Ability to create a transaction from a Reminder (edited)

dougieINFJ Member
edited February 5 in Feature Requests

From the Upcoming section of the transactions screen, add the option to "post" or create a new transaction based on the reminder.

Additionally, when editing the series there should be an option to "post" the transaction automatically for series that are automatically paid, but might not show in the account for a few days.

63 votes

Active · Last Updated


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  • chouser10
    chouser10 Member ✭✭
    Definitely a must have!  The desktop quicken had that ability to place recurring transactions in your register on the pay date. I would like to see a similar feature like this on SIMPLIFI.
  • Jeppedy
    Jeppedy Member
    I have mixed feelings. This *isn't* Quicken, and for the most part, isn't meant to be. So creating transactions in advance of them clearing the bank seems antithetical for Simplifi.
    On the other hand it would make the balance projections much more timely and accurate. 
    I'd likely not use this, opting instead for the paradigm of waiting for it to appear in my register from the source. 
  • carsonreinke
    carsonreinke Member
    edited February 2022
    Option to pre-fill in a transaction to be added manually via an Upcoming transaction to help save time with data entry.  Otherwise, adding a manual transaction requires providing the correct Payee, Category, and linking to an Upcoming transaction.

  • cpence
    cpence Member
    edited June 2022
    For reminders can we get the ability to add a transaction from the reminder.  I would envision this working in a similar fashion as the reminder in Quicken do.  Click Reminder -> Click Enter Transaction -> adjust amount and date as necessary -> click Enter.  Now a transaction has been added to the account from the reminder information.  

    This would be a time savings step when entering payments that need made by ACH like credit card and mortgage payments by not having to enter all the details we set in the reminder and then having to go back and link the reminder to the transaction so that the reminder goes away.

  • For those of us that use manual entry, this would be HUGE. I am new (August 2022) to Simplifi, and am still learning the tricks, but I do think that this would be a super helpful feature to everyone. As I understand it, I create recurring items for the spending plan which creates reminders, and then I still have to manually enter the item manually.
  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is something I'm constantly expecting to be there, and always find out it's not.  So, I instead must manually create and then link a transaction when transaction date arrives (a lot of extra manual work for a recurring reminder).


    Rob Wilkens

  • TommyMac
    TommyMac Member ✭✭✭✭
    It would be great if you could add a transaction as completed from the ellipse on the upcoming scheduled transaction card above the register similar to the "Enter this scheduled transaction" in Quicken. Right now you have to add the new pending transaction, then "Link to existing reoccurring" and scroll through the scheduled transactions to find the one that matches the pending transaction.
  • DannyB
    DannyB Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @TommyMac, in my experience, Simplifi will automatically connect the completed transaction to the recurring scheduled transaction and mark it as Paid in the bills or subscriptions section of the spending plan.  Is this not happening for you?
    Simplifi user since 01/22
    Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer
  • TommyMac
    TommyMac Member ✭✭✭✭
    It will as the transactions are cleared by the bank. My bank doesn't send Pending transactions (at least they're not getting picked up), so I have to wait a few days or over the weekend and usually a day or two into the following week for the transaction to move off the pending list, and it affects the cash flow forecast. If I paid it today, I'd prefer to make it paid right now and know my forward looking cash flow is accurate. I do that by entering the pending transaction manually, then linking it to get it moved off the forecast.
  • DannyB
    DannyB Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭
    Got it.  I hope you don't my asking questions along the way. It helps to hear what others are doing.

    Recurring bills and subscriptions already show up on your cash flow timeline so are the transactions your talking about those that fall into your planned spending categories?  I know there is a bit of discussion about having a way to include planned spending in the cash flow graph.
    Simplifi user since 01/22
    Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions.” ~A.A. Latimer
  • TommyMac
    TommyMac Member ✭✭✭✭
    Yes.  The way I look at my cash day to day is to review the cash flow timeline, this allows me to determine if I can throw a little extra cash at some debt or some other unplanned expense, and it's effect on my future cash flow. I use the snowball method of debt reduction, so for example I have $400 every two weeks going toward a loan, plus the actual planned loan payment. I may not want to wait till the due date, and just pay it today, so I do and enter it today and it's marked pending till it clears. Now, to the cash flow forecast graph, I have the upcoming transaction on the scheduled transaction list due in three days, *and* the pending transaction for that same amount in the register. So until it clears the bank, it counts both debts and throws off the forecast graph unless I link the pending transaction to the upcoming debt today, then it only counts the pending.  
  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin
    Hello @TommyMac,

    Thanks for posting your suggestion to the Community!

    I went ahead and merged your request with a similar request for the ability to create a new transaction based on an upcoming Reminder. We also have another request available here for the ability to mark Reminders as "Paid" in advance that you may be interested in adding your vote and feedback to. 

    I hope this helps!

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

  • jlglasb
    jlglasb Member

    In manual accounts you can create recurring billing or subscription notices. However, since they are manual accounts they will never have auto generated official transactions. Simplify needs to create a button or a function that will allow you instantly post the notice that is in the manual account as a valid transaction. This saves the user from having to reenter all the data that is already listed in the recurring notice. One click of a button and this is auto entered for the user.

