Missing Federal Student Aid (FSA)

matt00 Member


yay student loans :)

1 votes

In Review · Last Updated

We are working to establish this connection in Simplifi, however, we cannot guarantee that we'll be able to support a requested bank.


  • Coach Tappan
    Coach Tappan Retired Coach ✭✭✭✭

    @matt00 Just to check, are you able to access your account through this link, or is there a separate login for Federal Student Aid?

  • matt00
    matt00 Member

    @Coach Tappan Thanks for the reply!

    when I try to login with that link I get the error, "We are unable to connect to Studentloans gov at this time. Please try again later."

  • Coach Tappan
    Coach Tappan Retired Coach ✭✭✭✭

    @matt00 I've submitted a separate request to add studentaid.gov to our list of supported accounts. The error message from studentloans.gov may be related to widespread outages and slowdowns for a large number of financial institutions going on right now, as detailed in this Alert.