I am seeing "Debitcard Transaction" for some of my PayPal checking account transactions (edited)
This discussion was created from comments split from:
Missing transactions with PayPal Credit Card (edited)
checking to see if there is an update to this. I also have an issue where me PayPal extras Mastercard will only show payments made to the card but no credit card transactions pull in, just payments. I’ve tried both PayPal connections and they both only pull in the PayPal Balance checking account and show nothing for the credit card account. Tried resetting, deleting, adding.
Thoughts or updates?
Thanks so much!
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@Monizrr, thanks for reaching out!
I'm sorry to hear that you're also missing credit card transactions with PayPal in Quicken Simplifi. To clarify, to connect a PayPal credit card account in Quicken Simplifi, you'll need to use the option listed as "PayPal Credit, MasterCard and Crypto". When using this option, are you able to add the credit card account? If so, is the register completely empty or do you see just the payment transactions? Your description above leaves some things open for translation, so I want to be sure I have a handle on what's going on.
Please let us know so we can best assist!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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so, it’s all very strange behavior.
I’ve connected PayPal as PayPal credit, Mastercard, crypto and the regular PayPal connection and both only give me the PayPal checking (PayPal balance) as an option. I’ve attached screenshots. The checking account is using a PayPal business debit card.
I have never seen the credit card account as an option on either connection.Here is where things get strange.
if a pay using PayPal online or in a store (non-card method), the transactions will show as a credit and debit at the same time. If I use the credit card as chip or tap, nothing shows in transactions. All the debit transactions show fine. So… debit transactions and PayPal (non-card) transactions show in the same “checking” PayPal register if that makes sense.0 -
@Monizrr, to clarify, is the credit card account and the regular PayPal checking account listed as separate accounts on the bank's website where you can click on each one separately and see the individual transactions for just that account? If so, I think we should look at this as a missing accounts case, since it sounds like you can't add the credit card account to Simplifi at all.
With that, I do know there has been some discussion around having PayPal credit card accounts connected in Simplifi since some of the transactions end up duplicating, such as here:
Does this sound like what you're experiencing in the checking account that's able to be added?
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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Thanks for getting back to me.
Yes, the PayPal Credit card and PayPal Balance (Checking) are separated online.
I do not have duplicate transactions as debits, however if I use PayPal to check out and it's connected to me credit card it will show a debit transaction and a credit transaction in the PayPal register. So they basically cross themselves out. Imaged attached.
Paypal Debit card transactions show up perfectly fine as it pulls from the PayPal balance (Checking)
If I swipe or tap or enter the PayPal Credit card anywhere online or in person
(Excluding using PayPal to check out), those transactions do not pull in.
So the PayPal register only shows transactions related to Debit and paying with the PayPal.
The PayPal Credit card is a separate register in PayPal and is not connected to the PayPal checking portion. The card is issued through Synchrony bank but can only be accessed through PayPal unfortunately which makes this mess.
I have added a few more screenshots, blocking any details not needed.
The transaction for 171.59 was at B&H online store. I used PayPal to check out. Meaning I did not input my credit card on the site for the transaction, rather PayPal automatically assigns the credit card to charge when checking out using PayPal. The same for the Valve Corp, used online PayPal checkout.
Let me know if that is a bit more clear or need more information.
Thanks so much!
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Thanks for the additional insight, @Monizrr!
I'm still having a hard time determining what's going on or how to approach this. Please provide the following information so we can get a clearer picture of what's going on:
- Since it sounds like the PayPal Checking account is added in Quicken Simplifi, please provide a screenshot of the account register with a wide enough scope to show the balance.
- Provide a comparison screenshot of the same account register from PayPal's website showing the same transactions from the first screenshot, as well as the balance.
- A screenshot of the Accounts Summary page from the bank's website (the page that lists all accounts and balances).
After reviewing your screenshots, it looks like a purchase made with your PayPal Checking account is automatically pulled from the Credit Card account — is that right? Based on my understanding of the information provided, I believe we need to treat this as two different issues: a missing accounts case to report being unable to add the Credit Card account, and a missing transactions case to report the transactions that are missing from the Checking account. But I need to be sure first.
Feel free to DM any of this info to keep it private. Much appreciated!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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@Monizrr, thanks for the screenshots!
When viewing the comparison screenshots between Quicken Simplifi and PayPal for the Checking account, I'm only seeing an Apple $0.99 charge missing — is that right? Or are you missing the third debit for the $40 charge and the $35 charge to Visible Service? It's still unclear which transactions are missing.
Let's do this — since you're experiencing two entirely separate issues with PayPal, let's look at the missing transactions in this thread (I've updated the title accordingly), and I'm going to ask that you create a new thread to report the missing Credit Card account (if you'd like to do so). This will allow us to properly address each item individually, and not have the issues become convoluted.
For this thread, to report the missing transactions in the Checking account, the first thing we'll want to do is switch the account to the option listed as "PayPal" (I see in your screenshot that it's connected to the 'Credit, MasterCard and Crypto' option). Since our PayPal Tips & Tricks (see here) state the following, we need to have the Checking account connected to the correct option to escalate anything for it:
- Checking and Savings accounts will transition to the new connection method in Quicken Simplifi and will need to use the option listed as "PayPal".
- Other accounts, such as Credit Cards, will remain on the regular connection type but need to be connected or transitioned to a specific PayPal instance in Quicken Simplifi listed as "PayPal Credit, MasterCard and Crypto".
To switch the Checking account from "PayPal Credit, MasterCard and Crypto" to just "PayPal", please follow these steps:
- Reset the connection for the account by following steps 1-4 here.
- When the username/password field pops up, click the back arrow to select a new bank.
- Select the "PayPal" option, go through the OAuth API flow to connect to the bank, and then carefully link the account found to your existing Simplifi account by following the steps here.
Once the Checking account is connected to the correct PayPal option, we'll need the following information for a missing transactions escalation:
- The name of the account the transactions are missing from, as it appears in Simplifi (I see this in your screenshot, but we'll need to make sure it's the same).
- The Date, Payee, and Amount of a few example transactions that are currently missing in Quicken Simplifi.
- Confirm whether or not the missing transactions are impacting the balance for the account in Quicken Simplifi.
I will keep an eye out for your new post reporting the missing credit card account and will let you know what info is needed there. I look forward to getting both of these issues addressed for you!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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I was able to create another thread for the missing credit card on the account. Thank you.
I sent you the account name used in Simplifi privately.
I have also changed the "Checking" account to the regular PayPal connection type.
So if you look at the PayPal credit card statement attached it's missing the transactions that don't start with PayPal in the beginning.
All of the transaction beginning with PayPal are the use of "Pay with PayPal" feature that connects to the PayPal credit card but are not swiped.The transactions that are showing places of purchase are the ones that are not pulling in…mostly because we can't get the credit card account pulled into Simplifi. The balance of that is not shown for the same reason.
All PayPal debit card transaction's just say debit card transaction and don't pull the name of the place, so there is a lot of manual editing to get the names right. The PayPal balance is accurate. I hardly keep anything in the balance.
Also, attached is how the PaPal debit card transactions only pull in to Simplifi as "Debitcard Transaction".
Hope that helps!
Thanks again for your help!
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@Monizrr, can you please outline 3-4 example transactions that are currently missing in Quicken Simplifi with the Date, Payee, and Amount? I can share the PDF file, however, we need to provide some specific examples. To narrow things down, what exact transactions are missing from your screenshot of the Quicken Simplifi account register:
We also need to know the name of the PayPal Checking account the transactions are missing from, as it appears in Quicken Simplifi. From one of your prior screenshots, it looks like the account is called "PayPal Account" — is this still true? What I received via DM did not contain this info.
To provide a bit more insight, we need to highlight where and what to look for when escalating these types of cases. For a missing transactions case, they need to know what account the transactions are missing from and what specific missing transactions to look for. Just a few examples usually suffice and allows them to identify the culprit. 🙂
Thanks so much!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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I believe there may be a bit of confusion now that we split this issue out. I apologize as this may be on my part as I work through this. I'm not having an issue with the Debit card transactions pulling in to Simplifi. However, they do all come in as "Debitcard Transaction" named and not as the business name.
This issue I had was the credit card account wasn't pulling in transactions. But in that case, the credit card account itself was not pulling in at all. So for this thread, I do not have missing transactions with my Debit card. Just the names issue.
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@Monizrr, thank you for clarifying the issue, and I'm glad to hear that you're not missing transactions in your PayPal Checking account after all.
Have you looked at the "Appears on your statement as…" info for the 'Debitcard Transactions' in question to see if there is any further info provided there as far as the Payee goes?
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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Good morning,
Yes, I have looked at each of these transactions and all the debit card transactions show the same thing. Screenshot attached.