  • akreft
    akreft Member

    I have a lot of recurring transactions on my Apple Card which is a manual account. This means I have to enter a transaction manually before I can link it to a reminder of a recurring series. It would be nice if I could create a transaction from the reminder since the reminder itself has all the information to create a transaction. You could add the option in the link reminder to a transaction dialog. Add a Create Transaction or Add Manual Transaction button. Automatically link the manual transaction to the reminder. Thank you.

  • This feature would be extremely helpful for users with banks that don’t send pending transactions. If I want my spending plan to be accurate I currently have to delete the reminder and manually enter in the pending transaction.

    How can I tell that this thread is being seen by the development team and the feature is being planned for a future release? This should be super easy, the functionality is already there we just need a button to apply it to the reminders!

  • I can't believe this feature still hasn't been added. As @bradm5dale said, it seems like it would be so easy to add a button for this and it would really help for any account that requires manual entry.

  • Would like the ability to enter a transaction directly from a reminder/reoccurring transaction similar to how you can in Quicken Classic.

    I track everything manually so instead of creating a transaction, and then linking it to a reminder. Maybe have another button on the reminder to enter/create the transaction as well?

  • EL1234
    EL1234 Member ✭✭✭✭

    I have a recurring cash transaction which I need to enter manually. Currently it's quite a few steps - to enter the account, amount, category, date, set it as cleared, and then the whole set of clicks necessary to connect it to the recurring reminder.

    If there was an option to create a transaction from a reminder (like in the menu shown in @electric_is_fun 's screenshot), I'd hopefully only have to click that, set a date (it could default to today), and the rest would autopopulate for me to just click save. That would save quite a lot of steps.

  • Jim81
    Jim81 Member

    Here’s my vote for creating a transaction from a reminder. Would be really handy for recurring trans in cash account. Also being able to copy/paste or duplicate a transaction would be really useful!

  • MikeM
    MikeM Member

    New to Simplfi and I'm shocked that you can't enter a transaction directly from the "Bills & Payment" section. For example, our country club bill came today. I have a recurring reminder in "Bills & Payments", but all I can do is "link to Transaction". Why can't I "Enter the Transaction" from here? That is basic bill pay functionality in Quicken.

    Ostensibly, in Simplfi, I have to manually enter the transaction or let it download in a few days, then go to "Bills & Payments" and link it.

    That makes no sense! Tell me there's a better way to do this.

    If not, how fast can this functionality be added?

  • How is this not a feature for us manual transaction folks? It would be simple like adding a "post" option instead of making a manual entry and linking it like others have said. I know old school quicken had this function too.

  • SarahBeth
    SarahBeth Member

    Definitely a must have. How is it not here already? For a couple of accounts that will not sync, I have to create the transaction, and sometimes then it won't link, so I have to delete the reminder. Please make this happen, it should be simple.

  • Coach Kristina
    Coach Kristina Moderator admin

    Hello @SarahBeth,

    Thank you for coming to the Community and providing your feedback! Since votes are a key indicator in gauging customer interest in a feature/improvement, please don't forget to add your vote to this thread by clicking the up arrow below the vote count.

    Ideas that get enough votes may be implemented in the future!

    -Coach Kristina

  • After a lengthy chat with an agent, I found this post.

    I'm not sure why this is a novel idea. It was in the original DOS desktop of Quicken and Quickbooks. It's the best way to understand what your cash requirements are. This just needs to do what those softwares already do.

  • SRC54
    SRC54 Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    I upvoted it as I've wanted this for some time. @rskolin You might want to vote for this as well.

    Quicken Simplifi (Safari & iOS) Since 2021
    Quicken Classic (MacOS) Since 2009

  • Arrowhead Adam
    edited September 2024

    How many votes do we need? I'm thinking of switching to [removed]…

  • Kiki1019
    Kiki1019 Member
    edited January 28

    Ability to turn reminder into transaction for manual accounts without having to create the transaction and then link it to an existing recurring reminder. Option can be available in three dot menu.

  • rcr68
    rcr68 Member

    I just switched over from Banktivity to Simplifi and, having gone through a full cycle of bill payments, realized how much I utilized this feature in Banktivity and am not struggling in Simplifi without it. This one seemingly simple feature makes Simplifi much more than just a website showing me my accounts and transactions by also helping me figure out my projected account balances, in real time as I pay my recurring bills, especially those that fluctuate (like credit cards). Since it seems like this may not come to Simplifi, does anyone know if the Quicken Deluxe platform offers this feature?

  • SRC54
    SRC54 Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited March 2

    @rcr68 Yes, Quicken Classic lets you automatically add a reminder as a transaction or you can just click on it and add it to the registry. I am hopeful that Simplifi will add this feature some day. I am surprised that it only has 61 votes though.

    I fear those of us who are rather proactive in adding transactions manually are outnumbered by the ones who use Simplifi as designed so that it downloads the transactions first and then matches them to the reminder/recurring.

    Quicken Simplifi (Safari & iOS) Since 2021
    Quicken Classic (MacOS) Since 2009


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