Import Transactions

robert Member ✭✭
edited December 2021 in Feature Requests

There must be some importer for common finance software, especially Quicken. I can imagine most people want to continue with their already existing data, as I also do. I have now about 19 years of data and there's no way I start over.

33 votes

Completed · Last Updated

CSV Import has been implemented


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  • Coach Nicole
    Coach Nicole Administrator, Moderator admin

    Hi @robert -- We're looking into ways to add an import functionality for users who want to be able to import more than 90 days of data from a Financial Institution. However, the ability to import data from another financial software program, such as Quicken, isn't currently on the road map. If we receive enough of a demand for this type of feature, we are more than happy to reconsider! Hopefully, more users will vote! Thank you so much for your feedback :D

  • glenn
    glenn Member

    agree - i have been using mint for many years and would love to see an import feature - makes the formal switchover much easier

  • bowgy4
    bowgy4 Member ✭✭✭✭

    I agree with Glenn and in part with Robert. Not being able to import from Quicken was a huge leap of faith for me when switching to Mint, giving up my Net Worth history since college, but I think that Simplifi and Mint are so similar, it would be a shame to not be able to import the transactions, even if it's just done one account at a time (i.e. I don't really need my store credit card history, but it would be nice to import my banks, retirement accounts, and a couple credit cards or even just be able to enter a manual net worth history.

    Come to think of it, I suppose the net worth history is possible if I just pick an account or two and enter historical adjustment calculations equal to the sum of all my accounts (not going to manually create every transaction).

  • sephorous
    sephorous Member ✭✭

    THIS! Even if I had a create a custom CSV or something for a bulk upload I'd be all over this. I have 10 years worth of info on another platform which I'd be sad to see stranded.

  • Andrew
    Andrew Member ✭✭

    There definitely needs to be a way to import from Quicken. I've been using quicken for years - my data goes back to 2012 - and if I am unable to import that data into Simplifi - I do not see how I can pay for Quicken + Simplifi as I would still need to reference my previous quicken data. This would be a deal breaker for me as i do not want to have multiple locations of where my data is stored.

  • Coach Tappan
    Coach Tappan Retired Coach ✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for all of the comments. In our last meeting with our development team, they told us that adding an import function to Simplifi is one of their top priorities for the next major Simplifi update. Once we have the details on, we'll be posting it here in the Updates from the Product Team discussion!

  • glenn
    glenn Member

    i am a mint user for the past 4 years - would be great to be able to import that as well !

  • An import function should be one of the expected tools in a paid finance app. Here's to them building something well.

  • Coach Tappan
    Coach Tappan Retired Coach ✭✭✭✭

    We appreciate all of your comments If you haven't done so already, make your you "Vote" for this option -- or any other feature suggested in Feedback -- by clicking on the "Up" arrow in the original post:

  • brichardson
    brichardson Member
    edited January 2020

    90 days of history is insufficient, would be nice if the tool could pull all available data from the connected institution AND all the import of data within a specific template format.
  • cgriffin2157
    cgriffin2157 Member ✭✭✭

    I just wanted to add my voice to this idea. I use the Apple Card, which does not support connecting to financial aggregators like Simplifi or Mint. However, they allow you to export CSV files of your statements. Please please add the ability for us to import transactions this way -- that would allow me to finally have a complete picture of my finances! Mint doesn't allow importing so it'd be a great one-up on them.

  • nichodamous
    nichodamous Member ✭✭

    This is absolutely a must-have feature. I have over 5 years of data on and I am very excited for what you offer here, but giving up the 5 years worth of transactions is a VERY hard thing to do.

  • daynefiler
    daynefiler Unconfirmed, Member

    @Coach Tappan Any updates? A top priority from November should be implemented by March 2020

  • daynefiler
    daynefiler Unconfirmed, Member
    Just as another reason to do this -- Apple Card (and I'm sure others) do not allow connection to tools like Simplifi. So going forward, not just backwards, this is a very **NEEDED** feature. Simplifi is not going to be a viable option for me if this is not implemented, especially for a tool I have to pay for.
  • Coach Paco
    Coach Paco Moderator admin

    @daynefiler It is on the road map to be added into Simplifi and will be added in the future but we don't have an eta for when it will be added.

  • sim
    sim Member

    No import of Quicken data is a total deal breaker. You must be targeting users new to
    Software finances. I cant believe there is a sizable market for existing finance software users that are willing to start over. Not me.

  • jeffzacharias
    jeffzacharias Member ✭✭✭✭

    I need to be able to import data from things like my Apple Card since it doesn’t allow direct connection.

  • sephorous
    sephorous Member ✭✭

    Would be great to get some kind of ETA for this. Im still juggling between multiple platforms and this would finally convert me to simplifi.

  • brianv17
    brianv17 Member

    I gave up using Mint as my main credit card no longer allows 3rd party budgeting apps to connect to it. Thus, I am in need of a solution that allows imports (even from csv). I find Quicken too labor intensive and clunky to use on a continuous basis.

    I am hoping that csv import is rolled out soon.

  • vikram
    vikram Member

    i would love this functionality. i have the data, and i always like to compare and see the trends over altleast 2 years. but i cant as i have no ability to import.

    Note that this is again a great functionality to make your product sticky. i use personal capital and stay there as it has my last 5 years of history......(it geared toward retirement so loving simplifi so far and like to use it for day to day expense management!

    Again don forget the motto of keeping things simple....make sure the import process is simple and not super complex ( some food for thought : may be add way to add transactions and dry run them as if they are imported before making them that once can revert if it doent look right)

  • Coach Tappan
    Coach Tappan Retired Coach ✭✭✭✭

    @vikram That's our guiding principle for Simplifi. Users who want more hands-on control of every detail of their finances may find our sister product, Quicken, more to their liking. Especially now, since it includes a free cloud-based component, and a completely overhauled bill payment manager. When we launch Simplifi's import function, it will simple to use, and easy to understand. And fully tested with real data to make sure we've eliminated all the bugs. Keep an eye on this topic for updates. We appreciate your feedback!

  • Lou N.
    Lou N. Member that I have started my trial of Simplifi and found out that I cannot import, I will be cancelling my trial membership and going right back to Mint. I will just stay with Mint for free if it does no more than Simplifi can do in regard to importing. Like some previous user mentioned above, the Apple Card does not connect to anything but will provide an export. Contact me when you add-in the import functionality. I may or may not come back to be a Quicken customer. Good luck with that!

  • Coach Tappan
    Coach Tappan Retired Coach ✭✭✭✭

    @Lou N. I understand your reasons for wanting to cancel your Simplifi trial membership at this time, since the program doesn't yet include a function to import transactions from other programs. Our sister program, Quicken, does have several import options, so you may want to consider it in the future. We will post an announcement here in the Simplifi Community when the import facility becomes available.

  • bowgy4
    bowgy4 Member ✭✭✭✭

    @Coach Tappan Simplifi is the answer to Quicken's poor web experience. Look at the Quicken mobile app reviews over the last 6 months - I wouldn't recommend or wish that on anyone interested in a web-based tool. The desktop software still works alright, but the web components (which is what I think most people here are interested in) are terrible. If the simplifi web and mobile app could replace the Quicken versions, Quicken would be worth using again for the additional depth. What I would be interested in knowing as a user is whether or not the simplfi team is completely siloed from Mint and Quicken. For instance, why aren't the account connection capabilities the same between all three apps? Why are there accounts in Quicken I can't get in Mint and accounts in Mint I can't get in Simplifi and accounts in Mint I can't get in Quicken? Shouldn't all of the account log-in and scraping abilities be the same across the company?

  • Coach Tappan
    Coach Tappan Retired Coach ✭✭✭✭

    @bowgy4 Good questions! As I mentioned in another discussion, we certainly plan to migrate the most successful aspects of Simplifi to the Quicken web module in the near future. As far as Mint is concerned, Quicken, Inc. was sold to by Intuit an outside investment company in 2016, and we've had no connection to Intuit, or Mint, since then.

  • brianv17
    brianv17 Member

    Any update on when this feature will be available? The quote from Nov 2019 below indicates it's a top priority...

    @Coach Tappan said:
    Thanks for all of the comments. In our last meeting with our development team, they told us that adding an import function to Simplifi is one of their top priorities for the next major Simplifi update. Once we have the details on, we'll be posting it here in the Updates from the Product Team discussion!

  • Coach Nicole
    Coach Nicole Administrator, Moderator admin

    Hi all! Our team was hoping to have already the ability to import CSV format by now, but sadly it's been delayed. I want to assure you we're working hard to get this feature introduced and our new goal is to have this available as of next month. We'll update this thread with any new information as we receive it. I'm so sorry for any inconvenience, and I appreciate your patience.

  • No ETA yet?
    This feature is also a dealbreaker for me.
    I am browsing around for the best alternative to Mint.
    I loved so far UIX and how easy was to link my accounts, but I don't want to miss and be able to look back on my expenses.

  • Coach Nicole
    Coach Nicole Administrator, Moderator admin

    We hope to have this function available this month! We'll keep you posted!

  • This gets my vote as well! I'd love particularly to import from YNAB (My current budgeting solution) Unfortunately Capital one is my main credit card, but they have been having issues with Capital one since they changed to Plaid

This discussion has been closed.