Ability to automatically contribute to Savings Goals [edited] (5 Merged Votes)



  • pwhitt
    pwhitt Member ✭✭

    For me personally I think that savings goals should be tied directly to a Savings Account or multiple accounts. Just set your goal amount and everything is automatic without having to do manual transactions. To me I feel that the purpose for a money management application is for the automation and ease of management with minimal manual input.

  • Bgz
    Bgz Member ✭✭✭✭

    I feel it is important to show a transaction registry or history of all my goal contributions and withdrawal. I hope this is added as well.

  • KDC1996
    KDC1996 Member ✭✭

    I just saw there was the discussion with the product team that Natalie posted on March 26th. How did that discussion go?

    This seems like a rather simple request. I have a transfer from my checking to saving account for a home savings goal. This seems like I should be able to tell Simplifi that this re-occurring transfer should be applied t my savings goal automatically.

  • llamafilm
    llamafilm Member ✭✭

    Please add this feature! Manual entry is way too much work for something so simple.

  • ls there an update on this enhancement request?

  • jtb36
    jtb36 Member

    This would be very helpful. Being able to set a recurring "custom" saving amount in the spending plan and then just have the account balance be tracked against the goal would be much more straightforward than the current version.

  • Its so weird that this most basic piece of functionality is still missing from this software.

  • Flopbot
    Flopbot Superuser, Beta Tester ✭✭✭✭✭

    I really, really want this feature too! However, while we wait, I've found that creating individual SAV accounts for your most critical Savings Goals is a reasonable work around. It completely bypasses the need for Savings Goals altogether. Each SAV account pertains to just one (1) topic - Health, Christmas, B-Days, Emergency, etc. - and any money that finds itself in one of these SAV accounts automatically is designated for that specific purpose. Then, I can create scheduled transfers at the bank and a corresponding Recurring Series in Simplifi. Added bonus, I can use projected balance to see how much will be in the account come Christmas!

    I still have a few Savings Goals, just for more mundane things like computers and small appliances.

    Spreadsheet user since forever.
    Quicken Desktop user since 2014.
    Quicken Simplifi user since 2021.

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    I'm curious of anyone volunteered for those video sessions when they were inquiring about "how this would work". It's clear people want this (I haven't voted one way or the other, because i don't understand how it would work - but it 'sounds like a good idea'). If they did, and it wasn't confidential, did they learn anything from the video interviews about how it might work that might be worth sharing here (i.e. give me a reason to vote for or against a particular implementation).

    Rob Wilkens

  • DannyB
    DannyB Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    Fascinating! I'm pretty sure you have mentioned this before elsewhere, but reading your comment here caused me to wonder a little.

    I have 3 savings accounts I use to save for non-monthly and irregular expenses, and I have an SG set up for each of these accounts. Now I'm wondering if I need the SGs or if I've just created a bit of extra work and complexity.

    Are your corresponding Recurring Series in Simplifi visible in your Spending Plan under Transfers & Credit Card Payments? I'm thinking yes, these recurring transfers are visible reducing your "Income after bills & saving" reflects these transfers.

    The SAV accounts you mention appear to be for recurring flexible expenses, Health, Christmas, B-Days, etc. Do you have SAV accounts for your fixed annual/non-monthly expenses like Property Tax, annual/semi-annual insurance premiums, auto license & registration tags, etc.?

    If so, do you have these expenses set up as recurring series in your Spending Plan assigned to the account they are paid out of?

    When it comes time to spend these funds, i.e. you start buying Christmas presents, how do you manage these expenses as they are paid? if the purchase is made via a credit card to you pay the balance out of the corresponding SAV account directly or move the funds back into checking to cover the charge(s)?

    Simplifi user since 01/22
    Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer