Excluding Accounts From Watchlists

Best Answer
@growe222, thanks for posting!
I went ahead and moved this out of feature requests, as excluding an account from Reports under the Settings menu will automatically exclude it from Watchlists as well, so this ability is already available in Quicken Simplifi. When excluded, you'll still see the transactions in the Transaction Activity of the Watchlist, but they won't be calculated. This is outlined in our support article here.
I tested this personally by creating a Watchlist for "Rent", and then ignoring the checking account that I always pay rent from. These are the before and after shots:
Notice that the transaction still shows, but the Watchlist details zero out. This is the same design for ignored transactions/accounts in the Spending Plan and Reports as well. Is this what you're seeing in Quicken Simplifi? If not, please be sure to outline more specifics as to what exactly you're seeing and what indicates that the excluded transactions are being calculated in the Watchlist so we can get a clear picture of what's going on.
Otherwise, if you're looking for the ability to exclude an account or transaction from just Watchlists without having to exclude it from Reports to do so, please be sure to vote on these existing Idea posts:
I hope this helps!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
Even though I don't have a need for this, I understand the need for this, so I voted. As a work-around, you can create separate accounts for your kids (separate subscriptions) and use the Shared Spaces to switch between viewing your accounts and theirs.
Rob Wilkens1