Investing ACTION column and TYPEs

neon45 Member ✭✭✭
edited July 2024 in Feedback

Why can't we sort or search on ACTION ???????????????

Why can't we add TYPEs ???????????

Why can't we have a script to change an "Action" to Payment/deposit?

And, how do we sort for dividends with fields like this? You can't sort on TYPE and you can't sort on Dividend.

This change from TDA to Schwab is a nightmare for tracking and reporting dividends and interest. We are stuck with SHB and an inflexible Simplifi. I know, we should suggest a modification / new feature. Four years later and folks are still waiting. In the age of AI programing it blows me away at how slow Simplifi is to ever respond.

This is a monthly time consuming experience, changing over 60 transactions every month, and over 150 every quarter. Simplifi was suppose to help me with forecasts for estimated taxes. It's falling short.


  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @neon45, thanks for posting your feedback to the Community!

    I don't have any additional insight to provide on this since your last thread that contained this same feedback (click here), but here are the relevant threads to check out in case other users come along and view this one:

    As far as searching the Investment Transaction register using the 'Action' column, I'm able to do this on the Web App. I'm also able to sort the register by the 'Action' column, which is the "Type". Is there a specific error or behavior that occurs when attempting this from your end?

    Please let us know!

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

  • neon45
    neon45 Member ✭✭✭


    "As far as searching the Investment Transaction register using the 'Action' column, I'm able to do this on the Web App. I'm also able to sort the register by the 'Action' column, which is the "Type".'

    True. I can sort under the Action header as well. The problems that arise are under the Description / Category I get a Hodge-podge of dividends, buys, sells, dividends, and CD transactions, etc. So you must use the Search feature to categorize them. But, the transaction dates are nowhere near in date order.

    Frustration rules at the moment. I'm at a loss as to why we can't add Type categories like we can in Categories. None of my current category selections work since the switch from TDA to SHB. And, we can't search under the ACTION tab. Sort, yes, but search, no.

    Unfortunately, Schwab isn't going to change to the way TDA reported, but it would sure be nice if a paid service could give us these options.


  • Coach Kristina
    Coach Kristina Moderator admin

    Thank you for your reply,

    If I'm understanding correctly, the issue is that you can sort by only one column at a time (for instance, you can sort by Action, use search to categorize, but then the dates are not in any logical order)? There is currently an Idea post requesting that functionality:

    One possible work around would be using the tags column to make up for the fact that you can't filter by the Action column. You could assign tags to your transactions that match the action, then filter by the tag.

    If you filter by one tag at a time, then you could sort by date. It's still not ideal, but it would allow you to use the search function to categorize while still keeping your transactions sorted by Date.

    I hope this helps!

    -Coach Kristina

  • neon45
    neon45 Member ✭✭✭

    Thanks Kristina, but, no, this doesn't help. I'm working with investment accounts. I have 8 accounts and I've had 80 transactions so far in June.

    All I want to do is run a Category search for dividends, earned interest, CD interest, etc… I can no longer do this with the Schwab format because the ACTION now comes thru under multiple headings and the new Categories come across more as Descriptions. TDA had everything listed as Payment/Deposit. I can No Longer Search my old Categories in Investments. And, I can not add to ACTION as we can in Categories. We CAN NOT search for investments under ACTIONs either. We can sort, but NOT Search. And, once we have Searched for a TYPE, we can not add up / Total that TYPE.

    In simple terms, I can no longer find out how much I have made in dividends from an individual stock, from all of my stocks, my CD's, or my T Bills.

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @neon45, if you're just using the investment account for transactions as opposed to tracking the holdings in the Investments Portfolio, you might consider changing the account type to a checking account or something along those lines to see if the transactions download in a more suitable format for you.

    Otherwise, I'm not sure what else to suggest at this point. If a feature or functionality doesn't exist in Quicken Simplifi, we'd turn to making a Feature Request or supporting existing requests.

    We apologize for the frustration!

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

  • neon45
    neon45 Member ✭✭✭

    I just got off the phone with the Schwab unit that supports Schwab data to Quicken. It seems Simplifi has changed the way it translates the data with the change from TDA to SHB. All the headers in my paper statements are virtually identical.

    What Simplifi has done, under the Description / Category header is to only populate that column with Descriptions. As a result any new entries CAN NOT be sorted by category!

    The Action column is now the equivalent to the previous Category. The major problem with this is the ACTION column can not be searched or sorted using the FILTER feature. And, we are stuck with pre-selected labels. Further, any sub-category is not show the total dollars.

    The folks that talk to Schwab need to fix this. It's pretty much a fiasco, especially since the programmers won't let us add to Action selections or Filter on Actions. There is no way this is usable to forecast tax estimates, etc.


  • neon45
    neon45 Member ✭✭✭

    Could this thread be added to Known Product Issues ??

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @neon45, thanks for following up!

    Since what you're experiencing isn't a known issue, it won't be listed as such. Instead, as mentioned previously, I'd suggest adding your feedback regarding Investment Transactions here for our product team to review:

    I'd also still suggest voting for the Feature Requests that have been shared with you prior. If you have a suggestion outside of the existing requests, you are welcome to create a new request as well.

    The suggestions that have already been given on this topic are what we have to offer at this time. We apologize for your experience and the frustration with the change from TD Ameritrade to Charles Schwab!

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

This discussion has been closed.