Savings Goal Contributions to Joint Account
My spouse and I have joint savings accounts where we save for things like emergency fund, vacation, etc. and we both contribute certain amounts per paycheck. I have these accounts connected to my Simplifi but obviously Simplifi only sees them as my accounts. When my spouse contributes to the account, I can hide the transaction from my spending plan and reports, but I still have to add it as a "contribution" in the savings goal to have the actual goal total, which then gets counted as part of my planned contribution that is deducted from my spending plan which is incorrect. Is there any way to hide this from my planned savings goal contributions?
I think I also saw in another discussion that adding automatic savings goal updates when money is transferred was being considered - has this been done yet? It's a little hard to sort through the posts and I don't see anything in Simplifi other than the new ability to actually transfer money using Simplifi.
Hello @Lawnchair,
If I'm understanding correctly, you are wanting to track both your contributions and your spouse's contributions to savings goals, but have only your contributions reflect in the Spending Plan? If that is what you're wanting to do, then maybe the simplest way to do it would be to create 2 separate savings goals for each goal where both of you contribute. That way, you'd be able to exclude the savings goals your spouse contributes to, while still having your own planned contributions show up.
I think the feature request you're referring to is this one:
There are a couple other, somewhat similar requests you may also find interesting:
Please add your vote and a comment if you'd like to see any of features added. Requests that get enough vote may be implemented in the future!
I hope this helps!
-Coach Kristina