How to split transactions with rows

ps56k Member ✭✭✭✭
edited December 2023 in Managing Your Transactions

I thought this would be easy - guess not -

I have an existing/cleared transaction -
clicked on Edit - clicked on Split - now entering the lines.
BUT - don't understand the math….
$3,519 - is the gross amount, and the rest should be "deductions" resulting in the $2,922 net -
BUT - can't enter the deductions with a "-"
SO don't even know how or where the $2,922 is getting entered - doesn't appear calculated ?


Best Answers


  • ps56k
    ps56k Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2023

    What I noticed with this Amazon payment transaction -
    As I went thru the Split rows - the top level Amount NEVER changed to reflect the amounts in the rows.
    It was "fixed" - and it seemed like the "last" row touched was responsible for making up any differences in the total math to match the top Amount -…..
    Don't think this is the way the math should work - by keeping the top Amount "fixed",
    and randomly changing the "entered" row Amounts to match - or - keep it fixed, but then do the math in the added rows… we need to see the "difference" somewhere.

    The rows amount changed for the first 2 rows as you cascaded down -
    but then no longer updated as you added a new row…. it only worked for the default 2 rows -
    SO - you have no idea if you are missing rows & amounts to equal the total at the top.

  • RobWilk
    RobWilk Superuser ✭✭✭✭✭

    The only issue I maybe see with the top row being the only one added/subtracted from: Is what happens when the top row is edited (it happens), where would it take the difference from? itself?

    Rob Wilkens

  • ps56k
    ps56k Member ✭✭✭✭

    well - if it all was done correctly - and yes - Splits are complex and difficult to implement -

    The line item rows should total the top number, which is now calculated from the line item rows -
    Also the top level Category should be replaced with a "split" text,
    indicating the line item rows now supersede all single transaction entry data -

    And to your question about changing the top level Amount - this is what should happen -

  • ps56k
    ps56k Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2023

    yeah - that's what I detailed above -
    but doesn't appear to do any math calc against the top Amount -
    AND I was not able to enter and retain a negative number for the deductions -
    even the Help example says they are "negative" but they are displaying as "positive" -

    I also added a last empty line item row $0.0 -
    THAT ROW will now catch any differences in total amounts… vs messing the others -

  • ps56k
    ps56k Member ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2023

    And again - even in your example - what is NEGATIVE and what is POSITIVE -
    How to tell the difference between Paycheck and Taxes - they are ALL displayed as Positive numbers -
    Nothing shows as "-" negative or "red" - as you would expect -

    and the Quicken comparison - either show the line items as "negative" or "red" or both -

    AND - lastly -
    if you EXPORT our single example transaction,
    the appropriate Split "deduction" amounts have a "-" minus sign in the CSV,
    except for the positive $3,519 income related amount.

  • Coach Natalie
    Coach Natalie Administrator, Moderator admin

    @ps56k, it's based on the Category — Income Categories, such as 'Paycheck' will be for a positive amount, and Expense Categories will be for a negative amount. The other way you can input a positive number is by placing a plus (+) sign in front of the amount.

    If you'd like to see a change surrounding this, you're welcome to create an Idea post:

    I hope this helps!

    -Coach Natalie

    -Coach Natalie

  • ps56k
    ps56k Member ✭✭✭✭

    Any suggestions on how to approach applying Splits to previous transactions, downloaded as single line item transaction - but now being modified with the Splits ?

    Was thinking of a Copy/Paste of the Split transaction - but don't see that feature as avail in Semplifi -

  • ps56k
    ps56k Member ✭✭✭✭

    yeah - just ran into this after downloading our bank transactions and then edit one for Splits and now need to go back and change all the other downloaded transactions

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