Cash Transactions - Don't show totals

I come from Mint and use the manual Cash Transactions to track things I buy after going to an ATM. I am hoping to do the same here at Simpilfi.
What I don't want is for those transactions showing up in my dash board as if Cash Transactions is a bank account with its own balance. I just want to keep my cash transactions so I can track payees and categories.
Can simplifi provide a way to make the totals in my Cash Transactions not show? Or is there a better way to track my manual cash transactions?
Best Answer
@esender, the best way to track cash in Quicken Simplifi is to add a manual cash account. However, this account and the balance will be seen in the Accounts List and count toward your net worth.
With that, we do have an existing Idea post requesting the ability to hide any account from the Accounts List that should solve what you're looking for, so I'd definitely suggest voting on it:
I hope this helps!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie