Projected Balance

GWS72 Member
edited February 2024 in Projected Cash Flow

Why is a tool so sophisticated as Simplifi can even offer a basic feature such as projected balance? For example, I get paid once a month, I will enter in all my payments and their due dates. However, Simplifi will only show me a running balance of what has currently processed or what is in Pending status in my Checking. It does give you the whole picture of my balance long term. This has been very frustrating to me as Mint did this for FREE, until they switched their service over to Credit Karma, which destroyed it all and it is nothing what I needed. Hence as to why I am using Simplifi. I am familiar with Quicken and when I used that product before switching to Mint, they had that feature, not sure if they still do. I know Simplifi is a Quicken product, so it would only make sense that they would/could offer this basic feature.



  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭

    I understand your frustration as a fellow user with a forced transition. Quicken does have projected cash flow. Also, Simplifi has projected cash flow, but the projections display on a chart, not on the register. One must hover on the chart over the circles to see the projected balance.

    The screen below is accessed for my checking account.

    Does this help?

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

    Minter 2014-2023

    Questionable Excel before 2014 to present

  • GWS72
    GWS72 Member

    Thank you for the response. I am aware of that feature, but it is not the same as displaying a simple Balance Available. Mint had a nice simple feature where you could choose to see your Current Balance or choose to see your Balance Available. That is a much easier format to read than a stock market like flow chart. I do not believe the code that would be involved for Quicken to add this feature would be too much and/or difficult. I also have done some research, and it seems I am not the only one who would like this feature enhancement to be added.

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭

    Your points are noted. @Coach Natalie can you help @GWS72 find the feature request that asks for balance available to be displayed on the account register above a line with future transactions instead of using the projected cash flow chart to find future balances?


    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

    Minter 2014-2023

    Questionable Excel before 2014 to present

  • DannyB
    DannyB Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    I know this isn't what you mean exactly but…

    My projected balance for January after accounting for all planned income and expenses is $694.18.

    Simplifi is set up to make calculations in the Spending Plan rather than having the account register double for both projections and actual balances. Again, I'm thinking this isn't what your looking for but wanted to point out projected balance is provided in Simplifi.

    Simplifi user since 01/22
    Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer
  • Coach Kristina
    Coach Kristina Moderator admin

    Hello @GWS72,

    If I'm understanding correctly, what you're wanting is the ability to toggle the balance displayed in the account register to show the projected balance (which would take reminders/scheduled transactions into account, not just pending and posted transactions), like this sample screenshot from Quicken for Mac?

    If that is correct, then I'm not seeing any existing feature requests for that. The closest I can find is this one, which is wanting to see the projected balance in the headers for on the account list:

    If the above idea is something you'd like to see implemented, then I'd suggest viewing the post and adding your vote. To make a new request for the specific functionality you would like to see added, I would recommend creating an Idea post. You can find directions on doing that here.

    I hope this helps!

    -Coach Kristina

  • EL1234
    EL1234 Member ✭✭✭✭

    I'm fairly sure that when you look at your list of accounts in a sidebar, the amount listed will subtract any pending transactions (but I think not any that are future-dated). While I wish that we had the option to show both amounts (maybe upon hover), maybe this would help you somewhat?

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @UrsulaA, I think the Idea post you're looking for is this one:

    @GWS72, we also have a request for a running balance column here, though this was declined by the product team:

    I hope this helps!

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

  • UrsulaA
    UrsulaA Superuser ✭✭✭✭

    Simplifi User Since Nov 2023

    Minter 2014-2023

    Questionable Excel before 2014 to present

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