Is there a way to recover deleted reminders?

Alex V
Alex V Member
edited March 2024 in Using the Spending Plan

I have a series which created reminders in a spending plan for many months ahead.

When i edited a type of series from bill to subscription all reminders were still in the bill section of a spending plan. Then i deleted reminded in a hope that series will recreate reminder with a correct type but no. It's gone and i don't know how to add it back.

Additionally, there is a visibility bug with Transfer type of series/reminders. When i uncheck checkboxes of "Exclude from spending plan/repots: money in / money out" transfer reminders in a spending plan remain hidden because initially series had those boxes checked. So there is no way to update reminders by editing series. I use it for creditcard payments so i need just one side to be visible in a spending plan.


Best Answers


  • Alex V
    Alex V Member

    I was going to suggest to add button to "recreate reminders" in Series details popup.

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