I have also attached what PayPal's register says the business name should be.
This used to work fine and not sure what happen over the last month or so, but I have to enter in all the details of these transactions of what they are and the names.
I have tried reseting the connection as well.Let me know your thoughts.
Thanks again!
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@Monizrr, thanks for providing screenshots!
Since the "Appears on your statement as…" info also says "Debitcard Transaction", I'm not sure what they'll be able to do, but we can certainly escalate the issue to find out, especially since they used to download correctly. To be clear, these are only transactions where you use your PayPal debit card to purchase something, correct?
To escalate this, please provide the following information:
- The name of the PayPal account the transactions reside in, as it appears in Quicken Simplifi.
- A screenshot of the Transaction Detail window for 2 additional transactions this issue is occurring with (just like your last screenshot from Quicken Simplifi of the first example).
- A screenshot of the same additional example transactions from the bank's website (seeing the details like your last screenshot from the bank is great — we just want to have a couple more examples to provide).
- Can you also provide just one example of how these transactions used to look in Quicken Simplifi prior to the "Debitcard Transaction" issue?
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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Name of the account in Simplifi is "My name - PayPal". I can DM you my name if needed.
Its hard to narrow down on the bank side in a screenshot as I changed most of these manually, but I will try.
I can not give you what they used to look like after removing the PayPal checking account from the PayPal - Credit/Crypto connection and moving it to the other PayPal connection in Simplifi. The transactions on the PayPal checking register in Simplifi show up this way now. But connecting the PayPal checking (Balance) account to PayPal Credit/Crypto pulls in the debit card transactions with the names of the business no problem as seen in my original screenshots.
Let me know if you have another way to try.
[removed screenshot for privacy]
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Well, Doesn't seem like I can from my end. I appreciate the heads up. I'm sure @Coach Natalie can get what is needed and remove it.
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Thanks, @Monizrr!
I have everything I need to escalate this, but I just want to be clear on two points before doing so:
- The reason you stated that the transactions used to download correctly is actually because the PayPal Checking account was linked using the "PayPal Credit, MasterCard and Crypto" option, right? So, as soon as you linked it using the "PayPal" option (which is what we're supposed to use for PayPal Checking accounts), this issue popped up — am I understanding this part correctly?
- The only transactions that download into this account as "Debitcard Transaction" are when you use the actual debit card to make a purchase, correct? All other transactions download into the account as expected?
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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Answer to question 1 is yes. Transactions for my debit card downloaded correctly with PayPal Credit, Mastercard…etc but not with the other PayPal Checking option.
Answer to question 2 is a bit more frustrating on the PayPal side. All debit card transactions pull in when using the debit card, correct. Where it gets a bit confusing is if I use "Pay with PayPal" on a website, it links to my PayPal Extras Mastercard Credit Card, not the Debit card and pulls in those transactions as well…. So now I have transactions on the credit card side for the same thing on the PayPal "Checking" side, ONLY for those Pay with PayPal transactions. I hope that makes some sense. If that needs to be a separate issue, I am OK with that.
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@Monizrr, yes, we want to focus on just the issue at hand, which is that transactions are downloading with the Payee of "Debitcard Transaction" into your PayPal Checking account. For these specific transactions, is it just when using the PayPal debit card that you see this?
For the other issue, I think you're seeing what's been outlined here, which seems to be common behavior for PayPal:
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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correct. Just with debit card transactions
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@Monizrr, thank you!
I have gone ahead and gotten this escalated and will be sure to post back as soon as an update is received. 🙂
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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@Monizrr, thanks for your patience while this issue was being researched!
Sadly, it sounds like PayPal's API provides the data this way, so there's nothing further we can do about the "Debitcard Transaction" issue from our end. We did, however, put in a request with our service provider to have this addressed, though there's no way of knowing how long that will take.
In your case, since you're able to connect the checking account using the "PayPal Credit, MasterCard and Crypto" option, and you stated that the transactions download properly this way, feel free to switch the account back. This option doesn't use the API to connect, so it makes sense why you wouldn't see the issue when using it.
Sorry for not having better news for you!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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@Monizrr, hey again!
Our engineering team has reached back out and they're wondering if the data you're receiving from PayPal is any better now. You might have to (temporarily, if needed) connect the account back to the "PayPal" option to check this if you ended up putting it on the "PayPal Credit, MasterCard and Crypto" option before.
Please let us know how it goes!
-Coach Natalie
-Coach Natalie
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