More hiding options

amhopi Member
edited May 3 in Feedback


I mentioned in the save tag and category Idea, about not resetting the features when you back out of spending / income / or overall spending. Another way to do it is have more advanced hiding features. I like how you can tag things between all your accounts and have them show up in a graph by category, and amount spent!

As of right now you only have two hide features. You could have more, and more pointed hide features. I.E. hide from total spending, Total income, over all spending, or spending plan. With the two hide features you it is kind of a double edged sword. You hide it from something you dont want it to show in, but if you want it to show in other places it is hidden from that as well.

Also I am a custodian on some of my parents accounts. If you could import those accounts and then hide them from everything, and unhide them when you want to check on them, it would be great. They would not even be considered in your net worth or things like that. It would literally hide the account from everywhere. As of right now I had to delete those accounts because they mess with my over all figures.




  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @amhopi, thanks for posting your suggestions to the Community!

    I went ahead and moved this out of Feature Requests, as you want to outline just one suggestion per Idea post in accordance with our guidelines here:

    With that, it sounds like you're looking for the ability to hide any account in Quicken Simplifi as opposed to just 'closed' accounts, which already has a request here:

    When you say "hide features", I'm assuming you're referring to the Exclude From Reports and Exclude From Spending Plan options for transactions and/or accounts — is that correct? If so, what other specific exclude options would you like to see, as your description above sounds like there may be some confusion on how Quicken Simplifi currently works. For example, "total spending", "overall spending" and "spending plan" all sound like the same thing to me, so how do these differ in what you're looking for?

    Please let us know so we can best assist!

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

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