Missing IRA accounts with Vanguard (edited)

I know about Fidelity account not being added. I have a similar issue with Vanguard accounts.
New Simplifi user. 25 year Quicken desktop user.
@swiederin, thanks for reaching out!
I'm sorry to hear of your trouble with connecting your Vanguard and Fidelity accounts in Quicken Simplifi. To clarify, is the issue with Fidelity occurring with an IRA account? If so, we have an Alert here that can be followed for updates on that known issue (I'm assuming this is the known issue you're referring to):
As for Vanguard, are you currently connected to Vanguard in Quicken Simplifi and you're unable to connect just one of your accounts? Or is this your first time connecting to Vanguard in Quicken Simplifi? If the former, is the missing account a recently opened account or is it an account you've had connected in Quicken Simplifi prior but it just started experiencing a problem? And what type of account is it that you're trying to add?
The more details you can provide will allow the Community to best assist you!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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I recently added Vanguard accounts to Simplifi. To date, only 3 of the 6 account were added…..it looks like the Roth accounts are missing.
New Simplifi user. 25 year Quicken desktop user.
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@swiederin, thanks for confirming the issue!
I'm wondering if we're experiencing the same problem with IRA accounts at Vanguard as we are with Fidelity and E*Trade. I don't see it listed as a known issue for Vanguard, however, so we can certainly escalate it to our service provider to see what they say. To do so, we'd need the following information:
- Has there been any activity in the account in the last 90 days?
- Is the account considered an external account (i.e. are you redirected to a different website when selecting the account on the bank's website?)
- Is the account a subtype of a different account?
- Has the bank made any recent changes to its website or sign-in process?
- The name of the account, as it appears on the bank's website.
- A screenshot of the Accounts Summary page from the bank's website (the page that lists all accounts and balances - feel free to redact any private info) and has a wide enough scope to show the page URL (this must be taken from a web browser and not a mobile browser).
If you prefer to share any of this info privately, please feel free to send me a DM here in the Community. Much appreciated!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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I can confirm that Vanguard accounts are not working for me either. I have been a user since September 27th, and I have not been able to connect my Vanguard Roth IRA Brokerage Account to Quicken Simplifi. Every time I try, it simply says "All accounts have already been added", which is false, because no Vanguard accounts are ever added.
There has been activity in the last 90 days
It's not an external account
They may have made changes to their website
The account name is Roth IRA Brokerage Account
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My Vanguard Roth IRA also is not showing up
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Both Vanguard and Fidelity Roth's are missing. Their regular IRA's in both are connected.
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I am having the issue with my Vanguard Roth IRA. My 401K seems fine. When I click on the roth IRA for more info it does seem to update the $ value, but the dashboard summary shows $0. The accounts page shows only this account as disconnected. Other Retirement accounts are fine.
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@NightWatchman, thank you! I went to get an escalation submitted for you, however, it doesn't look like you've tried the option listed as just "Vanguard" in Quicken Simplifi — can you give this option a try and let us know how it goes, please?
@BrandonL, @BuzzC, @ChuChu — we'd love to get a few escalations submitted for this. If any of you would like to provide the above-requested info (see here), we can certainly submit it. Can you all also try the various Vanguard options listed in Quicken Simplifi to see if any of them prove successful? Also, @ChuChu, since you have an existing account that's become disconnected due to this issue, if you can provide the name of that account as it appears in Simplifi, it may help narrow things down on our end.
Thanks, everyone!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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Is there a solution to the missing Vanguard and Fidelity accounts? I tried to reconnect to both providers and I received the same results as previously referenced. Is there a recommended procedure to follow to have these accounts added? Start over?
New Simplifi user. 25 year Quicken desktop user.
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I am having the same exact issue - tried both "Vanguard" and "Vanguard - Personal Investors" and am being told "You have already added all your accounts at this bank." (this is my only Vanguard account).
- Yes
- No
- No
- I don't believe they have made any changes to their sign on process or website this year.
- [Name] - Roth IRA Brokerage Account - [Account Number]
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@swiederin and @bill.h, thanks for posting!
For the issue with IRA accounts at Fidelity, we have an Alert available here that can be followed for updates:
As soon as a solution becomes available, we'll be sure to post it on the Alert, so you'll want to bookmark it to be automatically notified of the updates. In the meantime, the accounts will not be able to be added. However, you can track them manually by following the steps here and here!
For the issue with Vanguard, this is still an emerging issue that's being researched. We may end up creating an Alert for this issue as well, however, we haven't reached that point yet. We are still looking to add cases to our escalation ticket (thank you for providing the requested info, @bill.h). Before doing so, though, we need to check the following:
- Has there been any investing activity in the account in the last 90 days; this must be actions such as Buys or Sells and can't be Dividend earnings or Reinvestments.
If there has not been any investing activity in the account, you'll want to contact the bank directly to have them remove the account from dormancy and then try again in Quicken Simplifi. The other thing we'll need for an escalation in addition to the information requested above is logs, which can be sent via the 'Send Feedback' option:
- Log into the Quicken Simplifi Web App.
- Select Profile from the left-hand navigation bar.
