Transaction Rules for automatically excluding/including transactions [edited] (1 Merged Vote)

I'd like the ability to have rules to automatically include/exclude items from the spending plan. For example, I don't want interest or dividends to count towards my spending plan - those should automatically go towards savings/investments. We can create rules to categorize similar-looking transactions, but not to say that particular categories should always be excluded. This would be really helpful!
I would love a way to create a rule that automatically hides transactions in spending plan, based on either a category or tag. Example: I incur several work based expenses on a credit card every month that are reimbursable. I remove them from my spending plan so they don't skew our personal budget/plan, but track them (and my reimbursement checks) via a watchlist. Right now I have to reclass every transaction three times - change the category to work expense, add a reimbursable tag and toggle 'remove from spending plan'. It would be great if I could create a rule that every time I tag something 'reimbursable' it removes it from the spending plan. Thanks!
(PS. I did a search for a similar topic/thread but couldn't find - apologies if this is duplicative.)6 -
Love the Rules feature but I would LOVE one that, when a transaction has a certain payee or certain keyword or something, auto-marks that transaction to be ignored from spending plan and reports. My family uses my personal card for Doordash purchases because it comes with a DashPass feature, but I want to have those transactions ignored. Currently I have to do it manually.3
I would love this to automatically exclude 401K match from my spending plan! Right now it shows up as income but I don't consider any contributions to retirement accounts as disposable income.
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Concur. This is a similar request to being able to "bulk" exclude transactions. Why does Simplifi include every single brokerage sale and purchase in my spending plan?! None of these are part of my monthly spending. Fidelity manages these purchases and sales for me with a preset budget that IS a part of my spending plan already! There are literally hundreds of these that I have to manually exclude from my spending plan every month!
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The new feature to exclude all investment account transactions doesn't get it quite right. I have some cash management in my investment accounts that earns bank interest that I want to count as income (but not in spending plan) and I have some stocks that pay dividends, which I would also like to include as income. The on bank accounts, I have my HSA (Health Savings Account) listed as a savings account, even though it's a mix of a cash account and an investment account, but I want transactions to purchase or sell a mutual fund to be automatically excluded since they're really just moving money around within the account (but generally only 1 side of the transaction shows up so it looks like an expense or income).
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Being able to automatically link certain categories to certain tags would be useful. As an example, I always tag Healthcare categories to the Tax Related tag. There are many more examples where this would be useful.
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Please make it so we can bulk hide transactions!
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Yes, please add in some functionality where a category or tag can be automatically excluded from spending plans or reports.
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+1 for these ideas, we need a bulk way to hide transactions from spending plans!
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Yes, please! In Mint I used to use a tag that was tied to exclusion for a credit card whose usage I split between business and personal use. I need a way to easily exclude the majority of transactions from showing up in my personal accounting. I've also been looking for ways to exclude entire accounts, similar to what has been mentioned above.
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Hi! I came over from Mint and saw you already have a "reimbursable" tag. Great! In mint, it automatically excludes that from equivalent of spending plan, and I expected and hoped for that behavior. While setting up rules for which things get excluded is okay, I would rather not have that feature and just have some magic on "reimbursable" to exclude. Or maybe tags are editable objects with an option to exclude, and reimbursable just comes with that turned on.
In any event, excluding is critical to make budgets work, and I did NOT discover the transaction exclude option without searching for help topics on it. Thanks and hope this helps,
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As a previous Mint user and testing several alternatives I did end up choosing Simplifi. But one feature that is far behind Monarch is Simplifi's rule creation engine. It would be great to be able to create multi-condition rules based on category, tag, payee, etc. For example, set up a rule to re-categorize a particular Payee and then automatically exclude that Payee +Category combination from spending plan and reporting.
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Coming from Mint as well. This feature was super helpful in removing one-time or large ticket items from my week-to-week spending.
Specifically, I'd love to create a 'Hidden' category and automatically have those transactions excluded from Reports and Spending Plans.
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Yes please add this.. coming from Mint and need the ability to exclude a group of marked transactions from reporting.
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Yes, please add this. I have a category I want to track but it's an expense that will only last a couple of months and it's distorting my overall spending plan
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would like to be able to exclude transactions with a specific tag from the spending plan
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+1 how about allowing a category to be excluded from reports?
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I also vote to add this capability. Thanks!
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Exclude transactions by category or payee name please!
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+1 exclude transactions from spending and reports by tag, category and payee, please
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Yeah, I need this. It doesn't make sense to include transactions like investment purchases as spending or income. The reports are worthless. Mint was far better at this. Please add this basic function to exclude certain categories from reports.
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I don't consider Interest Earned as part of my monthly income available for spending, so I'd like to exclude all Interest Earned from my Spending Plan's income section (but keep in my Reports). However, it's time consuming and tedious to individually mark each Interest Earned transaction as "exclude from Spending Plan."
I'm aware that an entire account's transactions can be ignored in Simplifi, but this doesn't solve the problem. Even with my savings account, I have recurring transfers that I track, so I wouldn't want the account excluded. And there's no way I could exclude my checking account.
Please create a global option to automatically exclude all Interest Earned from the Spending Plan's income section (but keep Interest Earned in the Reports).
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I use Greenlight with Chase for my kids’ allowance. When I give them money, it shows up as a transfer from Chase. Simplifi always excludes these from my spending plan and reports. From my perspective, it’s money spent, and I would like to be able to turn off this automatic exclusion for these particular transfers.
I have intentionally not included their accounts in Simplif, so that their transactions aren’t part of my spending plan and reports.
Perhaps if Simplifi doesn’t see both sides of a transfer, it could include it by default. If I could just always include all transfers, I would be ok with letting most of them wash each other out, and it would fix my issue for these.
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@Randy17485 Just to make sure, you do know that you can manually change any transfer so it is included in the Spending Plan.
Also, could you just make a category called something like Kid's Allowance, which makes it an expense for you? And they can show the transfer into Greenlight as Income, which it is for them. I assume that once you give them their "income", you don't keep up with it. Or maybe you can check how they are doing in the app.
If I am confused (or this is no help), let me know. I would like to know more about this app (it sounds like a fantastic thing for kids) and also how you use Simplifi. Thanks.
Quicken Simplifi (Safari & iOS) Since 2021
Quicken Classic (MacOS) Since 20090 -
The ability to treat certain transfers differently already exists. Make a rule in Simplifi and designate the category to be Kids Allowance or something of your choosing. Zelle transactions come down automatically as transfers and I have rules in place to change the treatment to true expense categories.
Simplifi User Since Nov 2023
Minter 2014-2023
Questionable Excel before 2014 to present
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I have done that. It still excludes by default from spending plan and reports.
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That’s what I am doing currently - manually changing them. It would be nice if this manual step wasn’t necessary.
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How does Chase mark the transfer? Could you make a transaction rule to change it to a different category?
Quicken Simplifi (Safari & iOS) Since 2021
Quicken Classic (MacOS) Since 20090 -
Manually changing the transactions also requires unchecking the boxes to exclude from spending plan and reports.
Using a rule bypasses this manual step. The rules work for me.
Simplifi User Since Nov 2023
Minter 2014-2023
Questionable Excel before 2014 to present
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I already have rules that change the name and category for me but do not uncheck the boxes. The unchecking of the boxes is the manual step that I am doing. Unfortunately, there are very few options in the rule configuration; so, I can’t imagine that it’s incorrect. Any other suggestions? Maybe this belongs in bug reports?