months)

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭
    edited January 4

    Check out this feature request that looks like what you need. Vote for it.

    It is better to vote on existing requests as the requests with more votes are more likely to be considered.

    [removed link to merged thread]

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

    Minter 2014-2023

    Questionable Excel before 2014 to present

  • This is super-important as I have a couple of categories that I never want to be considered "spend" - whenever I do ANY kind of reporting on my categories, I always want those filtered out. Since I can't mark categories as "don't include" in the category setup window, I heavily use filters to see my "actual" spending. Saved filters would be huge.

  • Added my vote. Yes this needs to happen. Being able to save the filter selection would be a major improvement to the best graph in the package!

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭

    I am looking at the savings report in Simplifi and seems redundant now given the net worth report, which could be saved filtered by Savings accounts instead.

    Will love to be able to have saved filters by account type (example Banking) and sub type (example checking) and then be able to have those saved filters to open the report. Now, we can only filter the savings and net worth report by account.

    Needed filters to save and/or make available

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

    Minter 2014-2023

    Questionable Excel before 2014 to present

  • Guffman
    Guffman Member

    Please add my vote for this feature. In summary, give the user the ability to configure a report filter, including time range (e.g., year-to-date, current quarter, last month, this month, etc.) and a subset of accounts, then save the report filter for later use. One or two clicks to render the saved report in a subsequent Simplifi session.

    This would be a great addition to what is already a very good app.

  • DavidB
    DavidB Member ✭✭✭

    Totally agree with this request.

  • Voted up! 👍️

  • TCQY
    TCQY Member

    Instead of having to manually click the Funnel > choose the Filter type > make selections > hit Apply every time I want to filter, it would be helpful to have users be able to save custom filters in a list, where you can open the list and select your saved filter with 1 click.

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭

    Your idea already exists and has about 100 votes. Check it out. With more votes, the changes for consideration rise.

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

    Minter 2014-2023

    Questionable Excel before 2014 to present

  • Please add functionality for saved report templates so we can easily switch to a filtered view that we use often within a report. Love the app keep up the great work!

  • amhopi
    amhopi Member
    edited April 3


    in your dashboard you can choose things like spending, income, over all spending… When you choose these things you select account, category, or tag. This is a great feature, but you cannot save those choices so that you can always see those things on your dashboard. Everytime you back out it resets to all accounts. This makes it worthless if you are trying to manage multiple accounts, with different purposes.

  • SimpliJSHL
    SimpliJSHL Member ✭✭✭

    Being able to save filters / reports would be helpful for me. I have some work-related expenses (which I categorize as such) and would be nice to have a simple way to filter these plus several accounts out from my reports without scrolling through the full list of categories each time.

  • shameed
    shameed Member

    We need the saved filters. It is very understandable that everyone is using similar filters across various reports, and Simplifi forgetting about it as soon as you switch the report is very annoying. At the least it should remember the last filter on Categories for example across all the reports.