- With the Profile menu open, hold down the Option key for Mac or the Alt key for Windows, and then click Send Feedback.
- Leave all boxes checked, add a brief description of the issue, and then click Send.
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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- Has there been any
activity in the account in the last 90 days; this must be actions such as Buys or Sells and can't be Dividend earnings or Reinvestments. YES.
New Simplifi user. 25 year Quicken desktop user.
0 - Has there been any
also having this problem though a bit more information.
I linked my 3 accounts a while ago and they are working fine. Brokerage, Roth IRA, and rollover Ira.
I just tried to link my new wife’s accounts and only her brokerage account shows up. Not her roth ira.
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Hello All,
For anyone experiencing an issue adding their IRA accounts with Vanguard to Quicken Simplifi, please provide the following information:
- Has there been any investing activity in the account in the last 90 days? This must be actions such as Buys or Sells and can't be Dividend earnings or Reinvestments.
- The name of the account(s), as it/they appear on the bank's website.
- If the account(s) were previously connected in Quicken Simplifi, please also provide the name(s) as it/they appear in Quicken Simplifi.
We will also need logs submitted via the 'Send Feedback' option:
- Log into the Quicken Simplifi Web App.
- Select Profile from the left-hand navigation bar.
- With the Profile menu open, hold down the Option key for Mac or the Alt key for Windows, and then click Send Feedback.
- Leave all boxes checked, add a brief description of the issue, and then click Send.
Once we have obtained all of this information, we'll be able to add you to the ticket. Thanks!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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The "Vanguard" and "Vanguard - Personal Investors" options are confusing. Both of them show up with the same URL. Both of them exhibit the same problematic behavior and do not successfully add my Roth IRA account. As far as I can tell, they are both the same thing, with two different names.
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I can confirm that there has been investing activity in my Roth IRA account in the last 90 days, but the account still doesn't get added.
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@NightWatchman, thanks for giving the "Vanguard" option a try!
I can add you to the existing ticket for this issue, however, we will need fresh data of the following information (see my comment here):
- The name of the account(s), as it/they appear on the bank's website.
- If the account(s) were previously connected in Quicken Simplifi, please also provide the name(s) as it/they appear in Quicken Simplifi.
We will also need logs submitted via the 'Send Feedback' option:
- Log into the Quicken Simplifi Web App.
- Select Profile from the left-hand navigation bar.
- With the Profile menu open, hold down the Option key for Mac or the Alt key for Windows, and then click Send Feedback.
- Leave all boxes checked, add a brief description of the issue, and then click Send.
Much appreciated!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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Hello All,
No further examples of this issue are needed, and we now have a Community Alert that can be followed for updates:
We appreciate everyone's patience as we work to resolve this matter!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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When are you going to fix the Vanguard brokerage link problem.
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@jdog129, thanks for reaching out!
Unfortunately, we don't have any further info to provide on the known issue with Vanguard IRA accounts, including an ETA on a fix (it's still being investigated). As soon as any news becomes available, though, we'll be sure to update the Alert right away!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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I am new to Quicken Simplifi, looking for an alternative to Mint to track all my transactions/accounts. After painstakingly logging in and connecting all of my various financial institution accounts, I've noticed that I cannot get my Roth IRA to show up when connecting to Vanguard. My taxable brokerage and traditional IRAs show up as accounts I am able to connect, but my Roth IRA does not. I can't use this product if it's not going to track all of my accounts automatically, if I have manually enter stuff I might as well just use a spreadsheet.
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I am also experiencing this with my Vanguard Roth IRA (which is my only Vanguard account)
I was also not able to add a Fidelity HSA account (but was able to add a 401K and individual account through the same Fidelity login). Hoping these are temporary issues, Mint also had temporary sync issues that would resolve themselves within a day or two.Edit: Turns out its a known issue:
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Hi, has there been any progress with Vanguard?
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Can also confirm that I have recent investment activities in my Vanguard Roth IRA account, but it is missing. Interestingly, my traditional IRA account is not missing, even though my traditional does not have activities within the past 90 days.
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Can confirm this is still an issue on November 4th as a new user. I'm receiving a "You have already added all your accounts at this bank" message when adding the account, but none show up on the dashboard for me.
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Same. @Coach Natalie – is there an estimated fix date or time range for the fix? I just transitioned all of my accounts / budgets from Mint.com, and was hoping to use Simplifi, but won't be able to if this persists for much longer. Would appreciate any insight that you might have.
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Hello All,
As soon as any news becomes available for the ongoing issues with Vanguard, we'll be sure to post an update on the Alert accordingly.
Thanks for your patience as we work to resolve this!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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same here with the Roth IRA
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New user to Simplifi trying to import Vanguard as well. Trad IRA and Brokerage show up fine however Roth IRA does not show.
- No investing activity in past 30 days (last activity 9/20/23)
- <My Name> — Roth IRA Brokerage Account — <my account number*>
- Not previously connected.
I've submitted logs as requested via 'Send Feedback'.
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The alert page says the discussion has been closed, and it's not listed on the Known Product Issues screen. Has there been a resolution? I am still having issues…