Export a single month of transactions but only category totals
I would like to be able to export to Excel a single month of transactions but only get the category totals. I have been doing this by exporting the transactions for a single month and then sorting by category and the then subtotaling in Excel. But then if I want only the subtotals I have to copy each subtotal and paste it in another worksheet one at a time.
Hello @rickhon,
Thanks for posting your suggestion to the Community!
It sounds like what you're looking for would be the ability to download/print/export Reports:
And if you're looking for a Report that includes both income and spending, I'd suggest adding your vote and feedback here:
Please let us know if one or both of these existing Idea posts would meet your needs. If you're specifically looking for the ability to just export transactions with category totals, please explain how your idea differs from what's already offered in Simplifi's Reports, or what's already been requested.
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie